I Want To Tell My Mother That I Want To Be Intimate With Her But Not Sure How To Ease Into The

My friend wants to be intimate with her boyfriend and they want to use my house, since my parents are never home. Should I let them?

As an 18 year old senior in high school, I know what it’s like to feel like you have to sneak around. While I don’t recommend it because the risk of getting caught is always present and highly stressful, I'm not here to lecture you on being a “good,” abstinent kid like the rest of the world wants us to be.Honestly the decision to allow them to use your house comes down to whether or not you’re comfortable with it. When you say “intimate,” I'm assuming you’re referring to having sex. Therefore, I will be using my interpretation of what you said into my response.If you’re comfortable with having your friend and her boyfriend having sex in your house and you’re comfortable with them using your house in order to do it and risking your own trust with your parents, then by all means go for it. If that idea bothers you, then you have every right to tell them no. This is your decision, your house, and you’re the one who’s going to get in the most trouble if they're caught (assuming your parents wouldn’t be okay with this idea, considering I don’t know many who would be).Ultimately, I think you should base your decision on whether or not you are okay with them using your house.

Why do I feel like my husband tells his mother everything?

Thanks for the A2AIf you think your husband tells his mother everything then be probably does.But I think you need to pinpoint what bothers you about it. Does he tell his mother personal, intimate things about you personally that you don’t feel is any of her business? If he does, then you need to have a sit down with him and tell him exactly why this upsets you. You have every reason to not want your MIL know about the latest doctor visit you had, she doesn’t need to know that you fart every time you’re on the john.Is he telling her things about your marriage? There might be some things you want to keep to yourself because your MIL doesn’t really need to know certain things that are an intimate part of your relationship that no one needs to know about. And it’s telling her you need to have a sit down with him about it.Or is he talking to her about things he just needs advice about? Maybe he’s not sure if he’s being a good husband or a good father and he needs to talk it over with his mom, there’s nothing wrong with that.But if something bothers you then you need to talk to him about it, you need to let him know that you have concerns that he’s telling his mother things that you don’t even tell your mother. It could be that he talks to her and doesn’t even realize what he’s saying/doing. And if that’s the case then he needs to be aware of how he communicates personal and intimate things with her.And you can always just tell him flat out that he is NOT to tell his mother about any of this. And then go from there. It’s not fair to be mad at him when he’s not aware that something is bothering you. Once he knows and continues to do it Then you can be pissed off at him. But tell him why you’re mad so he knows exactly why he done f-d up. Then that way you’re not just being an irrational bitch, you’ve got a real, legitimate reason for being pissed off.

How do I explain to my mother that I want to become intimate with my boyfriend?

Wait til she’s alone and well rested. Bring her a cool drink or tea and one for yourself to signify you want to spend time with her and it’s important.Say this in a slow quiet voice; mom I need to talk to you about a something I’ve been thinking about and I’m talking to you first, because I don’t want secrets between us.Now you’ve got her full attention.From there calmly states your reasons for wanting to be intimate and how you choose to be responsible.Then give her your full attention. Whatever advice she gives you, just sleep on it. Weigh your options. Sort out the pros and cons. Really think it through.Young guys have a bad rep when it comes to sex, for a reason. Nine out ten guys will sadly disappoint you. Think of those odds. Every girl in your shoes has said to themselves; not my guy. Most end up pregnant and alone or just alone.Guys cannot resist what resists them. They love the challenge and the game. They love the hunt.So my street smart advice to any young girl is; if you do give in, don’t be too generous. That means have fun but limit him. Severely. You don’t owe him your full self. He’s not your husband. Don’t give away the farm just because he says he loves you. Let him prove it with a ring. Until then, respect Family Jewel and let it work for you not against you. It’s your treasure and you need to understand how badly they want it. It belongs to you only. Let the games begin.Now, your mom will appreciate you talking to her first. Listen to her advice. She really has your best interest at heart. Throughout your life, she’ll be the one there when no one else is. I assure you.She’s made mistakes that she can help you steer clear of. She’s been in your shoes. She really wants to help you and believe me, she knows how you feel. She really does. She had those same emotions. Let her guide you.Please make sure you use birth control and both get tested for STDs and HIV first. Be smart. Don’t even think about having a baby until you’ve finished college and are married. It’s just so much easier that way. Really much easier.I wish you the best.Don’t scare her but get her undivided attention. Make sure TV off, etc.I love —— and I think I want to become intimate. I’m telling you because I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.

How do I tell my mom I'm a week late with my period?

I been stressing a lot lately trying to aviod not telling my mother but I'm getting down to the point where there is no way else I can get through this without her . I need help with how to tell my mother I'm late with my period , mind you i did have sex once and I'm still not sure if he ejactualated in me . Please help me figure out how to speak with her .

How to tell parents your having sex?

