I Would Like To Know If I Am Overweight

I'm overweight, should I still go talk to a recruiter?

Someone is going around marking down on these and I have no idea why when they are good answers.
However I have found all my recruiters to be different. One can be tolerant and help you and guide you and others will not give you the time of day because they are there for a paycheck and abiding by orders only.
However they have the books there with them and are taught to answer all your questions. Just call them on the phone and ask.

Get there name and rank and write it down if they are rude or make you feel uncomfortable in any way you report them by calling another recruiting office and asking how to do it. However I do not see them being that way but I can tell you are worried about it or you would of done that already.

If I am 20 pounds overweight, am I going to look like a fat cow when I start showing im pregnant?

First as a woman who had trouble conceiving, let me just say that your comment about weight sickens me. You have been given one of the greatest gifts in the world...don't be so shallow!! I'd gladly have been 200 hundred pounds overweight if it meant having a family.

Second twenty pounds is not a big deal, expect to gain another 25 to 35.

Third, to finally answer your question, I was a bit overweight when I (finally) got pregnant, and at first I jsut started looking fatter. It depends on whether you carry the baby all out front or gain everywhere. By six months you could definately tell though. Wearing maternity clothes right away will help make it obvious you are pregnant. no one ever said "gee are you gaining weight?" but many people would smile and say "when are you due?" so don't worry about it too much.

Can you still be anemic and be overweight?

Yes, it is certainly possible. In fact, just two examples people who have gastric bypass need to be checked to make sure they don't become anemic as a complication of the procedure, and women who are overweight may have very heavy periods as a result of fibroids, and bleed so heavily they become anemic.

How can I find out whether I'm overweight?

Edit: When I originally answered this question, the OP claimed muscle weighed more than fat, which is incorrect. "I know muscle weighs more than fat so is my BMI based on the assumption that most of this weight is fat therefore unhealthy/overweight..."Well, for one thing, muscle does not weigh more than fat really. A pound is a pound, whether it is a pound of fat or a pound of muscle. But muscle is denser and more tightly packed, so it has less volume than fat. Imagine a pound of steak versus a pound of cotton candy. Second, the BMI is an absolutely horrible, lazy, inaccurate way to measure body fat percentage. It was originally designed as a census tool, not a medical tool. But it is quick and easy, makes a handy chart, and is great at shaming people. There are far better methods out there to measure body fat percentage, but they take a little more time, math, and measurements to do.Consider I have had several friends that were told they were overweight or borderline obese while in the second to third trimester of their pregnancy, because of their BMI rating. Technically at the time they were pregnant, they were actually 2 people in one body. If you are really concerned with your body fat percentage, look at other methods for measuring it. The BMI is something not designed or meant for medical purposes or even health purposes. It is a truly horrible trend for lazy medicine and health care.

Going into the National Guard, but I'm overweight?

They will not make an exception. If you're Fat, you're fat and must meet the minimum requirements. The Military, using that term loosely regarding the National Guard, is not designed as an alternate to weight watchers or "The Biggest Loser."

Edit: If you can't meet the Body Fat requirements then you are FAT. Not pleasantly plump, not the "new" average but FAT. I spent 20 years dealing with Overweight enlisted personnel and were nothing but a headache. Always with excuses why the requirements were unfair. BTW, you know little of my intelligence level, accomplishments or my past experiences.
You stated your overweight. Overweight=FAT.
Edit: This is being respectful. If you can't handle my comments then you're definitely won't be able to handle boot camp. "Just sayin"

How do I know if I am fat?

You can check that in the following ways-Do your thighs rub while you walk?Calculate your weight and height and check your BMIDo you feel lazy or palpitations when climbing up a no. of stairs? (For overweight)Take your current picture and one old picture. Compare .Could you see your double chin building up?Try wearing your old clothes.( Personal experience- I wore it a few months back. Why so tight then?? :(Another experience- I wore it an year ago, and still it fits. Wow. ^_^)6. Last but the most effective. If you're a girl, ask your brother and vice versa, they'll make you believe you have become fat :pThe last point was just for fun(it may turn out to be useful)Hope I helped. :)

Is being overweight physically uncomfortable? I'm obviously talking about fat. I’d like to know how being overweight feels physically, like when fitting clothes, walking, exercising, breathing, and maintaining hygiene.

Yes! It is very uncomfortable.From my own experiences and being obese (Up above 340 pounds) My doctor said my healthy weight was 180. That is 160+ pounds over weight.I would huff and puff no matter where I walked. I would need to sit down to catch my breath and struggled with getting back up. I was pretty much a rolley polley. It was hard to fit through door jams and made moving through smaller spaces difficult. I could not see my feet, or my groin at that time.It was difficult having to put shoes on, if they were untied, they stayed untied. I’d have to roll around trying to get at an angle I could bend to put them on. This including fighting to put pants on and hoping my thighs didn’t wear a hole in them.I went up and up size clothing. large, to xl, to xxl, to xxxl. That’s just the top. Bottom was a war in itself to find clothes that fit.My knees and feet ached. I was so heavy i forced the arches in my feet to go flat, and it was extremely painful.I wheezed going up stairs (a small stair case!) and I had to stop mid way to sit down and rest.I was extremely unhealthy. Extremely miserable. And in so much pain. I got to that point because food was my crutch. I ate when I was sad, I ate when I was happy. I ate when I was bored.As far as hygiene went. It was hard to make sure I was super clean! I didn’t fit in the bathtub very well, and couldn’t reach the nitty gritty places very well due to how large my stomach was. Showers were the only option. I would later up like normal and half my time was making sure I cleaned under my skin folds and the lady bits. It took longer but I never stunk. Shaving my legs most days was out of the question.This lifestyle made me extremely depressed and I hated myself. I ended up losing 100+ pounds. I still have a bit more to go to my “healthy” weight. But life opens up when you are healthier.Here is proof of me before in the pigtails. I was topping over 340 pounds.And here is me currently. Still 60ish pounds to go. But much healthier and happier.

How do I objectively determine if I am overweight? My friends say I’m not - but I feel like I am.

The best way is to measure your waist circumference, and devide that by your height. It should be around 0.50 or a bit more.Of course you could also look at a very popular parameter BMI, depending on your ethnicity, you can calculate this by using this calculator Asian BMI CalculatorIt also tells you within which range your normal BMI is, depending on your ethnicity., on the left for Asians, on the right for white peopleDon’t try to lose weight if you aren’t overweight, you might be having an eating disorder, if so, see your doc please.

How do I know if I’m actually fat or if I just think I am?

It really honestly depends on your definition of “fat”. Most(If not all) people have “fat” to store energy in their bodies, which is totally normal. But I assume you want to know if you have too much.I would start with determining your BMI or “body mass index”.Here is a pretty helpful estimate from WebMD based off of height and weight:Body and BMI CalculatorI always struggled with being uncertain if I was overweight or if I was just worrying.Honestly just get fit(go on walks, join an online course, do learn martial art, etc.) and you won’t have to worry about being fat, you’ll just be super fit and stuff. That’s what solved a lot of my problem.Hope that helps! God bless!