I Want To Stay Home From School But .

How do you fake sick to stay home from school?

Here’s one way:Make sure one or two of your parents are up. Run to your toilet, make vomiting noises, flush. If they don’t come in, yell for them.Now here’s a few tips in case you don’t know what it’s like to vomit when you are sick.It comes out from every where, your mouth, your nose, it feels like it’s coming out of your fucking eyes. So when you yell for your parents, you aren’t yelling. You are screaming like you just vomited out your fucking eyes.You want to still be crouching over you toilet. Someone who just vomited, is going to be in to much pain and shock to move right away.You need to talk like you just missed your bus to school and your going to be late. You are scared as hell and you don’t know what to do.Your parent will ask if they can do anything for you.You will ask for water, and a garbage can. Ask them if THEY can help move you. That way it shows them you are in a weakened state and aren’t physically capable to go to school.They might stay for a bit.Play up the nauesa. Say it feels like there’s foam in your mouth, bile in your throat, there’s a weight in your stomach, etc.If they are in you room, and aren’t convinced yet, roll around, and groan. Get off the bed and lay in one place on the floor because it’s “more comfortable”. Pull your knees to your head, hit the bed with your hands, curse. Just uplay how much pain you are in.This should work but it is hard. You have to make sure your parents don’t find traces of what you ate (if you vomited you are supposed to eat liquid diet, not junk food).Days off from school should still be educational so if your parent finds out you just watched YouTube all day they might get mad so tell them you did math homework and if they ask to see it just show them old completed work.Make sure your room isn’t a complete mess by the time they get home. They will check on you, it’s suspicious if your room is a mess, since you should have been in bed all day.But in reality you shouldn’t fake being sick. Ignoring your life isn’t going to bring you any closer to solving your problems, in fact it will just put you further behind. Get back to life.

Would you stay home from school for this?

Dear Friend,
I have braces too, and the same thing happened to me once. You get them tightened and something always bad happens afterwords, soccer ball in the face or anything. Those sores are brutal, they hurt badly. And for goodness sakes, you can barley eat. Now, although I am pro-school and believe you should miss as little as possible, if you don't have any tests or major assignments/projects or anything then I would recommend taking a day off. And I would brush your teeth, may burn but it will clean it up a bit. I've stayed home because of major braces pain before, no lie. But I always caught up when I got back to school and made sure I didn't miss anything major. And I was productive, I didn't sleep all day and watch TV. Hope you get better!


How to get your parents to let you stay home from school?

Alright, if you are somewhat serious about wanting to stay home, wake up in the middle of the night tonight and after flushing the toilet go into your parents bedroom with your best "sick" face on and say you had awful diarrhea while gripping your stomach. This generally got me to stay home back in high school/middle/elementary.

If you are REALLY serious and 100% want to not go to school, here's a surefire way of doing it, but you have to fully commit: Sneakily go into your fridge and find some colorful foods/leftovers. Take it into the bathroom and put a good amount into your mouth and chew chew chew, no matter how bad it tastes. Refill your mouth if you turn the food into a small pile of mush, and repeat until you have collected a solid amount of chewed up food in your mouth. Hide the leftovers somewhere in the bathroom or nearby location you can easily get back to later. Now's the most important part: Slowly walk into a room where your parents are sitting/sleeping, and moan, then project all that food over the floor in front of you. Once the food left, continue to "gag" and spit on the pile, while holding your stomach. Surely they will get up and hurry to clean it up, and you just have to put all the food back where you found it, and deny any food coming your way the rest of the night/morning. Surely, you will stay home from school.

Best excuses to stay home from school?

I really need some good excuses to stay home from school... Its not the fact that I just want to stay home from school because I dont have to do any learning, its just that school really depresses me. I hate it, and pretty much everyone in it. I would move schools but that means talking to new people and such. Im not a social person and I wish I could be homeschooled (trust me ive asked so many times) today I was off school but I dont want to be in for the rest of the week. What are your best excuses? You can say stuff related to girl problems like periods and such because im a girl so it would count for me hahaha. I just hate school it really depresses me and I want to stay home for the rest of the week but ive been of quite a bit and my mum is scared that she will get a fine but honestly of she understood how depressing school is for me then she wouldnt care about that fine. Thanks for your answers..

Is it bad to stay home from school because of anxiety?

It depends. My anxiety was bad to the point... I felt like hurting myself....

I had extreme shortness of breath and had to pee a lot...It turned into a medical problem. I just stayed home. Depends on the anxiety.

Don't miss too many days and make sure you make up your work.

Don't listen to the first answer. They do care. I got checked for drugs 2 times and they were worried if I was abusing alcohol. "They don't care", my azz.

I just took anxiety/depression pills.

Good Excuse To Stay Home From School?

Don't ask why I want to stay home, it's personal.
But anyways I need a good excuse to stay home from school. I've used having a migraine and having my stomache hurt one too many times, so my mom won't believe that. Faking a cold or flu doesn't work for me either. If I fake throwing up she'll stay home with me.. so I can't say that.
I can't go to school and just walk home either, because it takes an hour to walk home.
Ugh, I've run out of ideas. Please help me.

What are the best excuses to stay home from school?

I hated school when I was a child. I had learning disabilities and struggled every day of school. I regularly faked sickness to avoid going to school.Sometimes I would just tell my mother I was not feeling wellI had heard that putting a bar of soap in your armpit would make you have a fever, it doesn’t, but I was still able to convince my mother that I was not feeling goodOne time I ate an entire box of prunes, hoping it would give my diarrhea. It didn’t, but made fill sick, so in a way, it workedI shined a table lamp in my forehead for a while, then went to my mother telling I had a feverI have has low blood pressure, so I have fainted on a number of times. I could get away with telling my mother I was feeling faintOne time I told my parents I could not see out of one of my eyes. Boy, did that backfire. I was taken to the eye doctor for a full exam. The doctor reported that there was nothing wrong with my eyesI am not sure I actually fooled my mother most of the time, But she never made me go to school if I complained that I was not feeling good

Excuses for staying home from school?

jab yourself in the eye with a pencil.. just kidding.. but seriously.. if u are sick then just say so.. and tell what is wrong with u.. of course this does not mean u get to eat nachos and watch porn all day.. that is my job.. just rest and take it easy and u will be better in a jiffy