Well i'm seventeen about too be 18 in July and i've been having sex for about a yea now and can't find a way of telling my mom, this is important for me because she is like my friend and i tell her everything but when i try she seems to ignore the question and tells me "i know you aren't doing it"
should i just keep quiet then or how do i tell her.

Im 15, will the gyno tell my parents if I have been sexually active..?

nope, its totally confidential and the doctors cannot discuss any information about you with your parents or anyone else. it's a violation.

Should we tell everything to our parents?

Should we?  I have a difficult time saying "yes" but that's because I don't.  In reality, I don't think you should because the information that you tell your friends and other family members is separated as well.  I don't think there are things that other people should ever know about you because of the personal nature.  On the other hand, you know the audience that you're divulging information to and you know what their reaction will be if you divulge something.There's at least one example that I can think of that should never be discussed with anyone and that's sex.  When I say sex, I'm talking about what you do during your performances, the props you use, how you like it, your fetishes, your fantasies.  Are these things that you'd be comfortable telling your parents about?Now for negative type information, I have a personal situation that I still haven't informed either of my parents about and that's the long distance relationship that I'm in.  I haven't told either parent for two very different reasons.I haven't told my dad because it would surely mean that we wouldn't be able to see each other as often as we do because I'd be moving out of state.  Knowing that I'd be moving out of state would break his heart but it's something that he'd be more supportive about than my mom.  When I do make the choice to pursue the long distance relationship to the next level, I will tell my dad.As for my mom, I haven't told her about the long distance relationship for one reason and one reason only.  The reason is the age difference between her and I.  My mom severely frowns on large age differences in intimate relationships.  I have asked my mom why she feels this way and she's never been able to give me a clear cut reason.  I know in the end, if I do decide to leave the state, my mom will know the reason and it's something that she'll have to overcome.When it comes to sharing information, you will only divulge what you want to individuals (this encompasses any friend or family member) based on the information you have about that person and whether or not you'll be judged for what you say.  No one likes to be judged, especially by their parents because they are supposed to love you unconditionally.So in the end, should you tell your parents everything, my answer is no.

How do I tell my mom that im a lesbian?

Coming out is a long process, one that’s never quite over. The most important thing is to make sure you’ll be safe if you do. This doesn’t just apply to family, but also to friends, coworkers, and many other areas of life.How do I do that?Where is your mom, politically speaking? Generally, liberals will be more accepting than conservatives but of course you can be shocked either way.Ease into the topic. If you know anyone else who’s LGBT+, maybe say “Oh, my friend Stacy came out to me”. Gauge her reaction: if she doesn’t seem to fazed by it, you’re probably safe. If she does, maybe reconsider coming out.Is there a backup plan? It sucks to think about, but lots of LGBT+ youth face being kicked out of their home, conversion “therapy”, etc. Make sure you have a backup plan, like another family member or friend.Okay, I’m pretty sure I’m safe and I have a plan just in case I’m not. Now what?I’m glad you asked. There’s lots of methods to come out:Tell her. This is a bit daunting, but a simple “Hey mom? Can I talk to you about something serious?” Will let her know that you really need to talk. Sit down and be prepared to answer questions she may have, like “How do you know?” or anything like that.Out yourself through various means. This can be through a joke or pun, or maybe just talking about how pretty that girl is on the TV show you two are watching together. If she’s good with subtleties, she’ll probably end up asking you about it.Write a note. This is what I did, and I don’t regret it a bit. I knew I could never tell my parents to their faces, so I chose to leave a note on their bed. It can be funny or serious, whatever you think will fit.I told her! Now what?Now, you have a couple different scenarios.Your mom accepts you and is totally chill. Great! Maybe you have to answer some questions, maybe not. But overall, everything is good.It might take some time for her to come around, but she’s won’t be outright angry. Having a child that’s LGBT+ can be a shock and she may just need time to absorb it.You totally miscalculated and shouldn’t have told her. Now what? Well, if the two of you can agree to not talk about it, it can be pushed under the rug. Or, you may need to implement that backup plan.Keep in mind there are many resources, like the Trevor Project, to help you through this. You’ve got this, girl! Best of luck.

How do I tell my fundamentalist Catholic mother that I am physically intimate with my girlfriend?

That might depend on how old you are and whether it’s any of her business. I will assume you are a responsible adult, that you are taking precautions to not have children (unless you have the income and resources to be a responsible parent), that you care about your partner, that you’re not spreading some kind of STD, etc…If that is a correct scenario, then why does your mother need to know about your sex life?The Catholic Church, like most Abrahamic religions, is deeply obsessed with sex. These religions are obsessed with what people do with their private parts when they’re alone or with their partners. They believe they have some kind of moral authority in this area, and they lead their members to believe that they have moral authority and superiority as well.Before you tell your mother, figure out what makes you feel compelled to share your sex life with anyone outside your relationship. Then, if you still feel you need to tell your mother for some reason, you can ponder how to go about it.If you’re a minor, there are other considerations.