I Want To Lose 10-15 Pounds

Can I lose 15 pounds in a month?

A DIET IS WHAT YOU EAT....there for we are all on a diet....

You got the change the way you think and feel about food

TRY THIS, and stick to it.

The first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the change.
Results will be in about the same time

Fruits and Veggies

Eat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plants.

Don't eat anything that comes in a can, box or package....
If man made it, don't eat it



Stay away from FAST FOOD

Walk your dog, or walk a friends dog

Don't think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle change

I have lost 25.5 pounds in 2 months, drink lots of water. I usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week....controlled portion....this really works.........

Write down every thing you eat

Take a multi vitamin at night

How can I lose 15 pounds in a week?

Lose 15 pounds in 1 Week with the 5 Bite Diet PlanIf you'd like to lose 15 pounds in only one week and then continue to give up even more weight over over time? That’s what one doctor promises relating to the Dr. Oz Show with a new eating plan that he designed based on his observations on what eating like a gastric surgery patient will assist you to lose weight - but without worrying about the surgery."The secret to losing 15 pounds within a week is eating anything which you want, but just 5 bites meals, ” says Dr. Oz since he introduces his special invitee Dr. Alwin Lewis, the architect of “The 5-Bite Diet” approach. Dr. Lewis tells viewers that his eating plan originates from the 5 articles per meal regimen of gastric go around patients. When he tried the diet plan on himself, and then with his obese and overweight people, he found that both he and they lost a?substantial amount?of weight.THE 5 BITE EATING PLANSo what does a 5 mouthful diet entail? As an case, Dr. Oz and Dr. Lewis showed viewers a selecting of what the meal arrange for one day looks like for someone for a 5 bite diet:Download Your Diet Plan Here

How do I lose 10 pounds a week? I'm a 15-year-old girl that is 200 lbs.

Don’t do it! It’s pretty much impossible, physiologically speaking, and you will probably gain them back sooner than you know. Instead, take up new habits and build a support system for yourself to have accountability and stick to those habits. Introduce them slowly so that you’re not overwhelmed and discouraged.Start by drinking a lot of water and replacing any soft drinks by diet soft drinks. Drink less milk and less juices (unless you make your own juice using fruit and nothing else). Most drinks, even the ones that look healthy, are loaded with sugar, and when you drink a lot of sugar, it turns into fat.Another tip to start: down the road, you’ll want to eat more vegetables and less fatty and sweet foods, but for now, focus on serving sizes. Get one plate of food large enough to feel full, and don’t go for seconds. If you eat enough at meal times, you will be able to reduce snacking, which is super important! I stopped snacking a year ago and I feel so much better now.Making radical changes would be difficult and very hard on your body; take small steps and commit to them! You can do this!

Could I lose about 10-15 pounds in 16 days?

eat less excersize more run or walk for about 25 to 30 mins or run 1 mile and to tone your arms u need to lift a 5 to 15lbs weight do like 50 reps every day for the whole time and drink lots of water no soda u willl do it

What is the best way to lose 15 pounds in 3 months?

Yes. I lost over 30 is six weeks, but it was by sticking to a strict low to no carb diet. The Middle Age Cure to the Middle Age Middle diet.Three protein shakes and a meal per day, grading up to three low carb meals per day in weeks five and six.It isn’t something you want to say on forever. Little or no caffeine, no to little alcohol, and no carbs that you have to cook and no sugars. It is very effective in getting rid of visceral fat, in your insides, particularly on the liver. You will lose pounds and inches.It puts you in ketosis, so that you burn fat for energy rather than carbs and the pounds just melt away so long as you stay on the program.Afterwards you just have to keep from falling back into old habits by forming new ones and sticking to moderation in carb intake.

Im 15 and i want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months how can i achieve my goal?

i want to lose weight for the summer and look good in a bikini.
i want a flatter stomach and want to loose a little off my legs i want firmer more toned legs.
what diet plan would be good for me to reach this goal and what exercises should i do to achive what i want? PLEASE HELP!

How to lose 10-15 pounds fast? 5'5 and 138.8 lbs.?

Find out what your daily caloric need is and cut it in half. There are many sites which offer calculations. I'd suggest going to a few sites to get a good average.

You'd have to work out for at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY. And it has to be a work out that makes you sweat not just a few sit ups and stretches. Personally I love Zumba. You can find work out videos on youtube.

What I've just told you will allow you to lose roughly 2 lbs per week. Although it might not seem that way on the scale because if you're working out, your muscle will be increasing your weight.

For more than 2 lbs a week (and it's not healthy really) eat 1/3 of your caloric need and work out for an hour. You could lose about 4 pounds a week if you can keep that up.

But remember that the more extreme your regiment, the higher chances there are of breaking it and binge eating.

How can I lose 10-15 pounds in a week or two?

You can do so by maintaining diet and a good workout plan. I used this really amazing fitness app called FitnyTech to lose 20 pounds in 1 weeks and 3 days, it lets you create or generate workouts accordingly to your needs and muscular groups you want to develop provided me with a personalized diet planIt is fully customizable and available on all operating systems. It’s one of the app that lets plan your workout, provides you with 100's of exercises, workouts to choose from and in addition to that you can access health reports. Thanks to FitnyTech now one can easily follow their physical progress on their BMI and body fat%, using your body measurements(weight, height etc.) to draw curves of your progression.Along with BMI calculations and analysis it provides you with your daily protein intake and energy requirements.I hope this helpsYou can download it from hereAndroid: FitnyTech - Fit is the New Fashion – Apps on Google PlayiOS:!I am sharing some screenshots. Hope this helps.

I need to lose 10 to 15 pounds fast!?

Oh, Sunshine, you can lose those pounds easily before those 2 months are over:

1. Drink this powerful juice every morning and before going to bed: 18 ounces of Celery, Kale, Cucumber, Carrot, Orange, and Aloe Vera juice--100% natural. Juice them up with a juice extractor, not with a blender.

2. If you skip breakfast you'll NEVER lose pounds and maintain your new weight. But have only 1-2 types of fruits in abundance every morning (and vary them), accompanied with one slice of toasted whole wheat nread (make sure your bread doesn't have a ny fructose of milk derivative).

3. Always eat your raw foods first in any meal--this a rule of thumb!

4. DON'T have dinner or supper!--you're not a car to "gas" at night to be able to operate next day. :) Whatever you eat at night, except for the juice, wil only contribute to increase your weight.

5. Don't drink any liquid with meals. Always drink it 1 hour before or 2 hours after. But drink plenty during the day!

6. Get yourself a Inositol supplement--2,500 mg per day will do it.

7. Eliminate vinegar, coffee, fried foods, refined foods, and milk and cheese until you get your goal fulfilled.

I now this will help you eliminate those extra pounds. It truly works!

God luck! :)