I Want To Learn About Programing In Game Development. Any Book Or Guide

Learn Programming Language BASIC?

Hey Guys I am intersted in Computer Programming
I am an absolute beginner at programming.
Some ppl have advised me to start with programming langauge BASIC first.

1. Can anyone give lists books regarding PRACTICAL learning of using prgramming language BASIC for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS???

2. And can you please give me an insight on what this laguage really is, and its uses???


Learning computer languages with games/sandbox programs?


Writing a game is probably not the right way to go about learning a new programming language or paradigm. You should first learn said language or paradigm and once you're familiar with it, start working on the game. Doing it otherwise may cause you to (a) write the game poorly---by the time you've learnt the language you'll realize that you need to rewrite the whole project, thus wasting a lot of time; and (b) learn the language poorly because you may not have the oportunity to get yourself familiar with all the features of the new language.

That said, I will recommend elite books for all of the languages you've mentioned and then link you to a website that deals with game design and development.

The Java Programming Language, 4th ed. This book is co-authored by the creator of Java.
The C++ Programming Language, special ed. This book was written by the creator of C++.
The official Python documentation at (start with the tutorial on that page) is a resource for game development. It has links to books, articles, tutorials, competitions, and all sorts of useful resources.
