I Was Offered A Job After 3 Interviews At A Company And Now They Have Are Ignoring Me. What Should

I have received a job offer, but I have an interview next week for a position I prefer more. What should I tell the employers who accepted me?

I was lucky enough to go through this exact same situation three times in the last month. Here’s what I did and here’s what you should do too.I interviewed at Company E and within a week they got back to me and offered me the position. The recruiter also told me that they would need an answer fairly quickly and that they could not wait for longer than 10 days. I was honest with the recruiter and told him that I was supposed to interview at another company in 7 days’ time and that I could not give them an answer in 10 days and that I would need some more time. Simultaneously, I contacted Company A that I was supposed to interview with and told them that I had received my first offer and I would like it if they could expedite the decision making process after my interview with them. Company A accepted my request and after I interviewed with them onsite, they got back to me within 3 days (they had initially told me that they would need two weeks to get back to me with a decision) and offered me the position.Meanwhile, I also knew that I would be interviewing with Company U pretty soon and I wrote to their recruiter and told them that I have been extended an offer and that I am scheduled to have an interview with Company A within a week. Company U’s recruiter sped up the process from their end and scheduled my onsite interview four days after my interview with Company A. Two days after my interview with Company U, they extended an offer for me to join them.All this while, I was constantly keeping Company E (and the other two companies) within the loop and giving them updates about my status. This indicated to them that I was not disinterested in joining them and also gave them the signal that I was in high demand.By me being honest with all three places, I was able to expedite the process at two companies and get Company E to understand my situation. Within a span of 11 days, I had three offers in hand and now I have to make the important decision. But I think I know which one I am going to accept :)Best of luck with your interviews and in making a good decision and never allow a company to pressurize you into making a decision.

Job Interviewer rude?

No, you're not overreacting! That is rude of her to waste your time like that.

What will happen now is that this job will go "on hold" until the more senior position is filled, so that that person can be involved in recruiting for this one. So your details are now just going to sit on file for the next few weeks anyway.

Who interviewed you? Was it a recruiter, rather than someone who works in the division that the job is in? If so, it's likely that this firm has outsourced their recruitment to a specialist recruitment company, and the recruiter probably had targets to meet of how many people she had to interview that week so she called you in, even though it was obviously a waste of both yours and her time. If you think this could be the case, it's worth calling them to complain - whilst it won't help you, it will mean that other people won't be put in that position.

Do you want to name the firm? If so, I'll find out if their recruitment is outsourced. I work in recruitment outsourcing myself (but I ignore my targets :-)).

I'm depressed, got rejected from EVERY job interview ?

If anyone can relate to you its me. I actually graduated college and cannot for the life of me find a job with said degree. I have tried and been on dozens of interviews in which I am told I am a top candidate and if I don't get the position I am interviewing for they would have more positions I would get first pick at. This must be a nice way of saying they aren't hiring you because I never hear back and I ALWAYS keep in touch either via email or phone to show interest in the position and I never get any sort of response back. Its a rough, rough, rough job market not for just your average joes but even those of use with professional degrees, our economy is a mess.

I am just as depressed as you are believe me, if not more due to the fact my degree I sunk SO much effort and time into is going to waste! But, I keep pushing on if I get a job with my degree great, if not I guess that's life and I have to move on. It has taken me months to get this outlook because like you the first 4-5 times I was denied the job I cried and felt like dying. Rejection is the WORST thing a person can go through but to get what you want in life you have to just pick yourself up. You will become a better person for it believe me. After all the rejection I have gotten for something I was trained for, I honestly still get a tad upset but now I just think its their loss I am an amazing person and worker that they passed up on and I will make another company much happier.

Good luck with your job hunt it isn't gonna be easy, but its the ones of us who stay strong no matter what who get what they want and desire. Stay strong, you are not alone millions of others are going through the same things we both are!

Should I ignore or reply to interview request emails if I already have a job offer which I have accepted?

I think it's a balance of being candid while not burning bridges you might want to cross later.If it's a personal email from a recruiter or some other HR person, I would just be upfront and say something like:"Thank you very much for reaching out to me, but at this time, I've already accepted an offer from another company. However, I do hope our channels of communication remain open in the future.My sincerest gratitude,Your name here"The HR person then has the choice to be professional and understanding of this, or say "screw this guy" (which probably won't happen; a rejected offer is just another day-in-the-life of an HR person, not anything personal.) I think, though, by phrasing it that way, you've done your job and made a good-faith effort to be honest and not waste anyone's time.You have to think, too, that it sort of goes both ways. If you were to email an HR person and you were asking for an interview for whatever reason (or sending a resume, or just whatever), you would expect the HR person to probably email you and say something like, "thank you very much for applying, but at this time we've decided not to proceed with interviewing candidates, as the position has already been filled." This happens pretty often, too. HR people want applicants, and applicants want HR people, and it works to each other's benefit to be honest, but professional. You're both businesspeople.To answer your other question, "should I ignore it?", it can be potentially awkward in the future if you were to ignore it now and decide you want it later, and email the person back saying, "I apologize for not replying to you 6 months ago, but if the opportunity is still available, I would definitely be interested in hearing more about it", or whatever. If you don't ignore it, and instead say, "thanks, but I got accepted elsewhere" etc., you now have sort of kept a door open for the future if you decide to get in contact with them again.However, if it's some place you just honestly don't care about, or if the email is some sort of automated thing, then it's probably not a big deal to ignore it.

What do they ask you at a Wendy's interview, and how should I prepare for it?

I have an interview at Wendy's tomorrow. If I get this it'll be my first job. But, I need help on how to prepare for the interview, so I can get the job. If you can provide me with any information on how to prepare myself for this would be very much appreciated. Like what question will they ask me.

I need advice!! how do i decline a job offer!?

so, im a recent grad school graduate, and on a whim i found a job on craigs list- i applied. they called me legit two days later and i have had two interviews so far... they are telling me this week if i get the job or not. my problem is, it occured to me that i never shopped around for a job, i dont know exactly what i wanna do and i dont wanna get stuck in this full time job right now.

i currently have a part-time, relief job in a related field so i dont 'need' the job. the thing is, during the interview i made sure to sell myself and seem interested in the job, i mean why not lol BUT now how should i decline?

1.) tell them my part time place offered me full time?
2.) legit just be like, i havent looked around yet and i acted too fast on getting a job?
3.) ignore their calls
4.) or take it and quit in like september...
