I Want To Add Values To An Array In Java But I

How do I add two arrays in Java and initialize the third array with the sum of the two corresponding elements from the two arrays?

Hi,Please find below 2 programs :addition of 1D arrays elements:public class Demo7 {public static void main(String[] args) {int[]a={6,2,3};int b[]={4,5,6};int c[]=new int[a.length];for(int i=0;i<=a.length-1;i++){c[i]=a[i]+b[i]; //ADDING}System.out.println("SUM OF TWO ARRY");for( int j=0;j<=c.length-1;j++){System.out.println(c[j]); //DISPLAYING}}}2) Addition of 2 matrix :public class Demo3 {public static void main(String[] args) {int a[][]={{10,20},{10,20}};int b[][]={{25,20},{45,20}};Addition add=new Addition(a,b);}}class Addition{int add[][]=new int[5][5];Addition(int a[][],int b[][]){for(int i=0;i<=a.length-1;i++){for(int j=0 ;j<=b[i].length-1;j++){add[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j];System.out.print("\t\t"+add[i][j]);}System.out.println();}}}I hope seeing above program you get some idea..!Regards,Shivananda Rai

How to add elements of 2 2D arrays in java?

My program reads 2 files(both are tables of integers) and stores the values in 2 2D arrays. i have to add each int from the first array to the int at the same position in the second array. This is what i have for the method so far:

public static Table addTables( Table atable1,Table atable2){
int [][] a1, a2,aSum;
Table tableSum;
a1 = atable1.get2DimArrayFromTable();
a2 = atable2.get2DimArrayFromTable();
tableSum = new Table(6,5);
aSum = tableSum.get2DimArrayFromTable();

for (int row = 0; row < 6; ++row){

for (int col = 0; col < 5; ++col){
?? aSum =a1[row][col]+a2[row][col];
I want to take each int from a1, add it to the int in a2 at the same position, and put the sum into aSum. i just don't know how to code the addition.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Java Array Points System?

Hey guys, I'm trying to learn Java programming as a pass time and I just had a question determining Arrays. I'm trying to build this game for my son's soccer team and I want to be able to keep track of all the scores.

What my goal is: I want to create an Array that can hold up to 12 integers. Those 12 integers will be considered like "Teams" if you will. When the program starts, I want to be able to select 2 of the Teams in the Array and I want to be able to add a value to them. So if team 1 scored 5 points and team 2 scored 3 points the program will take the greater number and assign +2 for team 1's score and if there is a tie both teams will receive +1 for their scores(I just want to keep track of who has the most points).

I'm learning how to save variables to a text file and open them again but it just the Array that is a little confusing to me.

I've tried to work on this but I can't even think where to start.
Your help is appreciated!

Adding random numbers to an Array in Java?

I'm trying to create an array, and then fill it with numbers that have random values between 0 - 1000. My thought was to use a for loop to add in the numbers randomly; whenever I try to compile, though, it says that it can't find the method add(int) for the last line, "classy.add(index). So, my code right now doesn't work; could someone correct the code, and then tell me why the correct version works, and why mine doesn't?

public class Lab8Array
// an array of type int
private int[] classy;
// an int to keep track of the size of classy
private int counter;
// a random to create the numbers
private Random randomGenerator;

public Lab8Array(int n)
classy = new int[n];
counter = n;
randomGenerator = new Random();

public void fillRandomly()
for(int tracker = 0; tracker < classy.length; tracker++)
int index = randomGenerator.nextInt(1001);

Java coding help with arrays?

I assume they are asking for only this one method, so below is the way i would do it. However, the better way to do it is to have a class and keep the "values" and "alphabets" as class variables and not in the function.
Don't forget to import the relavent classes if you want to test the code.
Also, double check the values, i am not sure 100% if these are the correct ones.

public int computeScore(String word)
// alphabet values
int values[] {1,3,3,4,1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1
// alphabet string
String alphabets="";

// make the alphabet string
for ( char i ='a'; i<='z' ; i++)
alphabets= alphabets + i;

//compute score
int score = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
score = score + values[alphabets.indexOf(
return score;

sorry for bad formatting, YA! keeps messing it up!

What is the concept behind this Java code with arrays and adding to arrays?

This block of code essentially creates an immutable array that has an indefinite size, but it allows for the array size to be modified using some tricks. I'll start by explaining the constructors first, then I'll move to the add method.The two constructors allow the user to either declare a default int array of size 5 or allow the user to overload the default constructor and declare an int array with a custom size, n.The indefinite size part occurs when the user calls the add(int n) method. This method is broken up into two parts: the if statement and the else. The if-block says that if the array is NOT full, then simply add n to it from the parameter that was passed in. The else-block says that if the array IS full, then create a new array called newArray of length size+1. Then copy the elements from myArray into newArray and add the new element n into the last index of newArray. After that, set myArray to be newArray. The garbage collector will then get rid of the old myArray and the new array is the one that remains with one extra element.Essentially it's a trick that allows for immutable arrays to become mutable.

How can I append a number into a java array?

The other answers solve your problem, but I want to note an important difference here: Python lists are not arrays! They are objects with a lot of nice methods. The recommended Java ArrayList is the analogous structure. It's also an object with a lot of nice methods.Java arrays are "primitive" values. They're super-simple, and as such, lack the nice methods of ArrayList. The primitive-nonprimitive distinction does not exist in Python in the same way.What ArrayList is doing under the hood is allocating new, longer arrays whenever its underlying array runs out of space. It allocates these new arrays in a smart way (technically: its method guarantees "amortized linear time" for append) and thus doesn't incur a big performance penalty if used correctly.

How can I create a three dimensional array in java?

In Java, a "multidimensional array" isn't really a multidimensional array; it's an array of arrays. They must all be the same type.

One option would be to use an Object[][][] and store Strings in some elements and Integers in another. This is a really bad idea, though. A much better solution would be to use a proper data structure that actually does what you want — it's almost never a good idea to be directly using true arrays in Java.

It may be that what you're really looking for is something like a Map>, but it's hard to say without knowing what exactly you're trying to do. Can you explain in more detail? What do these Strings and Integers represent?

Is it possible to create an array of objects in Java?

Arrays are capable of storing objects also.For example, we can create an array of Strings which is a reference type variable.…We will use a class Student containing a single instance variable marks. Following is the definition of this class.class Student {
int marks;
An array of objects is created just like an array of primitive type data items in the following way.Student[] studentArray = new Student[7];
…The above statement creates the array which can hold references to seven Student objects. It doesn't create the Student objects themselves.They have to be created separately using the constructor of the Student class.The studentArray contains seven memory spaces in which the address of seven Student objects may be stored. If we try to access the Student objects even before creating them, run time errors would occur.For instance, the following statement throws a NullPointerException during runtime which indicates that studentArray[0] isn't yet pointing to a Student object.studentArray[0].marks = 100;
The Student objects have to be instantiated using the constructor of the Student class and their references should be assigned to the array elements in the following way.studentArray[0] = new Student();
In this way, we create the other Student objects also. If each of the Student objects have to be created using a different constructor, we use a statement similar to the above several times.…However, in this particular case, we may use a for loop since all Student objects are created with the same default constructor.for ( int i=0; istudentArray[i]=new Student();
The above for loop creates seven Student objects and assigns their reference to the array elements. Now, a statement like the following would be valid.studentArray[0].marks=100;
…I hope this helps :)