Idk What To Do With Math

Math problem idk what to do?

You are asked how much will 12 flats weigh, but told to ignore weight of bottles and cardboard. You only have to add up the weight of the water. The key idea that you need, is that 1 litre of water weighs 1kg.
In other words, the volume in litres is the weight in kg.
355 ml = 0.335 litres and there are 24 *12 of those
Weight = 288*0.335 = 96.48 kg
1 kg ~ 2.21 lb
Weight = 96.48 * 2.21 lb ~ 213.2 lb
Now that you see how easy this was, try to work out why you did not know where to begin, as learning how to think things out will be very helpful to you.

Math word probelem? Idk get it?

K = (O/4) - 5

Let O = the height of an ostrich and K = the height of a kiwi

Therefore O = 4K +20 ie (an ostrich is 4 times the height of a kiwi + 20 inches more)
Therefore O - 20 = 4K
Therefore (O-20)/4 = K

K = (O-20)/4
or expanding the bracket

K = (O/4) - 20/4
K = (O/4) - 5

check say a kiwi = 20, then an ostrich is 4x20 +20 = 80+20 = 100
Now K = (O/4) - 5 or in other words 100/4 - 5 = 25 - 5 = 20 therefore correct.

Failing My math class and idk what to do?!!!!!?

so my summer semester started about three weeks ago, (May 30th) and im taking a elementary algebra class and im struggling with it! basicaly the math is the same as the prealgebra class i took last semester which ended last month and everything is still the same, same problems and numbers but i just took the first testa nd failed horribly, my grade before the test was a 82% due to getting good scores on the online hw but after i took my test i got a bad scored and my overall grade dove from a 82% to a 32%!

im panicking right now! idk what to do, math isnt my strongest subject and i cant afford to just drop the class or else i wont graduate and transfer to a 4 year school by next year!
the class doesnt end until august 8th and our next test is in about two weeks. im thinking in going to the math tutors that they offer at my college but im so scared it wont help me.

ive tried everything to do better but nothing is working. I feel the professor just goes over the lecture too fast and he has been ending class an hour early, (the class is two hours long from monday though thursday)

last semester i got myself together and finally started to do better in my classes and i even passed my prealgebra class. im getting my financial aid back this semester but if they see im failing math then im sure they will cut me off again.

i need suggestions because idk what to do! :/

Please not the hw is only worth like 10% of my grade and the tests are like 60% and our final will be worth 30% of our grade...

How Do i Word Problem? Math, idk how to do it! help?

The Question:

"""A Census taker rings the doorbell of an apartment.
a man answers. the census taker asks, "Can you please tell me how many children live in this apartment?" The man answers, "three". Next, the census taker asks, "and what are their ages?" The resident, being a witty and clever man, says, "the product of their ages is 72"

The census taker, being pretty smart himself, replies, "you haven't given me enough information," to which the homeowner responds, "well my girls' ages add up to my apartment number."

The sensus taker steps back on the porch, looks at the apartment number, then announces, "well i still don't have enough information to determine your daughters' ages".

Finally, the resident says, "my oldest daughter prefers chocolate ice cream," and the census taker says, "thank you. I now have enough information to determine your daughters' ages." and indeed he does."""

What are the ages of the 3 girls? and apartment number"

I feel like i could figure it out but i don't get the "chocolate ice cream" part at the end. What does it mean?

Idk why i don't get this math problem, help?

The sample space is all the different possible outcomes. In this case there are six: {($1, $5), ($1, $10), ($1, $20), ($5, $10), ($5, $20), ($10, $20)}.

Out of the six possible outcomes, there's only one way to get $15, by choosing ($5, $10), so the probability is 1/6.

The probability of getting $50 is zero because it's impossible to get $50. The most you can get with 2 bills is $30 and there's only $36 in the wallet.

Out of the six possible outcomes, there are two possible ways to get at least $25. You can either choose ($5, $20), which would be exactly $25, or ($10, $20), which would be $30. Therefore the probability is 2/6. The fraction can be reduced to 1/3.

K idk how to do this. i love math but i just don't get science yet. if u explain i might get it. ;)?

331 = 20.0(lambda) ----- (the "upside down y")
331/20 = lambda
16.55 m = wavelength

Much of understanding science is in understanding the concepts - sometimes, you have to solve problems (using math skills) to see numerical proof of the concepts.

In this particular problem, you have a velocity measured in meters per second (m/s), and a frequency measured in hertz (Hz), which is also cycles ("times") per second, sometimes noted as sec^(-1). Thus, you know what you need to find is the distance/length in meters (m) as stated in the problem. This is what's known as "dimensional analysis" - you're looking at the dimensions you know in order to calculate the one you don't know as a check to make sure you're doing the problem correctly.

Math help...Idk how to do this word problem.?

Lee drove 120 miles to Green Bay, and used 4 gallons of gas. If the highway gas mileage is the same for a 340 mile trip to Minneapolis, how much gas would be used? Express your answer to 2 decimal places.


haha! ok! so i'm doing math homework and there are 2 questions that idk how to do! i know the answers but i just don't know how to set it up! ur supposed to use proportions and i used them last year but my mind is like completely blank right now! anyway here's the questions:

You paid $5 at a gas station for 3 gallons of gasoline.
A. How much would 12 gallons of gasoline cost?
B. How much gasoline can you buy for $30?

^All I need is the proportion set up, I can do the answering by myself!
please help!=]