I Want To Smoke Cigarettes Because I Feel Like Id Gain More Popularity And People Will Treat Me

Will smoking cannabis help me to quit smoking cigarettes?

I’m keeping this anonymous as employers often Google your name and might be paranoid about cannabis. There still is a prejudgment that every marijuana user resembles “the dude” or “shaggy” and functions as bad as those did. My last cigarette was 9 days ago. The physical rebound went quite okay, but after 3 days I found myself dazed and constantly craving cigs, especially in the morning after my first cup of coffee. It sucks I like coffee a lot ! On occasion I use weed to have a good night of solid sleep, I have somnolent epilepsy and weed is really helpful to re-correct my sleep if I hit a rough patch it also curbs some depression symptoms I get from my anti-epilepsy medication. So the last few days where hell…cravings…feeling unable to concentrate…irritation and a creeping depressed feeling, yesterday evening I used about 30mg of potent weed ( a joint contains 200mg ) Today I had no cravings for cigs, was physically fit, and had better concentration and mood, my reasoning and functioning are not affected due to the low dose. I find that moderate use helps me a LOT. So please start making the difference between indulgence and use…the goal differs the effect of personal and mental health does too. But what about smoking to quit smoking…30mg of weed is about 1/15 of the amount of tobacco in a cigarette. So looking from the tar and carcinogen perspective that’s minor. The act of smoking might be a trigger…but i didn’t had a second of craving while smoking my pipe ( with no tobacco ) So that seems to be relative. For what it’s worth, I don’t want to sound as a weed propagandist.

Why do people complain so much about cigarette smokers?

You don't like it? don't complain about it...yeah it kills, it's killed but that's a persons choice if they want to smoke...we are treated like criminals, I don't even smoke around non smokers or blow the smoke in people's faces because of second hand smoke...yeah it costs us a lot of money, so what? it's our money and we can do what we like with it, we work hard for that money, it's our choice to smoke, just leave us alone?

Now, after writing all this I need a cigarette.

Strep throat + marijuana + cigarettes.. bad idea?

Medically Weed and cigarettes will not impair the antibiotics, because strep throat is a bacterial infection and is completely independent to the smoking.
If you are gonna smoke weed i will assume that you will not be alone. i highly recommend not smoking with other people. I don't know what you mean by "pretty sure" you have strep throat, only a strep test at the doctor can tell you if you have strep. Regardless of what you have, you're sure to spread the bug you got if you puff puff pass.
If you have to share with someone then use a lighter to "sanitize" the pipe or J. toast the end you smoke.

Newports and reds are heavy hitters, if you only smoke occasionally do No. 27's or something lighter. I'd skip the cigs because that will make your throat worse but weed will be worth it.
The throat problem will come and go regardless of what you smoke/drink. You are playing with fire if you are taking antibiotics and you don't know what you got. You may not have the dose to kill the bug and you'll get it even worse cuz you didnt kill it.

Why aren't cigars as addictive as cigarettes?

"The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar." ~Evelyn WaughThey both contain nicotine and deliver it to the bloodstream. But the most important difference between cigars and cigarettes is the mechanism of delivery. Cigars aren't normally really inhaled and cigarettes are. Inhalation is one of the fastest drug delivery systems. The addictiveness of psychoactive drugs increases with the rapidity of the drug delivery system. Possibly the analog nature of inhalation and the efficiency of blood-gas interchange in the lungs can influence the dependence as well. The cigarette can be drawn on harder, the smoke pulled further down into the lungs and held there for a variable period of time to give just the right "fix" to the addict. (I remember this well, it causes a deep visceral memory and I gave up cigarettes years ago).Inhaling a cigar would make it just as addictive as a cigarette. Or more so considering the strength. Anecdotally, when a cigarette smoker, if smoking a cigar, I would have to put it aside to smoke a cigarette periodically. I didn't enjoy it much. Now, cigars are one of my greatest pleasures. But many people who try to replace cigarettes with cigars fail. Usually I see them swallow a lot of smoke from the the cigar, inhale increasing amounts, switch to smaller cigars and smoke them more and more frequently until they either switch to cigarillos or go back to cigarettes. This answer should be confirmed or rebutted by someone with a good understanding of the Biology.Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Principles of Illicit Drug Use and Treatment of Illicit Drug Users

My neighbor says my cigarette smoke enters their apartment. I gently suggested they close their windows and they asked me instead to only smoke inside with my windows closed which I obviously can't do. This is my home. Is this unreasonable?

I am answering this as a smoker who has been in a similar situation. Although I hadn’t realised it, my cigarette smoke was drifting into my neighbours’ apartment, and they protested. Once I was aware of it, I closed my windows whenever I smoked.I don’t understand why you say you obviously can’t do it, because you can. You may prefer not to, but they prefer not to smell your cigarette smoke, especially in their home. Even as a smoker, I don’t enjoy the smell of second hand smoke, though I don’t notice it when I am smoking myself. If I were a non-smoker, it would be intolerable.Edit:I see a lot of comments pointing out that it may be against the rules to smoke in her apartment. She doesn’t say that it is against the rules and the neighbours affected suggest she smokes inside. To me this indicates there in her particular case there is no such rule. However, even if there is, if her smoke is blowing into their windows, for all intents and purposes she is smoking in their apartment.And for those addressing my smoking, where I lived we didn’t have ducted air and heating systems and I lived on a different floor, so once I stopped smoking out of doors and closed my windows, it had no effect on the neighbours. They had no problems with it after that, and yes, I did check to make sure.

Allergic to cigarettes?

ive been smoking for 7 months now and i am really addicted. here are my symptoms

- when i get smoke in my eye it burns

- sometimes i do get some sort of wheeze

- i only cough when i roll cigarettes(the filter is called Rolling)

- i get a shortness off breath, all tho i had that before i started to smoke.

and i am allergic to cats and nature (like tress and grass)

also is there anyway to prevent the Allergy? if i have it.