Idk What To Do Anymore Life Seems To Be Pointless

No point to life anymore?

Im a 21yo male who s currently attending college for film and philosophy. I have a 4.0 and study jazz guitar on the side as a hobby but life just seems to be hollow and pointless lately.
I don t really have any good friends, and I ve never had a girlfriend. Walking around campus has really just become unbearable, seeing so many people succeding so effortlessly at what I can never seem to achieve.
I don t have much of a relationship with my dad and my mom works 7 days a week so I don t have much of a family either.
I kind of think that killing myself would be my best bet at this point. Im just completely alone in this world, and everything I do is basically irrelevant.

There s just no point.

What should you do when you feel life is pointless?

Before I answer you… what do you really feel like doing right now?For me(on the verge of ending myself), asked myself do I still want to live.I controlled myself to hesitate, enabling rest to rethink and reflect.(upon reasons, be it to live or die)I searched google, and it told me many positive things.(not what i wanted)I searched negative literature to see the author’s point of view.I searched religions and saw their predictions of life and death.I saw philosophies of life and knew for sure, nope, these theories can’t be proven.(our senses might be an illusion: see solipsism)All those years, why did I live? Unconsciously living(yes nevertheless still living), for what?You can see the highest frequency word that is in my answer is the word, I.I guess you can guess it, the truth is everybody is searching and pursuing the purpose of life, but it is just all question based upon I.“I” matters most… do you get it?My life is mine, it doesn’t belong according to the views of my family, my peers, or even my God.I get my say in my life.Reasoning likewise I love life! I love MY life! For me to feel meaningful is to not disappoint myself by slacking off or not trying when there is a chance for success, be it whatever it may be(even if it is researching immortality). To try my best, so that eventually even if I die, I have tried, therefore there is no remorse in this. How cool is it to fight against all odds! People think I am defeated, think my actions are madness, but no…. oh no, I define what is my defeat, what is my purpose in this life, therefore I shall not waver when anybody questions my existence and purpose.That’s just me.Your life, your say. You define what it means to be meaningful or meaningless. What people think does not matter when it comes to your meaning of life. People think you are defeated, if you truly believe what they think, then you are truly defeated. Therefore you are here now, believing in what that isn’t defined by yourself.I am the author of my life. Be it meaningless or not nobody other than myself can judge it. Nobody can define my meaningless/meaningful other than me.So to answer your question:I suggest you do what you value most before your life ends.ButYou are the one who authorize your next step.P.S. Immortality gives meaning when all eventually fades.

I don't want to live anymore. I feel alone and useless. I don't want my family to suffer for me either. What can I do?

Dear Ariel,You do not need to explain.I know this feeling well. I spent 3 years in very deep depression and wanted to die every day. I tried committing suicide once but failed. I felt useless and worthless and totally alone. I still remember what it was like. I know the bottomless pit. I also know how to get out of it and to dissolve the depression once and for all.I strongly recommend you go to my blog at and read everything there about depression and how to get rid of it. Do all the practices and suggestions listed there. Do that starting today.Having said that. A couple things that are very important….First, if you die in depression, in the darkness, it will follow you. There is no relief in death. It will actually feel worse and even more real. Plus you will add guilt to the mix. So suicide is really not a good option.Second, you can get rid of the depression and the feelings of uselessness if you commit yourself to it. It will take work on your part by you can do it. You are not alone. There are people who care about you and you should make them a part of your support system.Third, you need to find a good therapist who has experience with depression. Make that person a part of your support system as well.I tell you these things from my experience and the experience of hundreds of other people I have worked with and helped.You can get out of this dark pit, this pain that never seems to end. You can do it. The darkness is lying to you.Remember, you are not alone and you are not worthless no matter what that inner dialog tells you.Take careJon

Why do I feel like i don't know who I am anymore and that my life is worthless?

This feeling can be temporary if you work on changing factors in your life that are affecting you negatively.Since you used the word “anymore” in your question, it sounds like there used to be a time in your life that you actually felt like you knew yourself well. What have you been doing differently these days compared to that time in the past?How much stress are you experiencing at the moment?How much time in your day is dedicated to things that truly make you happy?How is your health? Are you eating natural and healthy foods and keeping processed foods to a minimum?How much sleep do you get per night?If you smoke, drink, or do drugs, consider the possibility that it’s affecting you emotionally.Analyzing the word “worthless”, what personal characteristics do you feel are valuable in other people? How can you emulate the life perspectives of these people that you admire? Try to surround yourself with a healthy support system of people who make you a better person and vice versa.

I don't enjoy life anymore?

