I Want To Start A 3 Day Juice Cleanse Tomorrow Has Anyone Done One Before If So What Brand

WATER FAST tomorrrrrrow :) tips ?!?!?!?

You won't experience that many benefits, if any at all. A full detox usually takes at least 30 days. In the first 15 or so days, you'll experience some of the worst detox symptoms (lethargic, achy, nauseas, moody,) so it's probably just going to be miserable for you, unfortunately.

Read "Fasting and Eating for Health" by Joel Fuhrman if you're really interested in water fasting and how much good it can do!

A few years ago, I fasted on water for 48 days, and it rid me of IBS, chronic asthma, an iron deficiency, chronic insomnia, depression/anxiety and corrected my 40/60 vision (I'm now at 20/20.)

It was verrrrry hard, but very rewarding!

Short fasts like yours are great for your emotional well-being. It gives you a sense of self-control.

Good luck!

Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet?

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-
PHYTOLACCA BERRY's Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don't get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don't get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girth
The dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.
Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results.
To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.
Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.
Take care and God Bless !

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Has anyone used the puriclean instant complete body cleanser and passed a drug test?

Those socalled "Detoxers" show up as a masking agent which is an automatic fail. Time is the onlyt thing that will get the thc out of your system. Perhaps it is time to rethink the drug use.

i wish you well.

Have any vegans here done the Master Cleanse?

I've done the MC twice - once for 10 days, when I was omni, and once for 19 days when I was pescatarian. My first one was hard, but Iwas also working around a lot of food. My second one was easy (I could have done more than 19 days but had to stop for a road trip) because I was not around food at all.

I felt fine on the MC both times. The one (really great) benefit I got from it was no menstrual cramps for a few months after (before the MC, I would have debilitating cramps for a day and a half every month. If I didn't take ibuprofen I'd be curled up in bed crying from the pain). I ate small amounts of dairy for a few months after my second MC and the cramps started to come back, but they were incredibly mild compared to what they used to be. Other than that, for me it was just nice to have a break from eating and thinking about food for a while. And its crazy to see what you eliminate when you haven't eaten anything in days. Even after 19 days, stuff was still coming out. I couldn't believe it.

The most important thing about doing the MC is that you follow the instructions to the letter. I can't emphasize that enough... to the LETTER. And you already have the procedure wrong... You can't do the saltwater flush at night. It MUST be done in the morning on an empty stomach, and it takes about 2 hours to work. You must drink laxative tea at night. If you mess with the procedure, you might have a terrible time and you will compromise the effectiveness of the cleanse.

You need to have Stanley Burroughs pamphlet to do the MC properly. I also recommend using a forum to be able to read about other people's experiences, common pitfalls, etc. I used this one:

Don't even think about starting until you are well prepared and know exactly what to expect. And then wait a few more days. Its not easy, and being mentally prepared is key for success. Good luck!

How long do you have to be clean from smoking methamphetamine to pass a drug test for probation?

You can smoke meth up until the day of the UA. All you have to do is put three table spoons of baking soda in sixteen ounces of water and drink it three and a half hours before your UA. After about an hour and a half of drinking the mixture you will get explosive diarrhea for about forty five minutes to an hour. you have four hours from the time you take it till its expired. Trust me I was on intensive corrections for the last two and a half years and did meth everyday ands a lot of it, I failed one UA that's because I took the mixture four and a half hours prior to the UA. three tablespoons to sixteen ounces of water slam it down three and a half hours before UA I guarantee you to pass. Only works for meth. The diarrhea is violent but not uncomfortable. Don’t exceed three table spoons you could get real sick and overdose. And oh yea if you throw up you got to drink it again. I love my nuts but I will putt them up against if this works or not.p.s. I see people are saying 72 hours to pass a ua for meth. B.S I have personally failed a u.a. 21 days clean. No joke I had an honest 21 days clean and failed thats when I found a real solution like the baking soda.

Has anyone lost weight on the liquid diet?

I was on a liquid diet a while back for about a week, after that week of a HUGE amount of adversity (hardship) I lost about ten pounds, leaving me at 120 pounds.

What you do is you drink absolutely nothing but liquid, and not just any liquid. You have to drink green tea or water, or at least that is what mine was. I find that when you do this you have to have a lot of self-control and moniter how much you exercise too to go with it.
When I was on this I combined it with an hour long walk/run around my neighborhood everyday, and I actually did notice some results very quickly.
but with that little calories, (basically you are shooting for 0 calories for an entire week so that 2 x 7 = 14 and you burn more than 14,000 calories in that week, resulting in the loss of approximately four fat pounds and ten pounds of liquid and muscle mass. So basically you would lose 10 to 15 pounds)

you can't do
this diet for
more than a
week without hurting

P.S. If you do this diet, you have to continue constant consumption of water and you need to progress yourself to a healthy diet again, so after you finish raise your caloric limit by a little bit each day, if you go straight from no calories to the average amount of calories you should eat than you will gain all the weight back because your body was in starvation mode.

How much weight do you lose from juice fasting?

I can tell you that I have done fasts of both kinds. I only did a complete fast, water only, for 1 day. I lost no real weight. I did weigh 2lbs less the day after but it came back almost immediately and I assume it was water weight. I had no energy that one day and a terrible headache. I have done 2 juice fasts and am starting my 3rd tomorrow. The first time I did it for 2 days (the goal was a week but I couldn't make it) and the last time was for 3 days. I didn't lose weight doing the juice fast either though. I wasn't tired and I felt better afterwards with an appetite for more fullfilling healthy foods though. I was no longer craving junk food. I did start losing weight after the juice fast though after being stuck for months at the same weight. It seems like it really cleaned out my body while keeping it nourished in the process. And that is why I am doing one again starting tomorrow for 3 days.

If I am going to start water fasting, how can I stay safe?

If you are doing water fasting for a longer period, say as 3 days or longer, make sure you get in and get out of it slowly. Start slow with a raw food diet such as salads, then fruits, then possibly fruit juice, and then fasting. Come out of it with fruit juice, high water-content fruits such as watermelon then other fruits, then salads, and slowly move to your regular meals. The transition period each way should be around 23 days.Personally I got a little fed up of the absolute mess of information the internest throws at you when it comes to fasting. It gets pretty hard to know what to follow, how long to follow it for and half the time it doesn’t work. I mean we wouldn’t all keep hearing about fad diets if one actually met half the promises, right?You can download the Eat-Stop-Eat Audiobook completely free from Fasting TV. It goes back to basics to actually get results: The Shocking Truth that Makes Fasting Simple AgainIf you haven’t really looked fasting before it can be a murky topic. There’s a lot of inforation to go on, especially online where everyone and their dog have an opinion whether they’re qualified to share it or not.At the most base fasting is an intentional withholding of food. Whether for spiritual or health reasons there absolutely are benefits to it when used correctly.To everyone spouting that it’s all a craze with no backing - I think you’re thinking of detoxing and juice cleanses. Fasting is different and has clear and proven advantages.There is no set duration or way to do it. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers because at the end of the day I only know what works for me and a sample size of one is not a reliable study. However I will tell you that the biggest thing you can do for yourself is get at least a basic understanding of what you’re doing. You don’t need to study nutrition for years but don’t just follow along with fad diets or fasts in the hopes of stumbling into something which works.The sad truth is if it was as easy as all that selling us on fake diet crap wouldn’t be such a big market.