I Want To Try Weed But Worried About Derealization

Depersonalization brought on by bad weed trip?

the same exact thing happened to me recently. i thought i was going crazy, i thought a vacuum was sucking away my memories, etc. weeks after i thought i was going crazy. my heart was always beating fast, i had a lot of anxiety and breathing problems. if you are in a bad mood and you smoke, it will just amplify the feelings, and you freak out because you didnt think its possible to have a bad trip on weed, and you think its laced. after a few weeks i was completely back to normal. i never thought i would either. for awhile i was scared to smoke too much weed, but now im fine smoking a lot again and i basically forgot about how scary it was and am over it really. so really just relax and find comfort in knowing these feeling will go away soon. this kind of fear can happen to a lot of people, not just potheads. rape victims for example can have feelings much worse than you, and they wont go away after a few weeks, so be happy knowing its not that bad for you. im 18, this happened to me a couple months ago. if you have any more questions you can email me at

Can anxiety cause memory problems and derealization?

I'm really getting frustrated because I'm a full time student and it's interfering with my life on every level. I'm also a full blown hypochondriac which is making me believe I have all sorts of different diseases and ailments. I want to feel normal!

Stoned/derealization feeling after weeks smoking weed?

Stay away, oh please stay away. What happens is that some people get permanent derealization from pot. It doesn't happen to most, but some people do and it's a nightmare. So shoot up Heroin, smoke meth, I don't care, but never never never use marijuana again, this is a drug that's known to cause schizophrenia in people with certain genes and you do *not* want to risk that, if you experience long lasting paranoia or derealization or other psychotic symptoms you must never go near pot again.

LSD and Depersonalization?

So I have had depersonalization for over a year, I got it from smoking weed. I want to try LSD (acid) but I am wondering, will it mess up my brain a lot more and make the DP even worse or just kill my brain, or what? Or will it just prolong the DP like weed does?

What the hell is depersonalization disorder?

I think you're probably fine!

When we use drugs like pot or psychedelics, we can become very aware of our body. You were feeling how each individual joint in your arms works, maybe even feeling the individual tendons and muscles moving. This happens to a lot of people while high. It's where the cliche of starring at your hand in amazement comes from.

You don't have to use drugs to gain that level of awareness of your body. Some people obtain that kind of awareness through meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga. Once you have had that kind of awareness, whether high or not, you can have it again by concentrating. The problem is that you're freaking yourself out because you think you may have a disease, so you're focusing on it. When you concentrate hard enough, you can feel the sensation again. Since you can have this awareness of any part of your body, this is why you now feel it in your tongue sometimes. You're concentrating on your tongue because of something you read, so sometimes you can become very aware of your tongue muscle, how it feels when its completely at rest (numb and limp) or how it feels when it's moving. I bet that if you started focusing on your legs, you would find that eventually you get the same feeling in them that you had in your arms.

Anyway, the point is that it's not dangerous. Having this level of awareness of your body is strange and a little scary at first, but it can actually be beneficial. Consider looking in to Tai Chi or yoga. It channels the awareness of your body and how it functions into ensuring proper balance and health. Tai Chi can be pretty trippy when you're really in tune with the flow of energy through your body and with how every muscle and every joint is working.

Relax, you'll be okay!

I have depersonalization , what happens if I smoke weed ?

You will make it FAR, FAR worse. Your mental health is already not 100%. Smoke weed and you are buying a one way ticket to crazy town.

My best friend has depersonalization and feelings of unreality after taking drugs. I have depression and OCD.

We both wish we never smoked weed. My friend thinks the weed caused the depersonalization.

How can I make sure that I don’t have derealization/depersonalization disorder?

This disorder needs to be diagnosed by a professional so if you feel like your feelings are persistent and are affecting your life then talking to a psycologist could be really helpful. Hopefully your feelings will go away on their own but if these feelings aren’t going away and they are distressing you then it couldn’t hurt to go talk to someone who can guide you through what may be going on. Good luck!