If A Communist Coup Happened In Australia Would The Americans Invade

Can China invade Australia?

Obviously.China could invade any country with the exception of the US (and possibly Russia) with very little effort.What surprises me is the number of people on here saying that China would never do such a thing because the US would come to Australia’s aid. This may be hard for some of you to hear, but the US does not care about Australia. The Americans and Australians are close allies, but only because Australia does everything the Americans want and asks very little in return. Once that changes and Australia is asking for the US to come in and go to war with their largest geopolitical, economic, and military rival, things will not be so rosy.Even worse was the one guy I saw claiming that Australia would win because every man, woman, and child would rise up against the invaders. Have fun against all those warplanes and artillery, buddy. I, for one, welcome our new overlords if it means staying alive.Having said that, China would not invade Australia.First, there are the economic reasons. I’m not saying that Australia is an indispensable trade partner, but invading a country with a decent international reputation would hurt China’s brand a little. Sanctions, lack of trust, that sort of thing.More importantly, China does not want to rule the world. Despite US rhetoric and the history being projected upon it, China does not seek to become an imperial power. China is quite happy doing what it is doing.

What would happen if Mexico became communist country?

While it is highly unlikely that this would happen now, the Communist Domino effect in Latin America was a real American fear throughout most of the 20th century.Mexico has a fascinating past for modern historians. While many attribute this fascination to the Revolutionary conflicts of the 1910s, what is truly surprising is the political hybernation the nation has experienced ever since.The PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) ruled Mexico for 71 uninterrupted years from 1929–2000. This peaceful contrast with the revolution years, coupled with Mexico’s relative neutrality in international affairs during the Cold War, possibly hint at a covert influence exercised by its northen neighbor. The US has had a long and troubled relationship with Latin American politics and it would be no surprise if it had actively sought to expand its diplomatic power over Mexico.With this in mind, we can now assess how hard it would be for Mexico to become Communist. Being part of Intra-national institutions such as NAFTA, Mexico would suffer great economic losses and sanctions from other members if it decided to become Communist. While American- Russian relations haven’t been ideal in the past few years, Mexico is geographically much closer to the US than to the former Soviet Bloc. While Cuba could have been a possible ally, this would be very unlikely now with the thawing of American-Cuban relations. Overall, Mexico would be completely ostracized by both Latin and Anglo Americas, making it nearly impossible for the communist regime to sustain itself.

If America would have remained isolationist and not entered WWII, what would the world be like today?

Hitler wanted Britain on his side for very good reasons. We are the most invaded Island in the world and are descended from some of the most brutal cultures who invaded and settled here. He probably would have just tried to stop us interferring with his invasion plans. He had tried to basically get consent from Britain to invade Poland.

The auxiliary military units would have destroyed a Nazi force invading Britain. Auxiliary units were trained to become terrorists and attack the invading/occupying army, recruit and train more for the same. During the Iran/Iraq war, when US and UK supported Saddam Hussein and sold him chemical weapons which he used on the Kurds, Iraqi officers came to Britain to train to use this auxiliary method in the event of an invasion. You could see it happen when we invaded Iraq this time....Iraqi forces went guerilla as soon as they new they were going to lose and then start a war of covert destruction. You can see that method in action every day on the news.

If America hadn't been bombed at Pearl Harbour, they would have stayed out of it. America was already involved with it's own Eugenics program of compulsory sterilization and internment way before the war. Eugenics was at the heart of Hitler's master race idea and many in America had equally bigoted ideas. How long ago was it that racial integration was forbidden in the US? Oh Yeah, there are still colleges where inter racial relationships are forbidden, aren't there?

I expect that the rest of the world would have much healthier diets and terrorism would be much rarer. Vietnam would not have happened and many more Jews, gypsies and Freemasons would have been slaughtered by the Nazis.

I think that Nazism would still have destroyed itself.

Why did US intervene and support dictators in Latin America in the 1970s? Same with Iran? Justfied?

I am going to try and answer this in general terms rather than specific.

During the Cold War it was determined by most administrations (Jimmy Carter being THE notable exception) that being anti-Communist was more important than being (strictly speaking) a working democracy. That meant we dealt with some pretty odious characters. However, as bad as some of these “authoritarian” leaders were, the Communist alternative was ALWAYS worse for the citizens of the countries we supported. Communist suppression meant more political prisoners, harsher torture, and more “enemies of the people” liquidated (murdered) then the American backed counterparts. The American backed dictators allowed some form of free market economy which ALWAYS led to a better standard of living, even in otherwise suppressive surroundings. And in some cases the American influence led to working democracies (Taiwan and South Korea come to mind).

When Jimmy Carter institutionalized the American disengagement from the Cold War and instituted a policy based on human rights instead of containment he immediately offended practically everybody (including both the Shah of Iran and the Ayatollah Khomeini). He was directly responsible for the fall of Iran to militant Muslims and Nicaragua to Communists. These two events set off the Iran/Iraq Gulf War and the Civil War in El Salvador costing millions of lives. Abandon, most of our erstwhile allies in Central and South America who quickly found themselves being challenged by Soviet backed insurgents, and without the US moderating influence that had kept a lid on some of the more sever abuses during the Cold War, these dictators overreacted by launching “dirty wars” that not only targeted Socialist/Communist agitators, but everyone who was in opposition to the government. Carter could have prevented all of this.

Were mistakes made during the Cold War? Probably, but look what happened when we turned out backs on anti-Communist dictators in the 70s. The whole world had better luck while we were trying to keep a lid on things.

Seeing red.... HISTORY HALP MEH?

Select all that apply.
1. Mark each answer choice if it describes something that convinced many Americans that communist influence was growing in the United States.

the Soviet Union's takeover of Eastern Europe

the communist victory in the civil war in China

social welfare programs

the United States' entry into the Korean War

communist spies in the United States

2. Select on that apply
Mark each statement regarding the growth of communism in Asia and its affect on the United States if it is True.

The Communists defeated the Nationalists in the Chinese civil war.

South Korea invaded North Korea in the early 1950s, sparking the Korean War.

Americans persecuted their fellow citizens because of the fear of communism.

Americans became fearful and worried that communism would dominate the world.

Select all that apply
3. Mark each nation if it was a major participant in the Korean War.



North Korea

South Korea

United States
