Identify Three Prominent Figures In The Harlem Renaissance Note The Contributions Of Each And

What were the innovations of Renaissance art?

The biggest innovation in Renaissance art was the introduction of the linear perspective by this manHis name was Filippo Brunelleschi and he was a Florentine architect. His development of the linear perspective (a vanishing point on the horizon) had dramatically altered how artists painted. It led to a new movement in the arts known as realism. The painters experimented and introduced new techniques that dealt with light, shadows and human anatomy (Leonardo) to create much more realistic paintings. Since the Renaissance was a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman art, literature and philosophy, the realism had caused the focus of the art to shift from God and the divine, as was the tradition in the Middle Ages, to the depiction of a man, or as the Greeks said: “Man is the measure of all things.”Ultimately the biggest innovations of the Renaissance art were the works of the painters of the period that created so many masterpieces: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Titian, Donatello, that laid the foundation for the modern history.

Does anybody know anything about the renassance?

i believe the 'renassance', as you call it, which by the way is more appropriately spelled as Renaissance, was a sort of reawakening (around the 15th-16th century) of the (please correct me if i'm wrong) European people in terms of once again venturing out onto the world in search of cultural, artistic and intellectual knowledge. This was because the period before the Renaissance was actually the time when the Byzantine Empire(it was the capital of Rome)fell from power (because of the Turks), thus throwing Europe and all its scholars into a state of frenzy to survive because of the nature of the brutish and ruthless overthrowers, giving them rarely the time to think about anything less than living as far as tomorrow, much less...well, THINKING at all. But sometime after that, I believe a string of events I really cannot come to mind right now, occured, leading to the said era. By the way, Renaissance aactually means 'rebirth' in Italian, a very befitting name if i may say so. Hope I helped. :)

Does anyone know anything about Zora Neale Hurston?

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