I Will Promise To Vote For Chris Cristie If You Give Him The Nomination

Why are conservatives angry at Ted Cruz for endorsing Donald Trump?

Cruz is keeping his promise finally. And don't give me that "Trump attacked his wife and father". Cruz and his campaign instigated the attack on Trump's wife posting nude pictures of Trump's wife online and Trump only said he would return the favor if they would not stop. Maybe Cruz and his supporters should be more careful who they pick fights with. And Trump never suggested that Cruz's father assassinated JFK, Trump just said he saw his father with Lee Harvey Orswald, nothing more or less. It was Cruz that has instigated every attack on Trump, and you can't cry victim when you start a fight with someone and they fire back.

Get over it!, this is over and our goal should be to defeat Hillary and Ted Cruz himself said.

If Democrats were given only one choice for a Republican president, and that choice was between Trump, Romney, and McCain, who would they choose, and why?

Either Senator McCain or Senator Romney would be fine, really, with a slight edge to Senator McCain. They are generally predictable conservatives with a few exceptions and differences. I think both Senators Romney and McCain would have been willing to find a bipartisan solution to illegal immigration in order to stop Republicans from continuing to alienate the Latino vote. There would have been no talk of a wall or banning immigrants from Muslim nations, no lack of clarity about what occurred in Charlottesville, no disparagement of Federal law enforcement, military leadership, or US Allies and NATO, and no cuddling up with Kim Jong un or President Putin.Senator McCain was more of a Maverick on some issues, and I sincerely miss his input in the Senate. I do not buy that he was too unstable to be President and would have been a loose cannon. He was a bit hawkish, but he respected US allies and NATO, and would definitely have treated them better than President Trump has. Also, in my opinion, Senator McCain would have been very flexible on domestic policy and budget negotiations because foreign policy and the military was his thing, and he would want to keep goodwill to win negotiations in those areas.Senator Romney would probably be a little less hawkish and a little more conservative and unyielding on budget negotiations, deregulation, and lower taxes. However, he is more of a pragmatist than an ideologue, and was more moderate as governor, but he was forced to move right in his run for President because of the Republican base. He even had to distance himself from the state healthcare plan he embraced, saying it was nothing like Obamacare when everyone knew damn well it was.Either choice would have been better for our government, its citizens, and our allies than President Trump.