I Want To Be Friends But Worth It

Do you want to be friends?

This is probably weird. Idk.
I’m a 28 year old female, live in the Bay Area of California.
I’ve never really had friends, underlying childhood issues. But I feel like it’s affected my life in more then one way.
But I’m at the point in my life where I really want friends. I’ve been dating someone rather seriously for the past year who has plenty of friends and it made me wonder why I’ve never actually be able to create friendships. I’m introverted, socially awkward- perfect recipe for friendship right (insert sarcasm here).
But this whole message may get lost along the way, maybe it’ll get a bunch of negative responses from trolls... or miraculously I’ll find a friend.
I have one friend, but it’s my sister so she doesn’t count, I don’t think.. kinda feel like she’s obligated and feels sorry for me that I can’t make friends.

So.... here goes nothing.

My friend wants to copy my homework?

So my friend wants to copy my chemistry homework. We were given this assignment like last thursday and it's due tomorrow. It's a LOT of problems though (it's balancing chemical reactions). And my friend wants me to take pictures of my work and just send it to her. She keeps saying she understands it but cant concentrate or focus on it or whatever. But to me, I think it's unfair because I spent a long time working on it and it's not fair that she just gets the answers and no work! She said she would buy me starbucks for lunch tomorrow if i give the answers to her, but honestly i don't think that it's worth it. She could've gone to our teacher for help during his office hours but she didn't. And I mean she's a good friend and stuff but still. I already told her I would send her the answers (texting) but Im having second thoughts now. And I asked her to try at least like 10 problems and she was like well...could you still send me the answers? And then like 10 minutes later she asked if I wanted to skype, which means she isn't even trying them! I'm sorry this is so long. I'm just frustrated. Should I let her copy? Should I tell her no, even though I already said yes? What do you think?

I like her but she only wants to be friends?

Okay, so I like this girl a lot. We are complete opposites, she's a total prep and I'm a total loner,(Although I have a lot of friends I mean if I had a clique it would be that). Anyways, I've known her for 2 years, starting my freshman year in highschool on the first day of school, we had science together. We became good friends and talked a lot in class and over the computer, on the phone occasionally, etc. She seemed to have a boyfriend the whole year. Then this year started and it turned out we had geometry together. We continued to talk in class a lot and stuff(I nearly failed the class because of it, and she DID fail the class), I would chat with her if we ran into eachother out of class, but because of our social differences, I don't get to see much of her. Now it's summer and I'm missing her more than ever. I'm in love with her and she knows I like her but she just wants to be friends . She always seems to go for those stupidass jocks that always break her heart.

Please Help

My ex said he wants to be friends, but doesn't talk to me at all?

We brke up the day after Valentine's Day. He said it was because I deserved better, he was holding me back, he didn't think I was happy with him. But he said he wanted to go back to being best friends like before. We never spoke again after that. He told my friend Allie that he really wants to be friends if I would just talk to him, because he said I don't even look at him anymore. But I don't want to be the first one to start communicating.... So what should I do? It's killing me without him, but I don't want to seem weak by texting or talking to him first. I really want him to text me first, but there's no way I can tell him that. There's so much tension between us, it's ridiculous.

Does my best friend not want to be friends anymore?

Okay, I have a very, very best friend that I met 2 years ago. We did everything together. I always went to her house. And we text 24/7. After school she would say Hi and all that. But in march of 2007 she wouldn't text, or call me anymore. Or not invite me over anymore. Everytime I texted her she was never doing anything. And I asked her why she doesn't talk to me anymore she said: because. She wouldn't give a reason. And she gets mad at me, mean, and she cus at me for no reason. I did nothing to her hurt her. Doesa she not want to be friends anymore? she sayu's she is still my friend. But I dont feel that way. Please help me. What should I do? :(

My husband wants to be friends with a woman he had an affair with? he promises that's it. should I stay? or go?

the affairs has been over since feb. He stopped talking to her for a couple of months.. is it worth asking him stop? Or should I just call it quits? He promises its just a friendship and nothing more.. he just needs friends and wants her in his life.. I told him no. but dont want to leave? I am so confused?

Long distance breakup - Still wants to be friends?

Ok. I am currently in a long distance relationship a little over 200 miles away from my boyfriend. I am new up here and am getting involved and searching for the person that I want to become. This is most likely the case with her as well. She probably is just really trying to find new friends and experiment with her life.
She told you this because she needs room to grow. If you love her you'll let her do this and try to support her. However a friendship with an ex is one of the hardest things that you will ever endure because jealous and emotions come into conflict. The best thing for you to do if you can handle it, is to try and find yourself, and test out the waters. She won't know what she's missing until the thing is missing. And of course still call her but save the emotions for a bit. After a couple of months if you still feel the same way about her, let her know that you still love her.
Remember distance makes the heart grow fonder and if you take some time apart it will be so much easier to be friends or even more than that in the long run. Take this from someone whose best friend now, is her ex :) Good Luck and I hope that everything works out for the best with you!