Ideas On Social Networking Site .

What can be a good idea for a new social networking site?

Every possible idea for people to network socially has been tried and tested multiple times. There are video, image, chat and audio based social networks. The only possible new way to build a new social networking site would be to merge VR/AR technologies to social media interactions to make them feel real. Can you do that? :PPS: Facebook already seems to be taking steps in that direction with the Oculus Rift.

New Social Networking website name ideas?

I have a revolutionary idea for a new social network i'm making. However, I cannot come up with a name. I'm really looking for a name like tumblr, linkedin or pinterest. Nothing like facebook or myspace. I had some names in mind but apparently people like to make websites and do nothing with them.

Who came up with the idea of social networking?

The history of the *concept* of social networks is well explained here: Social network. In that article you can learn about the some pioneers in social network theory such as Ferdinand Tönnies, Georg Simmel, and Jacob L. Moreno.The history of social networking *software* is well explained here: Social networking service. Six Degrees is generally regarded as the grandfather of modern social networking services, and Andrew Weinreich founded that service, so if you're looking for a specific *person*, Andrew Weinreich is probably your guy. I'll let him go further back if he wants :-)

What are some ideas about the future of social networking sites?

I guess in future it will be only one global network with groups by interests and combined features in order to accommodate everyone's needs.

What are some name ideas for a social network website?

It depends on the nature of your social network website. You need to identify who your target audience is. There are many ways of naming a business. You need to keep these points in mind:1. Catchy - The name should be catchy. These days, traditional names are not so popular but a catchy word can make a great impact of your brand.2. Short - Keep the name as short as possible, it will help in a long run during marketing, designs and publicity.3. Easy to remember - This helps in advertisement a lot. If name can read and remembered easily, people will lock it in their mind easily.4. Unique - It has to be unique. Else you will face issues while making your social platform profiles/pages, company registration and brand registration.5. Relevant - If you can keep it relevant to your industry, it will help customers correlating easily.For more help you can connect with us on

Social networking sites are bad for you?

What do you mean? You want more ideas why social networks are bad? I did this a long time ago in my English class. Social networks take the user and it attracts them to keep using it. Thus, grades are dropped because the network is their main priority anymore, and cyber bullying is a main trend these days. Social networks themselves do no cause the death. It's other people on the site that lead to a bullying problem. You know there is a site of pros of how social networks are negative and con of how they contribute to many problems. Google I think that's the site and there's a link to social networks.

Can you patent social networking?

Social networking is a pretty broad idea so it’s not patentable. But like some of the other answers point out, specific parts of a social network could receive patent protection provided they meet the other requirements of patentability.That being said, you would need to point to some very specific part of your social network that could receive a patent. For an idea of the types of things in a social network that can receive patent protection, here is a list of patents held by Facebook. These are mainly systems and methods for the application of ideas. The difference is that instead of claiming a patent on the idea itself, the claim is for the application of that idea which makes it patent eligible.The application of an idea must contain some “inventive concept” that will transform the unpatentable idea into a patentable application of the idea. Generally, this means that the inventor actually invented something on their own rather than simply discovering something.I hope this answers your question, but if you still have more and would like to speak with a patent attorney, you should check out LawTrades. Our attorneys have experience with the patent process and have helped many inventors maneuver the complexities of patent law. Our legal marketplace charges up to 60% less than a traditional law firm and we offer flexible payment arrangement. Good luck!

What are some innovative ideas for a social networking site start-up, which can beat Facebook?

In my opinion, Justin Timberlake's MySpace might be a good idea... in fact, there are some great ideas of social networks already out there, but I think the success of Facebook (which is similar to WhatsApp's) is not the fact that both are the best ideas, but because they were first having sustainable capital investments that let them reach all generations - that's hard to beat: old adults (baby boomers) + elders use facebook/whatsapp and won't change if it's not needed, because they're not usually early adopters as us millenials could be.​​​​