If A Neighbour Is Seeking Planning Permission

In the UK, do you need planning permission to install a simple weather station on the roof of a residential property?

Technically, you probably need permission.There are exemptions for aerials (with tight restrictions on the number and size), and for weather-vanes, but not for weather stations.The experience of people who have applied for such permission is that it's been granted, and the planning departments are more likely to be really really helpful rather than jobsworthy.

How do you get planning permission in France?

In France everything is prohibited, unless specifically permitted. Let me give you one personal example.I wanted to extend my house with a terrasse. First question : would my building project be prohibited by some law ? For instance in the area I live in, one is not allowed to have a terrasse or a window from where a neighbour could be looked at , unless there is an 8 meter distance from the separation fence. Or you cannot build against this same fence if your roof is higher than 2.4 meters.As a first step you have to submit to the municipal authorities a design, if possible drawn by an architect. Showing the project from all possible angles. If you live at less than 300 meters from a building that is deemed “national treasure” than the consent of the official architect of National Monuments is required…even if your home is separated from same protected building by several high rise buildings.Every area of the city has special rules : some allow only one family homes, some other areas, possibly on the other side of the street, allow high rise buildings. For every area the city defines a fixed figure, concerning the garden size required for a given size of building. In larger towns each building is only allowed to occupy an certain amount of air, as compared to its immediate neighbours.Luckily the city employees are quite helpful when examining your project. They make sure however that no neighbour might object : a sign must be fixed visible from the street concerning the planned building and any neighbour may consult your file.If for some reason you build WITHOUT obtaining all the permits, the authorities might fine you …demolition requirement is extremely rare : it happens basically on the sea side when constructions infringe upon the public domain or ignore the laws protecting the sea-shore.If your project infringes upon the rights of a neighbour, having obtained a permit will not protect you : the neighbour has thirty years to sue you !The laws have as main use to keep government officials busy. France is a country where you plant laws and you harvest additional government officials

What is planning permission and do I need it?

Planning permission[1] covers the principles of development assessing whether the development will accord with local and national policies and whether it would cause unacceptable harm, for example, to neighbours’ amenities.When you make a planning application you are seeking permission to enable you to carry out development.Footnotes[1] The difference between Planning Permission and Building Regulations Approval

Does my extension need planning permission after 10 years (UK)?

My instinct is no, but it's fact dependant. Have you ever been approached by the council? Do you have records of when it was built? Did you buy it like that? Are there plans lodged with the land registry? Has a neighbour ever complained? Does it overlook windows or gardens belonging to someone else? Are there any similar extensions along the street where you live?

My neighbour want to build an extension? WHAT CAN I DO?

You can oppose it. Make up your submission stating that you would be happy enough for your neighbour to build an extension in the front of their house but you have concerns about an extension in the back of their house causing shadowing on your house.
Give a copy to your neighbour (either give it to them in person or leave it in their letter box) telling them that these are your officall concerns and tell them, you prefer to discuss this with them first, either face to face or by letter, before you present it to the council. If they get aggressive with you, then definitely oppose it at your council. If they are willing to 'discuss' it with you then good luck.

Could I live in a 40 ft container home in the UK without planning permission?

The local authority would likely be very suspicious.You would have to demonstrate that it was easily moveable, in order to be truly temporary. Containers don’t have wheels, so that would be immediately problematic.If it remained in place for more than 28 days you would be liable for both planning and building regulation compliance. It is a myth that temporary structures do not require planning permission. Nor does either depend in any way upon connection to permanent services. Indeed, failing to make adequate provision for both surface water drainage and for sewage may render you liable to prosecution, and absence of a safe drinking water supply may give the authority the right to impose a closure order forbidding you to live there.Marquees and tents are obviously temporary, but those erected all summer at hotels etc. require “permitted development” approval which is indistinguishable from planning permission.

How do I prevent my neighbour putting the gutter from his new building over my boundary?

You do not specify what the building is, I am presuming it is an extension on their property. Any extension must meet building regulations. Just because they do not need planning permission doesn't mean you don't have have rights....... Speak to your local council and they will fill you in on what they must take into consideration when building next to someone elses property. If they have flaunted any rules, they might wish they had not ignored you when they are ordered to take it down....!!!! As for the photo's, follow the police advise. good luck...!