I Would Like More Info On Indian Blood Typs

Why? 100% Peru (Indians) have blood group O?

that's not true, look in this web page and learn about the distribution of blood group

but what it's true is that group O is the most common.

you can see this also

i'll hope this help you a little.

My blood type is B+. Does this mean my ancestors were Indian?

Well.I means they your ancestors at least were of the group of humans (at least 10.000) who left the African continent, settled the Arabian Savannah and later populated the rest of the world.Blood type B is rather common in Europe, the Middle East, Russia and the whole of Asia.Blood type distribution by country - WikipediaAs for being rhesus positive… at least 80% of the world are rhesus positive. Only few have a rhesus protein that is is so changed that the immune system reacts on other forms of it.

Which are the rarest blood groups in India?

While most people are acquainted with the ABO blood grouping system,in reality there are 35 blood grouping systems that we scientists are acquainted with as of now. In blood grouping a ‘blood group’ is assigned based on the presence of certain antigens present on the surface of cells assosciated with blood such as erythrocytes and platelets.Now your question might address the ABO blood system or “ALL” the known blood types.ABO blood grouping system: AB- is definitely the rarest blood grouping system in India as well as worldwide. 0.4% of the Indian population possess AB- while O+ (35.1%) is the most common.AB- is followed by A-(1.2%),B-(1.7%),O-(2%),AB+(7.3%),A+(21.7%) and B+(30.5%)Other blood grouping systems: Worldwide the Oh or Bombay blood group is the rarest Blood group. It is a part of the hh blood grouping system. It was first discovered in Mumbai by Dr.Y.M.Bhende.This has become an integral part of the plot of many movies. It is also mentioned in the movie Kahaani where the main antagonist is with Bombay blood group.An interesting thing to be mentioned is one in every 4 million people has the Oh blood group but in the city of Mumbai one in every ten thousand has it. Yet,it still remains the rarest blood group in India.Many other rare blood groups have also been observed in India,such asSource: Wikipedia a Hindustan times

What is the rarest blood type?

The most rare blood of world is AB(-). It's just add upto to be 5% population of world having this blood group..But from recent updates a new blood group INRA type is found which doesn't match with any other A, B, O, AB and also BombayBlood Groupor also called as HH Blood Group.As said a total of only 7 people are having this blood group in whole world.It's just said not a Proper confirmation is their till now.. that why till then AB(-) us the most rare one.Cheers!!

Why most Indians are blood group Rh positive?

The Inheritance of Rh system is more complicated than the ABO blood group system. It is striking that most of the Indians are Rh positive. Could you explain it genetically or in some other way?

Which is the best blood type?

Best in which regard?O+ is the most common blood group type overall, but A+ is most frequently found in Northern and Central Europe as well as amongst some native tribes throughout the world. On the Indian subcontinent, B+is most frequent. All the rhesus negative groups are rare (genetically recessive). O- is the universal RBC donor, whereas AB+ is the universal recipient. The universal plasma donor is AB+ or AB-.In other words, I don't think there is no such thing as “best”. Blood group types have nothing to do with character, professional success, family size, quality of relationship ships. Some will tell you that you should adjust your diet according to your blood group type, but IMO even that belongs to the realm of pseudo science if you simply look at the distribution across the globe and the varying native diets …

Is it rare for an Indian to have an O negative blood group?

Can't say but the blood group itself is very uncommon after Bombay Blood Group.Blood has certain molecules on its surface called antigens and these molecules can be of A type or B type. If the cell has A type molecule on surface then the blood group is A, and if the molecule is B type then the group is B. If both A or B type molecule is present then we get AB blood group and if neither is present then we get O blood group (O like zero, like nothing).The molecules mentioned above are coded by a gene called ABO gene. The gene A codes for A type molecule, B codes for B type molecule and O codes for no molecule.Every individual has two copies of genes, one from biological father and one from biological mother. Both the copies of gene are A or one copy is A and other O, then only A type molecule is synthesised and you have A blood group. The same for goes for B. But if one copy is A and other B, we get AB blood group. So by this logic, for blood to be O group, both the copies must be O.O gene being recessive and that too with no Rh factor makes it rare. However NOT rarest!

I am O+ Blood type. Is this Native American?

i am O+ and I am 100% black....

so there goes your theory

Why is the B+ blood group so common in India and not at all in other parts of the world?

Blood groups are determined by the presence and absence of antigens. The chemical analysis of the group O antigen reveals that it is the simplest blood group and it serves as the backbone for all other complex A, B and AB groups. These blood groups were developed by adding other sugars onto the basic O sugar. Thus, it is evident that the gene for blood group O is infinitely older compare to A and B Antigens. Native Americans are said to be the old people existing in our world today, so it's no surprise that American populations show a very high(70-80 percent) predominance of O group blood.Advent of A and B blood groups : Environmental conditions played a big part in the advent of A, B and AB groups. Blood Group A was thrived as a result of new dietary changes and began to supplant group O as a response to new types of infections, whereas the development of blood group B was in large part a response to changes in the environment, followed by the different set of dietary adaptations.The gene for blood group B first appeared in significant numbers somewhere around 10 to 15,000 B.C., in the area of the Himalayan highlands, now they are part of Pakistan and India(North), so the blood group B is found in increased numbers from India (North), the numbers are comparatively lesser in the south part of India. Migration of Blood Groups:Human migration is the reason for the distribution of blood types. The barrier between the mountainous terrain from Russia to Caucasus(Asia) and the Pyrenees of southern France split the migrations of the blood groups into two basic routes. 1) A northern Stream 2) A southern Stream. The invaders who carried the gene for blood group "A" took the southern approach became the ancestors of the Mediterranean people and western Europeans. The Ural Mountains in Russia prevented a large migration westwards from Asia (People with the gene for Blood group B). This divided the blood groups into a western group A; and an eastern group B, thus the blood group B is found in increased numbers from Asian countries. Source :