I Was At My Work And Things Between Me And My Partner Got Heated And We Sent Pics Through Facebook

Can I like my ex's Facebook posts and pictures?

The answer you are looking for is NO, YOU CANNOT. Since you guys broke up, I would suggest you to maintain some distance.I am quite sure that you would have surely searched for her profile and looked at her activities and some other harmless stalking one usually does after break up.But you should never do all this and most importantly don't 'like' or comment (it'll further remind you of her by notifying each time the comment thread increases) on her Facebook activities. It might give her wrong signals also that you want her back or in worst case she might feel that  you are miserable without her and are liking her pics being all so depressed.So I would suggest you to unfollow her, yes you heard it write, UNFOLLOW HER ( it's a option that Facebook provides in case you don't feel like getting notification from someone while still maintaining the 'friends' tag) because it'll make your news feed 'ex-free' that would help you to avoid unintentionally looking at her updates due to default Facebook settings. Now that we solved the matter of not getting her updates in the news feed, the problem left is not ending up searching for her profile because you felt like giving just a so called 'glance' over her profile . The solution here could be either unfriending her (this could lead to some heated arguments demanding reasons for your action because she'll still be able to see you through mutual contacts) or something a bit harsher unfriending her followed by blocking her. This might seem very harsh at first but it's a long term solution if you actually want to get completely over her and move forward in your life. Also if you want to her to know that you are moving on then one thing I can possibly sense in your statement is that she's still on your mind. So just use one of the options and be 'ex-free'.I understand it's difficult but it's for good for you and for her.And yeah do get in touch with all the girls you lost connection while you were with her. It'll help you move out of this situation easily. ;)

My boyfriend doesn't want to feature me in any of his Facebook profile pictures. Should I be worried?

Consider this.

If a page is about ME - then my girlfriend would be a part of ME , or at least MY LIFE.

In that respect, there should be a picture of us both on both our facebook pages. (My wife doesn`t have one , but she`s fine with me having mine.. )

If you were my girlfriend, and we would be happy - i would want the world to know you are mine - and thus post a picture of you (us) on any social network page (maybe with the exception of linked-in though).

So, he`d better give you a good reason, as this is just a load of BS.

Cute comments to leave on friends facebook pictures?

ive gotten some really cute ones, so if anyone has any origanal or just plain adorble comments id love to hear them!

*pickup lines work great too*

some of my favorites?
you must be the reason for global warming because you are hott!
are you an overdue library book? because youve got fine written all over you.
dont let the sexy smiles fool you. theyr just normal people like you and me. only sexier.
wow. enough said.
can i buy you a drink? =]
im hot, your hot, lets make babies
lets switch faces! =]

My boyfriend doesn't want to add me on Facebook?

You know what, it is so obvious that he's doing something stupid. He doesn't want to add you on FB and even blocked you. He said that he doesn't want to see what you post cuz he might get jealous and he is not interested to know what you post in there, He is making excuses and flipping the situation, so he can continue to hide what stupid stuff his doing. From the story that you said, it's obvious that he is cheating on you and doesn't like you anymore that is why he seems to heat quickly if you asked him things, and no you're not being crazy your bf is the one who's crazy.
In my opinion don't waste your time if a guy is giving you a hard time, Life is too short to deal with that kind of BS.
Hope this helps :)

Need Advice. Should I be upset that my husband is sending friend request to random women on facebook?

I was being nosey and checked my husband's facebook page and saw that he had a few friend request pending to random women. "Pending" meaning that he sent them a request. There were no mutual friends on these women's pages. I know that my husband is not a cheater, but this really pissed me off. Why would he search through random profiles and send requests, when it's pointless? Strangers could see pictures of our children and private info. He's says that I'm jealous and overreacting, but I don't think so.. We;ve been married for 12 years and have 3 children. Should I just let this one go? I need some advice.. He's throwing this all on me, like I did something wrong, even telling me that I have to quit my job.. Someone please, and I being unreasonable?

Why do I keep getting Facebook friend request from hot girls who have no friends?

Because they are advertisers who are heating up the accounts.  Facebook has been widely known to disable ad accounts. And they do not differentiate advertisers account and normal accounts. So all advertisers that has been banned will need to create a new account and "heat up" the account for a few weeks before they can use it to advertise on Facebook.  By "heat up" I meant get some activity on that account, like befriending people, chatting with people, liking and commenting on post. Having a fake hot girl account will make the heating up process easier. People will soon chat you and add you because you're a hot girl. This makes it seem like the account is real in the perspective of Facebook. Which then will be used to advertise. If an account isn't heated up properly, the probability of getting the advertising account banned again is fairly high. Now you know.

Why has my boyfriend stopped liking my posts on Facebook all of a sudden?

Some possibilities comes to my mind right now.First one: He never actually liked that much all those things he seemed to like before. Why do I think this way? Simple, because I know for experience that at the begin of a relationship, when people (specially men) want to ensure their “possession”, “prey”, “beloved”… they tend to exaggerate “how much they love them” by praising them constantly, doing a lot of things (some that they don’t even want to do) for them, telling only the good things about them (omitting what they know are bad), and of course, liking every single thing they post on Facebook. :PThe fact that he has changed, and he doesn’t like your posts anymore only indicates that he is a human being, and humans (even if they try it) cannot hide their “real self” forever just to please, ensure or fit in someone ideal.Remember that passage from “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathanial Hawthorne:“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude”.He just woke up from that magical dream that love is, so you should do the same.Second one: Maybe after you felt good receiving some special attention from your boyfriend by posting things on Facebook, you started to post too frequently, so he has gotten overwhelmed by too many post from you. (It uses to happen). :PThird one: Perhaps he still loves you, but you both had some quarrel or have been going through some difficulties on your relationship, and you haven’t had good communication to resolve the issue, so he has stopped liking your post as a way to punish you.Fourth one: Your post are not the problem, the thing is that he doesn’t like/love you anymore.Finally, as Sam Nesdahl told you, just ask him about ir if you want to know the real answer to your question.Note: In the first case I pointed, he could still be or not inlove with you. If so, then he probably just got bored of corny. Now he is more “relaxed” about the relationship with you, because maybe he thinks he already “ensured” you. Otherwise, be prepared, you know. :P

My boyfriend masturbates to pics of girls we both know?

So we both work at the same place and he told me that he had a crush on this girl, which didn t bother me too much, except for the fact that her features are what he has described to me as "his type", and when he told me this he even said that he liked the freckle next to her mouth and I was like wtf. It honestly hurt me because that was starting to make it personal. And then he followed her on instagram which seriously bothers me, because he s had this issue in the past with masterbating to pics of girls he knows/is friends with on social media. He followed her right AFTER that convo, and I found out about it. And from what we talked about, I m suspicious that he did it with her photos, after telling me before he doesn t do that anymore. What should I do? I feel kind of done.

Should I be worried if my boyfriend "likes" another girl's picture?

From what you are saying it seem like you and your boyfriend have a pretty good relationship so off top i would say not to be worried but as a woman I can understand how that feels to see your boyfriend liking other girl's pictures so my first thing to say would be if he comments make sure he comments in a respectable way and not like a dog in heat about to loose his mind If he does that then there is no need to be worried If he doesn't have a wandering eye when it comes to looking at other women then you should be very happy and no where near jealous of it although that can get hard sometimes my main advice to you though is to try your best to not be as sensitive as youve been because im sure that can become annoying to the person that you are with as long as he is respecting you and the relationship and also the girl's picture he commented on don't' over react because no amount of skirts the color pink or girls in pink skirts can mean more to him than you Hope This Helps :)