I Want To Install A Brave New World Dlc To A Civilization 5 Gods And Kings Game That I Own.

I want to install a brave new world dlc to a civilization 5 gods and kings game that i own.?

I have a civilisation 5 gods and kings game installed in my pc. Now i wanna install a brave new world dlc to it. Can i do that? Or i have to download the whole game again with the dlc , if i can install the dlc directly then can anybody give me a link to download the dlc file only. It will be a great help if you do.... Please.....

Would the gaming public accept games being sold in versions like "standard" and "high definition"? Standard being the current retail price of $60 and has up to 1080p while the HD being more expensive and having the textures for 2k/4k/8k/etc.

Well no, because you’re paying more money for basically a graphics setting.On PC it would be simply outrageous to go to your settings and want to change the resolution and there would be a popup saying “Please pay 5€ for 1440p or 10€ for 4K”It’s the same for PS4 Pro, you have games that are in 1080p and 4K, it’s just a graphical setting. A paid HD DLC would just feel like a bad decision.Normally games have different editions, that include different DLCs like characters for fighting games or more maps for battlefield or cod but I couldn’t imagine a reasonable justification of having a 1080p version and a 4k version…A game that is published and would ask people who buy the game to actually pay for a feature that is so basic would be quite counter-intuitive for me. To take it to an extreme it’d be like “pay 5€ for having better rain effects” or “pay 5€ for better NPC hair”.So I don’t see the point of asking more money for a feature that should already be in the game.I really think that if a publisher would do such a thing it would just start controversies after controversies and would just give the publisher a very bad reputation.

Have you ever gotten a DLC that was really worth the money?

One of the best DLCs ever.John Marston + Undead + Sawed-off shotgun + Death horse + Army uniform or Cowboy outfit: BADASS AND WORTH IT

Can I use pirated DLC with a legit game?

If you pirate the DLC, you don't even need the main game. It's not actually DLC, it's an expansion, so it already comes with the main game and previous expansion.