I Want To Lose Heaps Of Weight In A Week

How much weight will I lose by not eating for a week?

I did this once, well I didn’t eat for 10 days. I made sure to keep pretty hydrated and probably excersised about 1–2 hours on average a day. I lost 5kg and I also lost my period. I didn’t notice any other physical changes although when I did start eating normally again (because I didn’t have an eating disorder but a more complicated psychological problem) I gained back all of the weight I lost in about a week, eating normally so about 2000 calories a day because of messing up my metabolism.I wouldn’t recommend doing this as after a few days I stopped feeling normal hunger and instead would get extremely painful cramps and pains in my stomach for around 15 minutes a couple of times a day. I got out of breathe from even walking, was very dizzy all of the time (honestly surprised I didn’t faint)They also wanted to send me into a hospital but luckily I started eating again so avoided being an inpatient. All in all you probably shouldn’t do this but if you do I lost about 5 kg but I don’t know if you would loose a similar amount or not

How much weight do you loose when you are anorexic per week?

i wasnt anorexic but i was bulimic and did fasts (where u eat nothing and only drink water) for days. you lose about a pound a day in the first week or so (all water weight....and muscle) after about 10 days the metabolism slows MAJORLY and the body begins breaking down some fats, but mostly muscle cause that holds more energy and it contains protien. after 3 weeks ur friend will have a loss of fat and muscle and soon will appear much slimmer and possibly bony depending on her original weight. after three weeks i'd guess she's lost 10 pounds, maybe 12ish or 15ish (depending on exercise)

I weigh 329 lbs. i want to lose alot of weight fast and free. Does anyone have home remedies?

Drink lot's of water it helps you lose weight by cleaning out your system. As well go for walks start out with some moderate excercise you dont have to kill yourself to lose weight, I walk everday even in the winter and drink lot's of water, Maybe you can join a gym and most importantly eat healthy. I know that is not always easy but if yo really want this you can do it. It is all about training yourself and really wanting it. I dont eat anything fried at all everything is baked and at home . Eat a lot of foods that are high in fibre it helps to keep you full so you wont be tempted to snack and dont eat big meals at night. If I get a little craving I will have strawberrys or a bowl of cereal .Good lucka nd remember you can do it.

I'm 14 and want to lose a lot of weight, but people keep telling me not to do it the way i am?

try this: its healthy, and it works, it did for me and still does.

exercise- you should exercise 4-6 days a week. To burn fat, jog or run for 20-40 minutes every other day or out of the 4-6 days. To work on toning your stomach and to help eliminate stomach fat, do 10-15 minutes of ab workouts (sit ups, leg lifts, etc). to help tone your legs and abs, do lunges, and to help tone your arms, lift 5-8 pound weights, do push ups. Be sure that during your workout; drink plenty of water before, during, and after. Also its said that its good to eat 30 minutes prior to work out to keep your muscles from breaking down (what’s good to eat is if in between meals, a piece of fruit, or before lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwich is really good)

when you want to loose weight, eating is most important because if you don’t, your metabolism slows down and your body gets worse. Skipping meals is also bad, including breakfast (breakfast speeds your metabolism and helps you loose weight, true!) its also good to snack every 2-3 hours to keep up your metabolism

eating- to eliminate body fat, you need to eliminate your fats and sweets. If you do love chocolate, try eating 2 chocolate covered strawberrys (dark chocolate is better than milk!) or 2 dark chocolate Hershey kisses (according to seventeen mag, you can eat those everyday without hurting your body:)

breakfast- go for honey nut cheerios or any low sugar cereal with a piece of fruit, egg whites with cheese and whole wheat toast, whole grain waffles with yogurt and fruit, eggs on an English muffin.

Lunch- low fat/sodium turkey sandwich (whole wheat bread). Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Tuna sandwich (light on the mayo, though mayo is good) with a cup of fruit or a piece of fruit or some pretzels or graham crackers.

Dinner- fast food? Go for subway or soup. Skip the burgers and fries. Going out to eat? That’s ok in moderation, just don’t go out every day. Have one serving of whatever your mom/dad makes you.

Snacks- go for fruit, graham crackers, yogurt, pretzels, veggies (skip ranch, go for peanut butter) or a handful of nuts.

Drink- try and skip the soft drinks. Waters best.

Good luck and I hope this helps you:)

How do I lose a lot of weight fast? I weigh 135 lbs and I want to be 98 lbs. How long should it take for me to reach this goal? I will do anything, healthy or not.

If you want to lose weight, you probably want this as soon as possible. This can also, if you possess sufficient perseverance.However, you soon get out of crash diets. This form of diets is not for everyone. Many people do not mind or are wrong. This is obviously asking for a jojo effect. But, even with crash diets, you can prevent a jojo effect.In this article you can read how to lose five pounds in a week. Do you really want to lose weight in a week? Read on soon!Five kilos lose weight in a week, that's possible. However, keep in mind that each individual is different. While following a crash diet, you will experience a feeling of hunger on a regular basis. The keeper wins , so it is a matter of persistent.They are always strict diets and often these diets have a completely different dietary pattern than you are used to. When the week of the crash diet is over, it's important that you do not immediately start eating as you always did, because it is likely that lost kills will be added again or maybe even more kilos than before.It's not for nothing that a crash diet may take only a week, but it should be reduced, while your regular diet is slowly rebuilt. Otherwise, this is bad for your body and then it will come up with all sorts of ways to keep as many "reserves" as possible, which means extra kilos.Also you can visit my blog for more information and updated tips!And also try a guide of Healthy

How can I lose 4 kg in 1 week?

I LOST 11 KGS IN 8 DAYS….& I lost 55kgs in 6 months (124kgs to 69kgs)And if I had continued this….this would be the lowest I could get to (Which I had done before)This is me at 75kgs.This is me at 69kgsThe lightest I have ever been in my lifeSo what can I recommend for you to lose weight?(IMPORTANT - CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE EXERCISING!!!)Fasting for 4 days (no food only water). I fasted for 8 days without food.Intermittent Fasting (eating in a 8 hour window)Eating only protein & Green SaladsDrinking Lot of WaterExercising on a Fasting StateBlack CoffeeAerobic & Anaerobic ExercisesCircuit TrainingLong Distance Slow RunningHaving Bath with Cold Water (Ice Cold) 4 to 5 times a daySoaking the Body in Ice Water before sleepingDrinking Cold Water especially at nightNo Sugar, No Carbs, No Milk, No FruitsIf you follow this consistently….You will become from thisTo this…Hope this helps.Loy Machedo