I Want To Help My Friend

What should you do when your friend doesn't want to help you?

Oh, been there, done that! And did it again.I have a tendancy to step in and help and then get stiffed when I need something. Or am so busy helping others, I neglect what I should be doing. (Like answering questions on Quora this morning. Ahem.)I would examine this friendship and think about whether or not you want someone in your life who treats you like that. Obviously you feel used.The other thing is, find out why if you continue to do and do and do while getting nothing in return. (If you do.) Learn from that and keep your relationships on a more or less equal footing.It is nice to do things for others, but if it is not reciprocated, stop and find new friends. I try to remember to not do something for someone if it is not my responsibility to do it, regardless of their hard luck story. Let others handle their own responsibilities. And you handle yours. Favors are fine, but not to the point where you know that you are being used. Or enabling others and neglecting your own responsibilities.

Help for a friend being abused?

I would like to help my friend who is currently being abused by his parents.

My friend is living in Idaho after moving there from Seattle only months ago. His parents have since broken and disregarded his personal property, and have been threatening his cat with violence or neglect if he ever makes a leap to leave the home. He has been beaten as well, and is hoping to leave, but feels caught between a rock and a hard place.

What I want to ask is, is there any way to have a cat that belongs to a person changed in their custody in Idaho, so that you can legally move the cat away from the previous and now null owners without legal consequence? Is there some sort of charity I can have my friend get in touch with who will safely and calmly have him removed from this situation, all while helping his cat? Is there any soft moves I or any helpful person or organization can take that will resolve this without encountering legal action of any kind and saving both the cat and the person in question?

Any advice will be helpful. I m not looking for a concrete path, I m looking for options. I love this person and want them to be safe and happy. Please be considerate.

My best friend has been sad. I want to help her, but I don't know the problem and I want to give her space. What do I do?

It’s hard for people who are so caught up in their own problems to see that others love them. They hurt too much and turn inward. They create isolation. Sometimes they strike out and hurt the ones they love the most or who love them the most. No one expects you to say the perfect thing all the time so if you say something thoughtless, apologize, offer to make amends and move on. If they refuse your true and heartfelt apology, just move on. They are choosing to hold the grudge for whatever reason. If you love this person - you say you are best friends - then let them be angry, ignore anything hurtful they say as part of their problem and just be there. You need not say a thing. Just be there. Bring a tablet or a book and just sit nearby and read. Many times when people hurt they need to be within themselves, but it’s a lonely thing. Your just being there, without even saying a word, is a source of enormous unseen comfort and when they do get the strength or the courage to look up, there you are, ready to support them and listen to them. That’s what friends do. They nurture their friends even when their friends are hurting enough to strike out at them. It’s hard to be the butt of their pain and anger and it’s hard to be ignored but sometimes being a friend means taking one for the team. No one expects you to be the consistent whipping post - at some point even you have to leave a situation where a “friend” is constantly abusing you. But if you believe in the friendship, you can leave on friendly terms for awhile, tell them you will give them space, and that you will check in on them soon and let them know you are there for them. Real friends will allow this kind of love and support to settle in deeper than their pain and eventually recognize what you are doing for them and acknowledge it. It’s noble that you want to be there for your friend - but that doesn’t mean you have to do anything but just that - be there.

How do I help my friend find a guy?

Firstly,Know guys.Before you make a boyfriend, you have to meet some guys.You can try to socialize with people you already know, and you can go out and meet some new people.1.Join clubs, community classes, or activity groups.You can play favorite sports, join clubs, go to classes or attend bible study groups.Find organizations that are aligned with your interests and run well, so you can often see people who share your interests.2.Go to clubs (adult or all-age clubs, see how you like), talk to people you don't know.But be careful and have some common sense.3.Find a online group that appeals to you .It can make a performance interesting BBS, the activity you like, or the multiplayer video game that you find interesting.Secondly,know more about them.When you first meet someone, get to know him before deciding if he can be your next boyfriend.You can't judge a person by their looks.Try to see if they meet your minimum requirements.He interesting?Smart?Good?Decide what is important to you and evaluate these things in the initial chat.If he looks exactly like what you want, he won't be able to look good.Thirdly,make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend.If he already has a girlfriend, don't go after him.This is disrespect for him, yourself and the person he's dating.If you don't want someone to do something like that to you, don't do it to someone else.The next,see what other people think of him.Ask someone what this guy is like.If his friends, especially female friends, seem to be happy to have a relationship with him, that's a good thing.Ask your mutual friends how he is and try to get to know his friends or colleagues.Show your differences.This is especially important if he is the kind of person who wins the day.If you are different, you stand out.Don't do nothing in the crowd, don't reinforce his bad ideas about women.Don't be someone who pursues his looks, be independent, funny and attractive!That means making things slow down and letting him know you.Finally,Look at what you have in common,it’s important to have common interests "so that you can connect with each other", but it's also important to be different "so that you can test each other and broaden your horizons".Chat together and find out what you have in common.You may also try online dating if you have been unlucky in real life dating. It is said that today one in five relationships is made online. You can read some dating service reviews to help you pick up the best dating app/site.

How can you help your friend with a problem he doesn't want to talk about?

If you are saying he had once told you but he doesn't want to talk about further, then do one thing take him to a place and make him feel comfortable  with you by  trying everything  if you really want to help your friend. Tell him how much you care for him and tell this one " You don't say a single word you just listen me then you will decide what would you do..??Only you will care for me, always there for me then  why not I am for you, why..?? If you will not talk about your problem and you are getting hurt and do you know  I can't see you like  this, you make me feel as if  I mean nothing to you. Okay fine. From today onwards you will not talk to me  and will not be there for me even though anything bad happens to me. Because being your friend if  I can't make you happy, can't bring smile in your face, can't help you to solve your problem (that too because of you, you don't want to talk about ) then what kind of friend am I, there is no need me. Its because "A friend in need is a friend indeed." and most importantly  I am a kind of friend who want to be always with you in every odds in your life and help you get rid of those. Okay now you leave me. I am not  fit for you but you are always fit for me. One thing I can do, I can pray for you May GOD solve your problem and keep you happy always. Good bye." If you know the person who is very much closed to your friend, then go to that closed one and talk to him and discuss about your friend's problem. And tell that closed person to  talk to your friend, he may be listen to him. Here  aim is anyhow your friend's problem should be solved.

I want a good friend. I need someone who can help me grow. I want a friend who acts as my teacher me as well. Does such person exist?

Well, there is a difference between a GOOD friend and a TRUE friend. I guess, we all need at least one TRUE friend. And to answer your question, yes, you can definitely find one.The TRUEst friend you will ever get is LIFE itself. You just have to keep yourself open towards failures and learn from it and fight back. It teaches you the best things in your life, just you have to stay positive and be open-minded.So even if you are all alone, don’t worry, LIFE will guide you through your good and tough times ~ Just keep holding on…

Help My Friend Has Epilepsy?

I have a friend who has epilepsy. He has never had a seizure in front of me, but im scared he will. So I want to know what to do if it were to ever happen in front of me. Please help this is really important to me
any aswers will help thanks

My friend is a quitter, or quiter, I want to help her.?

dont worry be happy she will snap out of it