I Want To Be Friends With A Girl Who Happens To Be Mixed But Afraid What My Mom Will Think If She

Im interracial, shy, and i like white girls, i need help?

Whether or not "most white students" find racial jokes funny, you clearly do not, and I would imagine that if you were to speak up and point out the ignorance and meanness behind them some of the very girls you pine for would look at you with admiration.

Eye have pretty good insight into white people, as I have lived amongst them for most of my life. My own two parents, ironically, are both Caucasoids. Both of my nieces are racially mixed but, if pressed, identify themselves as "black"---coool with me---any way you look at it, they are FAMILY.

Sometimes Eye think that the world and all its people would be better off if we all wiggled our toes in the Big Gene Pool so that in years to come all of humanity will be sort of....well, bronze or beige, I guess. Have Mormons take the Hajj on Rosh Hashana while Hindus celebrate Kwanzaa by sitting their babes on Santa's knee. Maybe cut down a bit on all the racial violence. Until then, keep in mind that many wonderful people are shy and should not keep you from being happy and successful. And don't let the Racial Kooks run the world. Hopefully, by engaging them in conversation they will better come to understand and consequently accept you for the intelligent young man you are (that said, watch your spelling and punctuation). Racial intolerance is born of fear and ignorance. Mainly ignorance---lots of white people never really listen to or interact with black people on anything more than a superficial level. You can help crack through the Wall of Stupidity that separates so many of us by keeping your head up and letting your voice be heard, at school and in the world that you will soon graduate into. To that end, check out your school's Journalism Department and get your stuff into print. Art classes. Film class! These are also great ways to meet girls and learn to converse with them in a meaningful way.

If you attend a mainly white school you can erase the doubts of any stone-age white skeptics by excelling in all you do. Yes you can!!

Good luck in all that you do. Spread kindness. We are all in this together.

I have two kids. what will happen if i get 5150ed with my kids?

They will try to find a family member who they can stay with and if there is no family or friend then they will put them in foster care until you are released.. they will nto take them away permanently.... only until you get out of the hospital.

What would happen if my blood and someone elses blood mixed together ?

like for example i had a cut and the other person had a cut and for some reason we touched each others cuts. or someone was bleeding and used a towel to clean themselves up and i had cuts on my hands and picked up the towel that was coverd in blood, would it be different if the blood was dry?

How do I convince my girlfriend's parents for an intercaste marriage? I convinced my parents after fighting for 1 year. Now her parents are saying no and are forcing her to marry another guy. She loves me but doesn’t want to go against her father.

Convince your girlfriend that her parents don’t need any convincing. You are both adults and can decide whom to spend your life with.Your girlfriend’s parents can say no all they want but the point to note is she values her parents approval than you, the love of her life. Instead of standing up for you, she is playing victim to her parents’ emotional blackmail. This will not change after you get married.Why would you want to marry someone who can’t fight for you? What is she afraid of? What is the worst that can happen?They won’t attend the wedding. Won’t pay for the wedding. Will not offer help when she gets pregnant.If that happens, IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Irrespective of what our culture and movies have brainwashed us to believe, it is perfectly fine to have low contact relationships with one’s parents after one grows up.Moreover, your gf’s parents are not your problem. You don’t have to convince them or plead to them. That is your gf’s job.In case your gf understands the above argument and is willing to put you on top of her list of priorities, here’s what she can do:Your gf needs to change her emotional tone in dealing with her parents. she should inform her parents of her decision to marry you and give them the option of either supporting her and being part of your lives OR being butthurt and cut off from your lives.There are only 2 options. There is no middle ground. Her parents cant legally force her to do anything. Involve the authorities if you must.

Why are black girls scared of the rain?

Even my mom, she carries an umbrella with her everywhere when shes not wearing weave.

Is that why there are hardly any female black swimmers?

I was in school one day when it started raining and my black friend refused to step outside until it stopped raining and then all her black girlfriends just stood underneath the shelter looking petrified at the rain. You would think the rain would burn their skin or somin lol.

Girls if you invite a guy to meet your parents what does it mean??

Girls if you invite a guy to meet your parents and family what does it mean exactly? Does it mean she is serious about me?!! I love her and would like to know! I'm confused with her mixed signals >_<