I Want To Be A Vegetarian

PLZ HELP!!!! I want to be a vegetarian...

Hi, im currently not a vegetarian but i think i wanna be one. I currently do eat meat but i havent for the past few days. I like the taste but after i eat it i feel sooo bad and the picture of someone chopping the head off of the animal stays in my mind. EWWW!!! My mom sayd i shouldnt but she isnt against it or anything cuz she used to be one while she was in medical school or whatever. She said that your hair falls out from it. Is it healthy to be a vegetarian? Also, im 14, 5'6 or something and i weigh 105 so would it make me lose weight? PLZ HELP!!!!!! Is it hard to find stuff to eat and do you normally lose weight from it? Thanx!

I want to be a vegetarian but my parents said no?

1) No, you will most likely lose weight. Vegetarians and vegans are statistically at healthier weights than meat-eaters

2) When I told my parents that I was going to be vegetarian at age 13, they grounded me!!! So, since then, I simply hid it from my family. I've secretly been a vegetarian for 6 years now, and they have no idea. I always try to come up with an excuse to not eat dinner with the family when they're having meat (homework, going out, busy, etc), or just hide the meat/give it to my dog when they're not looking. There are some occasions where I can't get away without eating meat (like Thanksgiving), in which case I eat a tiny bit and get incredibly sick afterwards :( But I'm pretty sure your family isn't as crazy as mine and it won't be horrible to that extent...

3) No, that is not true. Soy is a healthy part of a diet. Vegetarians/vegans/pescatarians are less likely to develop cancer than omnivores/carnivores

4) There are plenty of soy products out there that replace any kind of meat/dairy product out there! Soy chicken nuggets are the best ;)

Good luck!

I want to be a vegetarian?

Well I am so glad that you have decided to be vegetarian, it was the best decision I ever made, you will feel great. Being Vegetarian may or may not help you to lose weight, it depends on how strict a vegetarian you are and how much excercise you do. But there is one thing I must stress-when you turn vegetarian you must eat much more! My friend and I are vegetarian, and her family wanted her to go to a dietrician, and the diatrician told her that you must eat more when you take meat out of your diet. So make sure you are snacking throughout the day.

Being vegetarian means that you will probably get beautiful, clear, smooth skin, so thats a plus!

You need to choose what kind of vegetarian you want to be. Do you want to only cut meat out of your diet, or do you want to take a step further and stop eating jelly lollies which contain gellatin(pig hoof) and chicken flavoured chips(containing animal fat). I personally just cut out the meat part of my diet.

If while your vegetarian you feel sick, nauseous or weak, see a doctor straight away! It doesnt happen very much, but it does happen to some people.

Things that you have to put in your diet if you go vegetarian are:
-Spinnach(gross, but it has iron!)
-tofu!!! (its not so bad)

Vegetarian bacon also tastes sooooo good, i love it! It almost tastes like real bacon but its just made out of soy beans, so thats really yum if you want to try that. Also there is vegetarian sausages,patties etc.
My favourite vegetarian meals would have to be vege lasagna, noodles and tofu(with vegies), vegetarian hamburgers, vegetarian quiche, vegetarian pizza....just look up the recipes on google! Another thing is make sure you drink alot of milk because without eating meat your bones can get weaker, so just make sure your keeping up your protein and iron levels.

Its not that hard, just cut it out of your diet and its as simple as that! Goodluck, i'm so happy that your turning vegetarian! *hi-5* haha (: Well I hope I helped.

I'm 13 and I want to be a vegetarian. Diet help?

This website, run by the Mayo Clinic and has a copy of the vegetarian food pyramid on it. Use it when planing your meals.
Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutrition

Vegetarian Nutrition for Teenagers

I want to be a vegetarian but my parents won't let me :(?

Why dont you try a different approach to it. Instead of using the I dont want to eat animals because of moral reasons, use the fact that meat (all meat) is insanely high in saturated fat which leads to heart disease. And heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. You will have to use proven facts to get your point across, not things that your parents can argue against like the god put animals here for us to eat. (which is stupid as hell by the way) You will need to do some research, but you will find a wealth of information on the subject. Good luck.

