I Want To Hurt This Child What Should I Do

What would you do if someone hurt your child?

Male- They better run fast, because depending on what they did, or were about to do will probably end very badly for the perpetrator. At least cut off their arms, feet and tongue. Pop out their eyes, and cut off their ears just for effect. I would want them to live, just so they could suffer out their days.

Help! I want to hurt my kids!?

We all have been there. Thinking driving down the road and wanting to throw them out the window. Would you do it? No!
But we have those days. You are not a lousy mom, just a tired mom. Do you work out of the home? Or stay home with them? How many children do you have?
I find getting away and getting time for myself helps. I said helps, it is not a cure. I am a stay at home mom. And it does fustrate me that I am yelling all day and being yelled at as well. I wouldn't take this from a boss. You know what I mean? Just take a breath. I have 3, my middle child , who is 5, is very sweet, but boy can she make life miserable. I have found that I have to stick with the discipline even if it is not the best at the time. I make changes the next time. I have done time out, it has taken up to 45 minutes to get her to listen and behave. I can tell you I have been able to get through to her, she has been getting better. You need to get your husband to understand that you ARE NOT CRAZY AND HAVING A BAD DAY. It is not to late, you can change. If you can't change on your own some how get someone to help you. Moms do get tired and worn out!! I have been and will be in the place you are right now. We just have to remember we are in control, we are the parent, and try to be calm and stay consistant with whatever discipline we use.
I hope that some of this will help. I do know what you are going through. Also try to find a MOPS group near you. It is a kind of support group with other moms. Check it out, it may help.

Why do people hurt children?

Someone once said, ‘Because children can’t vote.’Plainly, a lot of it has to do with size and weakness because the parents do not physically abuse their adult friends, and their friends would probably biff them if they attempted verbal or emotional abuse.I expect many of us know, or have heard of, the old-bull young-bull story between young adult males and their fathers/stepfathers when - somewhere around 18 - 20 - they get fed up with Dad’s bullying or beating or whatever, and deck him. And Dad doesn’t do that again. (Though he may do other things.)Some has to do with expectations of children really being adults who plot crying in the night, or just crying, or breaking something, or defying. The toddler is already in a power struggle in a world s/he doesn’t understand yet, a forest of giant legs, trying to have a voice and objecting to being just picked up by the giants and having to go somewhere or have a bath when they were absorbed, playing, taken away from somewhere they were having fun, no acknowledgement or leeway for their feelings.For an abusive parent, this is a real power struggle they have to win - by physical abuse. I’m not sure what it threatens inside them, but it’s a threat.Certainly they have low levels of frustration and high levels of compliance demand.Sometimes the child is forgotten completely in other family dramas. This case happened in our city in the days where, if you didn’t hang up your landline phone, the other person couldn’t ring out: young child has severe and life-threatening asthma attack. Mother can’t ring out for ambulance because brother won’t hang up. She has a screaming fight with him instead of running to a neighbour and asking to use their phone. Child dies.Verbal abuse is used to intimidate, and emotional abuse to whittle down the child’s sense of self even further until they become compliant, quiet, ‘well behaved.’ And damaged for life, which means the parents can, and do, manipulate well into their children’s adulthood.Unless and until the adult child gets fed up and/or seeks therapy. When that happens, adult siblings are threatened what will happen if they behave like that, and comply, even though nothing bad has actually happened to the one who called game over. It’s wishful thinking and magical thinking to believe that if the whole family joins in denouncing the defector and wishing evil on them, the defector will come to a bad end. (I don’t know if my end will be bad, but it’s taking a long time to come, lol.)

Does it hurt children to have unusual names?

Totally depends on the personality of children and how the parents guide them through coping with bullies. To sensitive children, any kind of bully can hurt them and weird name is just one of the reason to make them an obvious target for bullies. Without appropriate guidance, the sensitive ones grow up getting hurt by every single comment on their names even if the person who says it doesn't mean to hurt them. Strong and carefree children don't get hurt easily and sometimes they don't even realize they are bullied for their names. I was one of those.My middle name, Vinh, means eternal. My name, Hang, means Moon Princess. Awesome name right? However, when put together, Vinh Hang means Land of the Deads and I was constantly teased for that when I was in middle school. Kids was yelling “Going to the Land of the Deads (meanings “dying”)” everytime they see me and I was like “Uh, yeah, wanna come?” and was really chilled about that. Eventually everyone just laughed about it and from grade 9 on, no one teased me about my name anymore. When I entered adulthood, people would just comment that I have a very rare name. I would explain to them the real meaning of it and everyone commented on how beautiful it is. Now that I looked back at the time when I was in middle school, if I had reacted negatively towards all the teasing, my life might have been very different. Teasing might have become bully and instead of being friends with everyone in class, I might have gotten isolated for being an agressive weirdo with stupid name.

Do guinea pig bite if so does it hurt to children?

Most guinea pigs do not bite unless provoked but as with any animal, they will bite in defense or if they feel threatened. Also, you run the risk of getting bitten if you separate 2 fighting animals. I have been bitten once in 40 years of raising and 39 years of judging guinea pigs. When I had only been judging a year or so, I was careless with 2 boars who had been fighting at a show the week before the one I was judging and one of them thought I was the other attacking him when I was checking the coat texture over his rump. The bite was quite painful and I probably would have gone and gotten a few stitches if I didn't still have about 80 animals left to judge. So I just got the bleeding stopped, bandaged it up and finished the show.

It is never a good idea for young children to handle pets unsupervised. If your child is gentle, a guinea pig can be a great pet, particularly if you are supervising her when she has the guinea pig out. If she is a more a rambunctious child who is apt to squeeze an animal when holding it, it would be better to wait before getting her a guinea pig (or any other pet that she would play with).

Why do I want to hurt babies and toddlers?

For some reason the idea of inflicting pain, specifically pinching, to a baby brings me satisfaction and the same goes for toddlers. I do not have any children of my own and Im terrified of having any because of having this idea of wanting to hurt them. I don't understand why but ever since I was a toddler myself anytime I saw a baby I would imagine how I could cause them to cry and I would get satisfaction out of it. However, as of late I have found myself daydreaming of this all day and I don't know what I would do if I were left with a child alone. I have never hurt a living thing in my life and I love animals and anyone who as much as yells at a living creature upsets me. I'm terrified to talk to my family and boyfriend about this because I don't want them to push me away and also I'm afraid of going to see a counselor about this because I don't want to be treated as a to-be criminal. Im a 25 years old and as of now I'm very satisfied with my life so I don't know what in the world is wrong with me.