I Want To Learn How To Use Commands In Command Prompt. Does Anyone Know A Good Website To Learn

I’m not sure what you mean by this question. Are you asking how to learn programming? If so, here’s my answer:First, start with a good teaching language such as Smalltalk. It is folly to start with an industrial language like Java, Python, JavaScript, C, Swift, etc. Industrial languages carry a lot of baggage that can distract a beginner who should be focussed on learning basic programming concepts, NOT on their starting language’s quirks and oddities.Second, Smalltalk was designed by Alan Kay and his team at Xerox PARC for teaching programming to children. That’s a fine pedigree.Third, Smalltalk is a pure OOP language. It’s objects all the way down. This offers wonderful clarity and consistency which makes it very easy to understand object-oriented programming.Fourth, the language is supremely simple and easy to learn. It only has six reserved words! The complete syntax can fit on a post card.And yet, Smalltalk is unbelievably powerful. Read Why Pharo Might be the Future of Software Development.After you’ve learned Smalltalk programming, picking up subsequent languages like Java, Python and JavaScript is a breeze. That’s because you now have a solid foundation.Here are some great resources:a nice, gentle tutorial — Learn Smalltalk with Prof Stefthe most actively developed Smalltalk — Welcome to Pharo!a free book — Updated Pharo by Examplea Getting Started guide for Pharo —Pharo Quick Starta MOOC (massive open online course) —Live Object Programming in Pharosome great videos — Smalltalk 4 Youa book that I like (not based on Pharo) — Smalltalk by Exampleanother book that I like (not based on Pharo) — Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalksome additional resources — ResourcesThis book (not free) is my favourite for learning how to use Smalltalk for object-oriented programming: Smalltalk, Objects, and Design, by Chamond Liu.I myself have published a whole bunch of Smalltalk tutorials. The latest ones are:Learn How To ProgramTeapot: Web Programming Made EasyHow to use the Pharo DebuggerGood luck.

Honestly I'd avoid learning the old command prompt and focus your attention on PowerShell as it's much more powerful and available everywhere these days. Since your looking for books check out -

How to compile a .cpp file in windows command prompt?

I'm not familiar with dev-c++, but since you say it's an IDE, I would presume that it places the .exe file somewhere, and you can look up and/or configure where that place is.

Once you locate the .exe file, just run it like it was any other command. You can either enter the full path (e.g., C:\users\name\documents\workspace\myprog... or you can set your PATH to include that location, or you can copy the file to a place where you already have a PATH set up.

If you want to compile the program outside of the IDE, then you have to make sure the compiler is on your PATH. A quick search reveals that dev-c++ expects to run with MinGW. You can run the MinGW compiler outside of the IDE, but its "bin" directories (there are two at least) need to be on your PATH.

Assuming you have an XP and it was installed into the usual place, you'd need to add this to the end of your PATH:

If you have Windows 7, the main directory, "C:\MinGW", will be something else. I'm sure you can figure it out.

You can add things to the PATH in the Control Panel -> System icon. Look for "Advanced" features, "Environment Variables".

Once you have MinGW on your PATH, you can open a command window, cd to the directory where your .cpp file is kept, then run the "c++" command:

c++ -o myfile myfile.cpp

That will create a file named "myfile.exe" which you can run like any other command.

There are a whole host of other really neat features in MinGW, including a shell command interpreter and a bunch of UNIX-derived commands. So you'll be able to enter the command, "ls -l" as per UNIX/Linux instead of the "DIR" command familiar to DOS and Windows folks.

Good luck!

If you are using Windows:(Optional) Install Anaconda (or the compact version Miniconda): Installing on WindowsJust type Windows key + “R”:Type cmd on the run windowThe command prompt of windows will startFor test, type conda --version You should see something like: conda 4.2.9It is always good if you are starting to use Anaconda to update all the bundle with: conda update conda or conda update --all or conda update anaconda ( I prefer the last one because it keeps your packages versions synced with the Anaconda official release)(UPDATE!) Now you can just type “Windows Key” and on the search bar write “Anaconda Prompt”If you are using Linux:Just type Ctrl + Alt + “T” (this will work for most of Linux distributions):Open the terminal windowFor test, type conda --version You should see something like: conda 4.2.9It is always good if you are starting to use Anaconda to update all the bundle with: conda update conda or conda update --all or conda update anaconda ( I prefer the last one because it keeps your packages versions synced with the Anaconda official release)You can know more about me on my personal site. Follow me if you would like to receive notifications about answers related to Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Engineering.Always upvote answers that you find useful. Everyone can be wrong so be respectful and polite.

