I Want To Tone My Tummy And Lose Some Weight

Lose weight before i tone my body?

well u should do toning weight lifting excerises 3 times a week...than 3-5 times a week do cardio...

for cardio run, swim or jog or whatever kind of cardio u it hard and fast...u lose calories when u heart rate is up...

for example if u run for 20 minutes...or walk for an hr...running for 20 minutes will help u lose more weight...or calories...

weight lifting for toning purposes helps with weight burns that area that u are working out...

for example if u are doing a squat it will burn calories in the leg area(quads, hamsrtrings, and glutes)...

for toning do an excerise for each that excerise 20-22 reps...and do 2 sets...

Shoulders-shoulder press
biceps-hammer curls
chest-cable crossover or bench press
legs-squat, lunges, calf raises
upper back-pullups
lower back-back extensions

make sure u eat well or this will be for NOTHING...

cut down on sugar,salt...

no fast food, no fried foods, no soda, alcohol...

drink lots of vegetables, take ur vitamins...

hope this is what u were looking for...

I need to tone my tummy a.s.a.p! i want it quick and easy please help!?

Do you need just tone or do you need to lose a little weight and tone? If you're already slim then a good ab workout, hitting the upper (crunches) and lower (leg raises) portions at least every other day for 20 minutes (and you need to feel a burn) could give you a little more tone in 2 weeks. If you have excess fat on top of that tone then you're gonna have to work hard on your cardio and there is no quick and easy. You might want to cut down your salt intake a few days before you go on the beach to help cut down on water weight and below is my favorite excercise for helping to make your stomach 'appear' slimmer by tightening up your posture and helping you to hold your stomach in. That's the best advice I have for two weeks, cutting it kind of close, there.

How do I tone my stomach without losing weight?

Here are some steps to followChoose core exercises that work more muscles than just the abdominals. Perform the plank, bicycle crunches, the bridge and leg lifts. Start out by holding plank and bridge for 30 seconds, 10 bicycle crunches on each side and up to 10 double leg lifts. Instead of going quickly through the exercises, breathe evenly and slowly during each one and concentrate on maintaining proper form throughout the movements.Increase the times you hold each movement, and add repetitions to your routine. As before, focus on holding the proper form, but challenge yourself to move past your previous stopping point. When you can easily perform sets of all the core exercises you’ve chosen, make them more difficult by doing modifications with stability balls. The ball forces the body to focus on balance during each exercise, working core muscles harder and toning muscles faster.Eat a healthy, balanced diet. High-fat and high-cholesterol foods can contribute to both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, and following a healthier diet can help flatten out the midsection. Stick to whole, fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, legumes, fish and low-fat or nonfat dairy. Limit saturated fat, added sugar, cholesterol and trans fat.Add aerobic and cardio exercise to your routine, but limit the time and intensity of your sessions. Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to get rid of excess belly fat, but be aware that aerobics burns more calories than core work does. Stick to ACE's recommendations of three to five 30-minute sessions of aerobics per week. To maintain your current weight, stick to light or moderate aerobic activities and don’t reduce the number of calories that you normally eat each day.Source: How to Get a Flat Stomach Without Losing Weight

How do I lose weight without my parents finding out?

Ok I had this problem two years ago too lol. Here are some tips of things I would do.
Chew your food at least 12 times(yes, every bite) that way it seems like your eating more than you are, since your mouth will be full
Drink COLD water, it speeds up your metabolism
Eat pepper, or other spices on you food, it also speeds you metabolism
When your in your room watching TV, do curl ups for the entire commercial break. Feel the burn!
In your room with the door shut, play some music and dance along! (unless your not into dancing, then just..uh..jump around to the music? Aha)
Take more trips/steps than nessecary. (ex. Go upstairs, realize you 'forgot' something downstairs, go down for it, then come back up)
Instead of a sandwich for lunch, eat half the calories and have one piece of toast w/ nutella on it! It's so yummy!
For dinner, eat ramen noodle soup(I like chicken flavor best) cuz it's mostly water so no cals!(mostly)
Laugh! It burns tons of cals haha
Instead of sitting on your bed and reading, go outside and read on a swing(cuz you'll be pumping your legs) plus you'll get some vitamin D
Don't eat dessert, or if you do, get the smallest piece of cake or brownie or whatever
For breakfast I eat a Quaker chocolate chip granola bar(they're good) which is only 90 calories
Umm that's all I can think of for now, good luck on your mission