I Want To Know When Umrah Visa From Saudi Are Restored As I Want To Perform Umrah In First Week Of

What do you think when Arab charges for Umra and Hajj Visa?

Its a great idea to me to be honest.The “for a second time” rule is a good thing. There are so many countries with people who go for umrah monthly and hajj yearly,my country is definitely one. These people are connected and have money to spend, so they get the visas all the time while there are people who have gathered money to do hajj for the first time. Millions can't go because they are not as connected as those people. So charging for a second entry might just reduce the level at which they go, which gives others a chance to go.The saudi government spend billions of dollars in taking care of the masjids during hajj and millions during umrah periods like the Ramadan time. Its not easy to generate money to pay the workers who work tirelessly to keep the haramaimln neat and organized. Keeping the zamzam area inviting for people to really see the spirituality in the water. Toilets, hotels, etc.Also, beleive it or not, there are people sho go there to perform all sorts of negative things. They steal, prostitute, etc. Those charges will reduce the number of such people going there.They do nothing with the money but create a more befitting environment to just perform the pilgrimage. Its seen every year. There are positive changes every year in the haram.It might not be the answer you are looking for, but its the truth.

What is the significance of the black Kaaba in Mecca for Muslims?

The kabba is a sanctuary symbol of peace on earth, for those who connect with it, not only the Kabba but the masjid surrounding it.It’s a representation (sort of) a (visual spot) for god to connect with since people cannot (see) god this a token or a mark.Every system has a headquarter, or a higher authority to remind people, and this is no different. And that’s where people do pilgrimage as a way of saying we came to for forgiveness, and admit we have done wrong or we ask for strength, and to make amends with others and self, and like s new resolution start s new page in life.

Firstly, a non-muslim will never be able to justify a reason for a visit.Secondly, From my personal experience there is already a rush all the time. The cite is for pilgrim and not for tourist.