How do you make a macro in command prompt..?

Windows NT includes a powerful DOSKEY utility that allows you to create simple but powerful macros. It even features the ALIASES command. When you enter a command, the shell checks if there's a DOSKEY macro present in memory before checking for internal commands.

Here's the basic syntax for DOSKEY macros. To access all other options, enter DOSKEY /? at the command prompt.

DOSKEY [macroname=[command]]

Let's look at some sample macros.

DOSKEY c=cls

This macro allows you to enter c at the command prompt instead of cls to clear the screen.

DOSKEY d=dir /o /p $*

This macro displays the contents of the folder, listed alphabetically one screen at a time.

You can also run more than one command with a macro. Here's an example:

DOSKEY nd=md $1$Tcd $1

Entering nd myfolder creates a new folder (myfolder) and switches to it. This is basically the same as entering the md myfolder and cd myfolder commands separately.

Once you create your collection of macros, save them to a file. To do so, enter DOSKEY /macros > filename.

You can load them into memory by entering DOSKEY /macrofile=filename. This is especially useful because macros don't persist through the session, meaning they're lost once you close the command prompt. By storing them in a file, you can easily reload them later. If you want to delete a macro from memory, enter DOSKEY macroname =.

Note: macros do have limitations:

1) Their powerful nature can render the command prompt completely inoperable. For instance, you could create macros that have the same names as commands, such as DIR, COPY, and even DOSKEY itself.

2) DOSKEY Macros Must Be Executed from the Command Prompt. It is not possible for a program or batch file to execute a DOSKEY macro. All DOSKEY macros must be executed from the command prompt. For more about this restriction, check out this Microsoft Help and Support page:

How do you create a bat file that opens command prompt (CMD) and types in text?

I will give you 3 basic examples on Windows Command Scripting
Batch file 1:

@echo off
Rem @echo off is always in batch files. It makes it so that the CMD window will not show the command you entered. The @ is a pre-processor. it makes it so that the computer won't say "echo off". and Rem makes it so that I can type a comment without it thinking this is a command
echo Hello World! This is my first working Batch file!
Rem echo makes it so that text can appear on a screen
Rem pause makes it so that it will not close without the user's decision. It looks like this:
Rem Press any key to continue...
Batch file 2

@echo off
set /p fn=Please enter your first number to be multiplied.
Rem this prompts the user for what they want to put into the CMD window, and sets fn(first number) which is your variable (you can change this to whatever you want) to what the user said
set /p sn=Please enter your second number to be multiplied.
set /a product=fn * sn
Rem set indicates that a variable is being produced and the /a indicates its arithmetic, or math. It multiplies fn times sn , the numbers the user put inside.
echo Your result: %product%
Rem This tells the user there product . When you are echoing a variable it ALWAYS HAS TO HAVE THE PERCENTAGE MARKS.
Batch file 3:

@echo off
set /p u=Please enter your username
if %u% == 1 goto correct
Rem This checks if u is 1 and if it is it will go to the block of code named correct. If it is not true, it will continue in the .bat file.
Rem blocks of code are indicated by a colin
echo TOO bad. Your username is incorrect
Rem This will leave the batch file
echo YAY! Username is correct!

How can i delete file through command prompt?

use 'del' command from dos prompt.

example, if you want to delete 1.exe, from command prompt, enter into the directory where 1.exe is located, now run

..:\>del "1.exe"

this will delete 1.exe

even ..:\>del 1.exe will also work the same way, but better use blocks while specifing file name when it contains space...

How is MS-DOS different then Command Prompt?


Back in the good old days MS-DOS was an operating system ... it had all the commands needed to run a computer. It had file manipulating systems ... copy, xcopy, it had things like time and date ... it had its own little scripting language to make batch files. The first version I used did not support hard drives (version 2.02) everything was done on floppies. It did support a tape drive though.

The first versions of MS Windows ran as applications on top of MS-DOS. Those days are gone (and it is just as well) when Windows became the Operating System the batch commands and syntax for the batch language were retained. We old-timers are thankful for small favours. every once in a while it is easy to write a couple lines of code and make the computer do some cool operations.

I think that in one sense MS-DOS is a legacy system -- still useful but perhaps not essential. Although some of the diagnostic things are part of MS-DOS (defrag, chkdsk), but they have been upgraded to reflect the greater power of today's machines.

Hope that helps,
