I Was Bleeding From My Foot In My Dream

What if I see dead, bleeding people in my dream?

What if I see deadMy favorite dream dictionary says:DeadTo see or talk to the dead in your dream forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss.The dead people were bleedingBloodTo see blood in your dream represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments.To dream that others are bleeding signifies an emotional cry for help.If blood is squirting everywhere, then the dream implies that you are experiencing some deep emotional stress. You are literally bursting.So it really depends on who these bleeding people are. They might be parts of your personality—dreams are often peopled by different parts of you. If that’s the case, this could be about you bleeding and not someone else:To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends.Your unconscious may feel that some confrontations you’ve had to go through have hurt parts of your heart. It does sound, in any case, as though your unconscious is asking you to get help. You’re being hurt by someone, according to your unconscious, and you’ll need help getting away with them or dealing with them.

I was bleeding from my foot in my dream?

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Some of your past actions have come back to haunt you.
To see your own feet in your dream symbolizes your foundation, stability and sense of understanding. It signifies your need to be more practical and sensible. Keep both feet on the ground. Alternatively, feet represents mobility, independence and freedom.

To dream that you injured or hurt your foot signifies a lack of progress, freedom, and independence. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have taken a step in the wrong direction. In particular, if you dream that your foot is cut by glass, then it indicates passivity. You are hesitant or reluctant in taking the first step toward a goal or decision.

To dream that you turn into a giant indicates feelings of inferiority.

What does a wound on your foot in dream mean?

There will be a tiny obstruction in your abiltity to go ahead in life. Its wont be so serious where you literally cannot continue on your path otherwise the wound would have been large with a fracture but instead its just a small obstacle which you will encounter and the best motive is to treat it like a small wound because eventually it will heal.

Dream about cutting my foot off?

This is about being aware of consequences.

You didn't feel anything as you cut your toes off so you assumed it was ok. You looked at your toe-less foot and said it looked weird so you might as well cut it off. You got all done, and you had no idea what you had just done to yourself until someone told you the truth, but it was too late. Your foot was gone, and you had no one to blame, but yourself.

Don't go by your feelings, what looks good, or what you think at the moment. Think before you act, and consider the cost of what you are doing before you do damage to yourself that you cannot undo.

Dream Interpretation : knives were thrown at my left foot and I felt pain and saw some bleeding.?

Dream images are always metaphors for other things entirely. Quite often, with dream imagery of being cut with a knife or struck by an arrow, this means that you have a health issue with that part of your body. But this dream was about having a knife thrown at your left foot. I do not know of any diseases that are specific to feet, except gout. I would definitely have a doctor take a look at your foot. Better safe than sorry. And if your doctor asks you why you think you might have something wrong with your foot, tell him the truth. Yours will not be the doctor's first experience with that sort of thing. Good luck.

Part of my feet were cut off in my dream...?

H Lauren, I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to dream interpretation but these are my thoughts.

Consider the saying, "to stand on your own two feet" meaning that one is responsible and mature enough to look after themselves.

In your dream, an unknown man tries to sabotage your ability to take care of yourself and be independent. They don't stop you completely, eg, only half your feet are cut off, but they are definitely trying to make it difficult for you!

The great thing about this dream is that you prevail! You put your feet back on and they are working just fine - which is really good. The only thing is you can still see the lines where you joined them back together, and they are a little bit off target. I think this might represent that you will not forget the experience and you will learn how to avoid the situation in future.

The key is trying to work out who or what the man represents in your life. Is there someone or something that is trying to make things difficult for you at the moment?? Anyway, have a think. Overall, I think this is a good dream as it shows you are a strong and independent person who copes well with adversity.

Cracked/Broken ToeNail dream meaning?

I just woke up from a nap and I had this weird dream.
I was in the shower sitting down, I tried cutting my big toe nail but it ended up breaking?
It was cracked and it started to bleed and come off
I put something on it (don't remember what) and it stopped bleeding.
I never took off my whole toe nail
I sort of in a way tried to press it all together so it would stay on my toe

I never really cared for my dreams but I've been having a lot of anxiety lately from family issues.

I've looked this up and I'm getting many different things
From death or health status (for myself or a family member?) but then I think this refers to a metal nail, like for hammers.
To seeing this as me being vulnerable because it's cracking some type of shield?

Someone please help :/

Having broken glass in your hand dream?

It can probably be a representation of emotional scars that may have happened in your past. It doesn't have to be directly towards you, but something bad could've happened that just involved you, or was connected to you in some way.

The broken glass represented the certain event, and it being broken in your hand showed that the situation that happened was in your control and that the control over the situation broke, which led to your hands bleeding. The man that appeared may have been someone who was also affected by the certain event, maybe that person died of something as a result of that event without you knowing, or it could mean that the event wasn't your fault, and was telling you to let go of it. By him pulling the pieces out of your hand shows that the person was helping you/ releasing you from any guilt/pain that you may have been trying to burry from yourself.
The scars left on you hands represent that the event has passed, but you can never forget it from all the damage it has left.

The situation itself doesn't have to super traumatic like anyone dying or something of that nature, it could be something simple as maybe you actually had broken glass before indirectly... or something that happened in your life that had glass breaking.

The glass, the blood, your hands, the man... they could all mean something different, but it does mean something.