Want to be a vegetarian but i LOVE chicken?!?

I was just like you! For years I only ate chicken, until one day I woke up and realized that is not okay. They suffer like all other animals. I ate chicken about everyday, I just liked the taste of it. There are some really great alternatives for you. Morning Star (it's in the frozen aisle with the other frozen foods) and Boca are really great meat substitutes. They have a lot of protein and low fat. I like Morning Star better. As someone who seriously loved the taste of chicken, I don't even remember what it tastes like now. I've only been vegetarian for 3 months and I think that those products are so good that I don't ever crave chicken or anything along those lines. The breaded 'chicken' patties and nuggets are delicious. They also have fake grilled chicken strips that can go in pasta or stir fry. They do taste better when cooked in an over, and a little crispy. I absolutely LOVE Morning Star's corn dogs, by the way!

Anyways, if your mom is vegetarian, I think that she could help you pick out some healthy alternatives. People don't need as much protein as they think they do, and their are healthier ways to get it than eating meat.

If you do stick to chicken, I would at least talk to your parent about getting free-range organic products. It means that the animals were raised in a controlled, but free environment. They are fed a natural diet, have room to roam, and don't have gross things pumped into their systems. They would still have to die for you to eat them, which is sad, but at least they lived a healthy life and were killed humanely.

I want to be a vegetarian, but I love bacon?

What do I do? I hate meat. I love meat seasoning though, but I can put it on vegan foods. How do I get over my love for bacon? will I eventually find the smell and taste bad? Help!!

I want to be a vegetarian for moral reasons, but I don't think I can give up meat. What can I do?

There was no greater carnivore in the world than yours truly. I grew up in Uruguay eating steak (delicious steak from completely organic grass fed cattle), every single day basically. But like you, it always bothered me to be such a meat lover when I'm an animal lover and I believe that eating meat is not ethically right. Eventually, it bothered me enough I made the leap. Now I have no desire to eat meat and I don't feel deprived.My advice to you is don't feel trapped by labels. Who cares if you don't instantly become vegetarian or vegan? Start by reducing your consumption. For example, allow yourself meat when you go out with friends, but not at home. Or on the weekend, but not during the week. You get my point.Meanwhile, research websites with vegetarian recipes. There are many. There are many delicious dishes that are healthy and that you can have fun cooking! You'll discover that plant-based foods are actually richer in flavors and textures than meat. Find a buddy who wants to go veggie with you. Exchange recipes and anecdotes, and create your own mini-support group.Good luck! Your heart is in the right place, and you will become healthier and help the environment too!

I want to be a vegetarian, but I think it won't make a difference because I am just one person. Is this correct?

Just imagine, if everyone thought like that, vegetarianism/veganism would never be a thing. The fact and the matter is you DO make a difference by going vegetarian or even better - vegan. This is one of those rare moments when your knowledge on mathematics becomes useful in your daily life. Take Americans for example: On average, an American consumes 270.7 pounds of meat per person a year and that is just meat, everybody. To see how much of a difference you would make by cutting meat out of your diet let’s look at these numbers:What It Takes To Make A Quarter-Pound HamburgerSource: J.L. Capper, Journal of Animal Science, December, 2011.Credit: Producers: Eliza Barclay, Jessica Stoller-Conrad; Designer: Kevin Uhrmacher/NPRThis means that by stopping comsuming meat, for one year, you will save 7254.76 pounds of grains anf forage, 57171.84 gallons of water, 80668.6 square feet of land and 1121780.8 btus of fossil fuel energy. And most importantly, the biggest difference of all: you’ll reduce unnecessary animal suffering and deaths - more than 800,000 farmed animals are being slaughtered every 7 minutes.These numbers are not insignificant at all, on the contrary, they show us how significant the difference that one can make for this planet and for other beings. The best and insane thing is: We humans don’t need meat to survive, in fact, people who follow a vegetarian/vegan diet can live perfectly well and are even proven to have better state of health.So on that note, I hope this can change your opinion about the subject and motivate you to become, as you wanted to, a vegetarian. Good luck!