I'm 15, and i can't enjoy life anymore. Every night i'm pissed because i don't want to go to sleep because i know i'll have to go to school the next day. I usually get around 5-6 hours of sleep, and i wake up angry, stressed, anxious and sleep deprived. I just don't want to live this way anymore... Life is just so gray, bland and colorless. In the weekends i get a bit of relaxation, but other than the weekend i am almost never relaxed. I'm not suicidal, but it's gotten to the point where if i just happened to die, i wouldn't care. The only thing i'd feel sad about is my family missing me. Another thing that scares me is that my only dream job is to do youtube as a job, and i've been working on it for a year now and my channel has slooowly started to grow. But i'm so scared it won't work, because i can't keep living like this. If i don't succeed on that dream then i'll have to do shitty jobs and live a life filled with nothing but stress and anxiety for the rest of my life, and i don't want that to happen. The only thing worth living for is the hope for a better future. What do i do? I'm so lost and i'm so tired of it all, sometimes i just wish i was never born so i didn't have to deal with all of this.

What should I do if my life isn't fun anymore and everything feels pointless and violated?

Well, that's the downside of life.  You are no longer challenged, you are bored, and you don't have much to look forward to.  I know well how this feels, and yes, it is hard to keep going when everything feels futile.  May I suggest two things1.  Find something new to learn - learning always invigorates us and it gives us something to look forward to.2.  Go play - take a vacation, go swimming, go do something unexpected that you'd never consider doing, get some ice cream with friends, go fishing, go camping, crank up the music and dance like a fool, do something you wanted to do but talked yourself out of, turn off the computer and go sit outside.Here's how I see it, life does reach a point of hummmmm.  It just idles at a stop light, and there's not much energy to move once that happens, you become stationary and stagnant.  All you can do is push yourself through it.  AND, make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating well because that can contribute to filling useless.  It's up to you now - you have to make your life happen, and since you are in a slump, you are going to have to do something to move yourself up and out.

I feel like i can't be bothered with life anymore?

You really shouldn't think like that. By the sounds of it your friends aren't all that great. My advice would be to lay off the drinking because that is making you more depressed. Try writing out goals and really have a think what you want out of life, and once you have, reach for it. You can't go through life without wanting or trying to achieve, it'll be pointless. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Strive to succeed and what should be your biggest motivation is proving to your parents that you're opposite as to what they saying you are ! First step you should take is thinking positively and get rid of everything negative in your life. Stay strong and good luck !

I hate life, I don't want to live anymore?

Try these resources for your stuttering: there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.
Meet others who stutter here
Stuttering Foundation and Stuttering Community on Facebook

"Self Therapy for the Stutterer" published by The Stuttering Foundation worked wonders for my family members who stuttered after working through it step by step. The book can be found here
It is great for those who do not have access to speech therapy.

Advice to Those Who Stutter book

Great Video Advice for those who stutter

The Foundation also has a list of speech therapists worldwide who have been trained to work with stutterers.

Why don't I give a fuck about anything anymore? Like life feels pointless, and unreal, like I don't belong to my body, like it doesn't matter if I die

Life is what we make it. I have no clue what your life is like, but your on Qoura asking this question so I'm assuming your not living in a trash can. Therefore I'm going to ask you to concentrate on something for me so that I can help you. Please take this seriously and give it a try. Focus on only the good things in your life. Search deep into your thoughts. Even the little things like a stranger saying hello as you walk pass. Pick your brain for every good thing that happened today. If your reading this you didn't get hit by a car today, so be thankful for that. If your actually taking this seriously then keep doing it! Never stop thinking about the good things. When something bad happens flip it around and think how much worse it could have been. Good...only the good....I remember when I hated my life. I didn't enjoy my job anymore, sat in traffic for two hours everyday, every little thing at home would piss me off, their wasn't a dam thing to watch on TV, my social life was nonexistent and my relationship was like two opposing ends of a magnet. After eight years of this miserable existence I suddenly woke up from this long miserable blur. It was the way I viewed my life that created this. I didn't realize it but I was wollowing in self pity. I choose to complain about my life as an excuse for my madness. Perhaps I was seeking attention, I have no clue. Today I am so thankful that I snapped out of it and put a lot of effort into fixing myself. We truly have a choice between a good life and bad life. It all depends on how we look at it. Remember, think of the good not the bad. When somethings bad, find the good in it. It takes weeks to actually see life that way, but it will be your start to loving life again. Good luck ..

Why do I feel I am not myself anymore?

Anhedonia and apathy can result from depression. You lose interest in just about everything and nothing gives you pleasure. If you don't have an interest in living, goals become meaningless. You imply that your current state of mind represents a change from how you used to be. So what happened? An illness? A trauma? A broken relationship? Graduate from college? Lose your job?Depression makes you self-absorbed and can be very isolating. That makes it hard to get out in the world and focus on others although this can be very therapeutic. I always recommend that people who experience a shift in attitude or feel they're depressed get a thorough medical exam to rule out physiological problems. Your thoughts and beliefs about life have clearly changed so that means you're cycling a new set of thoughts and beliefs - a therapist can help you sort these out and test their validity - are they reality based or distortions?The only constant is change. As crappy as life may feel now, tomorrow things can be completely different, but only if you're around to experience them.If life seems pointless, be fearless. There no reason not to try new things. Don't assume that life can't feel excitingly different tomorrow.