I Want Ex To Remove My Pics From His Facebook

Should I delete pictures of my ex from my facebook ?

Yes, and you should have awhile ago. It will help you move on as well as letting other people know you're not attached to him anymore.

You say you've used the time to move on, but it seems like you haven't. If you moved on, why do you want to keep those pictures up? They're a reminder to yourself of what you lost as well as showing other people you haven't moved on. If you're calling him several times and e-mailing him asking for closure, I don't think you've moved on.

He can probably sense this. If you harass him with phone calls when he wants space, and then sent him an emotional e-mail (including the bit about knowing someone and then wanting them to disappear is directly about your relationship and personal/emotional), he's going to feel like you're pushing in on his space and maybe even trying to push yourself back into his life.

Delete his pictures, get rid of any reminders you have of him. This might seem harsh, but it honestly seems like you haven't moved on at all. Get some change in your life, whether it be a new haircut, new club, new hobby, etc. It takes a lot of time, but you will eventually move on and forget about him.

Why did my ex-fwb remove our pics from his facebook?

He used to have it there, along with other friends tagged photos. He took the one of us down, but left everything else up. The pic is of us along with a few other people, and we aren't even standing next to each other so it doesnt look as if we're seeing each other anyway.

I don't know why he decided to do that. I haven't spoken to him in months, and the last time we spoke, it was shaky but on amicable terms still. He kind of spazzed out on me when we went out as a group, I ignored him and chatted up with other dudes and he started yelling at me afterwards and told me I made him feel like s**t.

I don't know why this hurts me that he took the pic down, but I don't want to ask and open a can of worms.

Why do you think he did it?

He doesnt have a girlfriend, his status is still single....

Boyfriend wants me to remove pics of ex on Facebook?

My boyfriend of a month didn't like seeing pictures of me and my ex in my old albums on Facebook buried kinda deep. We've been seeing eachother 6 months prior to making it official.

I dated my ex boyfriend for 6 years so I have tons and tons of pictures with him. I told my bf I'm not deleting my pictures because they are memories and even if him and I break up I'm not going to delete pictures of us because those are memories too. If he had pics of his ex on Facebook I'd understand, he doesn't..but honestly I'm curious to see what his exes look like lol.

I asked what bothered him about it. He said it made him uncomfortable to see me and my ex in the old pics.I told my bf I'd change the setting so he doesn't have to look at pics of me and my ex. Basically not delete my pics but also "hide" it from him so he can't see. He knows this so it's not secretive. He agreed. But I think he just agreed because he hates arguing but we continued conversation and things seemed fine.

Am i being wrong for not deleting it? I honestly wouldn't delete our pics if we broke up.

Should I delete my old pictures of me and my ex on Facebook? I am entering a new relationship and feel weird about the pictures.

Yes, those pictures are from a different chapter in your life, respect yourself, him and your relationship by deleting those pictures. You don't want him second guessing your feelings for him. You want to show him that you have truly moved on. Holding on to old memories could mean that you're holding on to old feelings as well depending on his perception. It would be really embarrassing & weird to have pictures of two different men on your fb page… The old and new…

How can I delete my pictures from my ex-boyfriend’s Facebook since I am married to someone else now?

You can’t delete photo’s from your ex boyfriend’s Facebook unless you have the password and access to his Facebook.  You could ask him to remove them, but he has the right to refuse to do this.I think the best option in this situation is to actually ‘report’ each picture that you want removed.  Facebook will then remove them as either spam or offensive material.  Of course your ex boyfriend may appeal, but he will get sick of appealing if you keep reporting each picture.  Then the problem will be solved.

Should I ask my ex bf to delete our pictures?

Sure, you can ask, but it won’t mean he will, at least, not completely. He could delete them online, but he can keep the copies. Unless they’re somewhat scandalous or incriminating, you cannot force him as they are his memories as much as yours. It could be due to something sentimental (like valuing your time together), or just because they’re just souvenirs from great travels you’ve done.There are certain situations wherein one needs to delete stuff in exchange for the peace. Just to illustrate…A guy friend of mine whose long-term relationship with a girl, who happened to be my friend also, ended a few years back. He met someone new after and eventually married that someone within the year. I gave him an unsolicited advice: delete anything that is obviously related to your ex from your account. I was not anti-anyone. Like I said, I was also friends with the ex, but I was just being logical. Prior to my giving the advice, he had told me that his wife always had the tendency to get jealous of the ex. I put myself in his situation and realized that above anything else, I should put my partner's feelings first, even if he has nothing to be jealous about. I was thinking that my marriage, our love, should be more important.With regards the ex, she mentioned being chat-mates with him until he said they shouldn't anymore. She admitted to me that she felt hurt about that when they were not doing anything wrong and how insecure the wife to be jealous like that. (But I also knew that she still had feelings for him although she wasn’t trying to take him back and just wanted to be, at least, friends). I told her that if I were the wife, I would be jealous, too, if my husband were still very chummy with the girl he knew since high school, who was his GF since college, and to whom he almost got married (they really almost did). The ex was the one who had his heart for the longest time, jealousy would be a natural reaction even if one tried to fight it. I asked her, if they were to be in opposite positions, wouldn't she feel jealous, too? She reluctantly said, "I guess so." She has since moved on, at least, that’s what I currently know.

Why would a girl not delete pictures of her ex-boyfriend from her Facebook timeline after break up?

What about the women who had pics of their ex on social media and months later did actually get back with their ex. Having a pic of your ex may mean you moved on or maybe the pics are still up because you haven't moved on. It varies from person to person situation to situation. I have dated women who had pics of their ex on social media and I gave it no thought assumed she moved on. Guess what? She didn’t….. So be careful about assuming she moved on and that its not a potential red flag. I would say its at least worthy of further looking into it if you see pictures of exes. I have 0 pictures of my exes on my social media and guess what not once have I got back with an ex. When you break up its healthy to completely move on no friendship no pictures. Clear the room for a new future with a new partner.

What do I do about a boyfriend who doesn't delete pictures of his ex on Facebook?

I experienced this same thing.  The girl I lived with was holding on to her ex boyfriend in wierd ways that made me uncomfortable and kept me thinking that I was not unique and perhaps even unconsciously compared with a slew of exes. One way of dealing with this is to understand that the person you are with genuinely did love all the people who he or she was previously with.  Develop compassion for him and understand that he may feel like he made mistakes in those relationships that he does not want to repeat.I don't blame you for finding this distasteful.  I would prefer to think that the present romance is more than enough to make all past mistakes moot. Imagine he could go back and do things differently... then he never would have met you, right?If you don't like that, which you don't, you can do two things:1.  Completely smother him with your intense demands that he destroy those pictures.  Make it such a heavy issue that he is aware that you will leave him if he does not do this.2.  Let it go and suffer the unbearable lightness of knowing that you are not unique in his world.Don't sell yourself short.  I will give you a third option that may be more palatable for a real person.3.  Never make any demands of him and leave him anyway.  I'm telling you.  You ask me how to make somebody want you - you need to be different than everybody else.  Being different means taking the third option.  Maintain in your mind this concept:  This guy should only bring gold.I'm not trying to bolster your ego.  I'm saying that if you are looking for romance, you are looking for ROMANCE.  Keep high expectations for yourself, your lovers, and life itself.Personally I like that.  But if he is really a bad-ass, he isn't going to delete pictures just to satisfy you.