I Want To Lose Weight And Get A Flat Stomach.

How can i get a flat stomach without losing weight?

i really want to have a flater thinner stomach but i cant go on a diet and cant go to the gym due to the fact i have an eating disorder and my mother wont allow more diets since i have been in the hospital twice so how can i get a flatter stomach without losing any weight iam 5 2" and weigh 87 pounds but i still have a lot of fat in my stomach and rather it be more muscular thanks
please no comments on the eating disoreder thanks god bless you

How do I get a flat stomach without losing weight?

I'm not fat ( 5' and 96 pounds ) but my stomach is shaped very roundly. Before I had a baby my stomach was flat. I thought when I lost weight it would go back to how it was, but it didn't. I want it to go back to normal but with out losing weight, what can I do?

How do I get a flat stomach and gain weight at the same time?

The first thing you should know that the fat and muscles are two different things.Fat you can easily get from all the junk food, where as building muscle is an art , it takes it's time and that's the beauty of the body, it makes us stronger by training.Firstly, eat healthy fats like almonds, peanuts, cashews , walnuts etc these are comprised of nutritents ,EAA’s which are required by the body.Second, take ample amount of protein in your diet, like about 0.40–0.50 gram per pound of your body weight.Third, focus on weight training include HIITs in your regime, but don't miss your cardio. Cardio keeps your heart healthy.Fourth, eat about 5–7 meals in a day with a gap of few hours, they increase your metabolism and help you to pack on muscle.Fifth, buy good and genuine sport supplements mainly a mass gainer and BCAAs, supplements should match your body type ( morphology).Additional tip Don't rest much between your workouts and keep your body hydrated.

How to get a flat stomach in a week!?

no carbs part from fruits completely but less of the processed stuff..if u cant resist that then only have a little and in the mornin and make sure its brown (wholemeal)...
bare it for a week ,trust me, ull lose all that water retention that the carbs usually bloats u out with within a week and thats usually between 3-6 kilos depending on weither uv cheated a little or not:)
do 50 crunches (or as many as u can) and then ten full in the morning b4 breakfast
try not eat anything at least 4 hours b4 bed and have 2 spoons of honey just b4 bed so that ur liver burns the fat while your asleep.
within a week ull be teeny and sexy again if ur already fine now:)

Am I able to diet for a flatter stomach (weight loss) and build muscle for bigger glutes?

It is absolutely possible. Even if you are on a reduced calorie consumption plan, you can still build muscle. There are a few things to understand.
1. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. One doesn't turn into the other.
2. When you diet, your body burns stored fat as fuel so you are still feeding your cell what they need.
3. Most people only need about 6 ounces of protein a day. If you are working out, you can eat a little more, but your don't need to power load on protein.
4. It takes time to lose fat and to build muscle, but if your follow a good plan you absolutely can do both. Still, not every person has the same build. Two women who are both lean and toned can have very different glutes, thighs, hip-to-waist ratio, etc.

How do I tone my stomach without losing weight?

Here are some steps to followChoose core exercises that work more muscles than just the abdominals. Perform the plank, bicycle crunches, the bridge and leg lifts. Start out by holding plank and bridge for 30 seconds, 10 bicycle crunches on each side and up to 10 double leg lifts. Instead of going quickly through the exercises, breathe evenly and slowly during each one and concentrate on maintaining proper form throughout the movements.Increase the times you hold each movement, and add repetitions to your routine. As before, focus on holding the proper form, but challenge yourself to move past your previous stopping point. When you can easily perform sets of all the core exercises you’ve chosen, make them more difficult by doing modifications with stability balls. The ball forces the body to focus on balance during each exercise, working core muscles harder and toning muscles faster.Eat a healthy, balanced diet. High-fat and high-cholesterol foods can contribute to both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, and following a healthier diet can help flatten out the midsection. Stick to whole, fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, legumes, fish and low-fat or nonfat dairy. Limit saturated fat, added sugar, cholesterol and trans fat.Add aerobic and cardio exercise to your routine, but limit the time and intensity of your sessions. Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to get rid of excess belly fat, but be aware that aerobics burns more calories than core work does. Stick to ACE's recommendations of three to five 30-minute sessions of aerobics per week. To maintain your current weight, stick to light or moderate aerobic activities and don’t reduce the number of calories that you normally eat each day.Source: How to Get a Flat Stomach Without Losing Weight

I'm female, 16 years old, and 5'3". I want to get a flat stomach, as mine sticks out a fair amount. I also want to get really toned on my stomach. How can I lose weight and tone up in fewer than 7 months?

There's a lot you can do but the most important of all is that you have to be able to commit to the changes you need to make. It will take a disciplined mindset to get you there. I've never particularly had a weight problem but I did have a stomach and wanted to cut down my belly fat so I'll give you some tips that worked for me.Don't buy into any crazy low-calorie diets! Change the quality of calories you consume.A tip from the "Slow-Carb Diet"; consume 30 grams of protein within 30 mins to an hour of waking up every morning. Two egg whites or a can of tuna will approximately get you there. You could also supplement/substitute with whey protein if you desire. Also drink a glass of water first thing on mornings.Increase your overall protein consumption while moderately reducing your carb intake.This can be VERY hard but cut down on "white" foods if you can't completely eliminate them. E.g. White bread, white sugar, white rice, etc.Cut down on processed meats and other processed foods.This all sounds very daunting and you must be wondering what you'll ever eat but please trust that it's possible.For exercise, I could recommend lots of things but without knowing your base conditioning at the moment I'm stabbing in the dark.You can start with a combination of yoga and jogging/running. Play a sport like soccer if you're able to. You should also take up some type of strength training.When you exercise your body will demand more food. Don't take exercise as a license to fill your body with junk food! You'll still need to eat healthy to get results.This is very general but it's a place to start.I will reiterate: you have to stay strong and commit to the change you want. Being committed doesn't mean you have to put yourself through hell. You just have to know when and what to say no to.You could also join an online support community to stay encouraged.Hope this helped some.