If A Woman Becomes President Were Screwed. True Or False

What if a hippie became president?

LOL hippies still exist? We already had a hippie for president - Bill Clinton. Dont believe me? Lets check his qualifications:
1. Experimental drug use-check!
2. Willingly accepts "freelove"- check
3. Protested the Vietnam war-check
Yep, Bill was a hippie. But i would also like to add that all the real hippies are 40 and over. These jackass kids running around today call themselves hippies but they are just wannabes. See most of the real hippies from the 60's were college educated, responsible, patriotic, independent-thinkers.
These kids going around today are denser than the trees they hug, cant hold a job, have poor personal hygene, and are basically non-productive drains on our economy and natural resources.
Today's wannabes showed what stupid and worthless posers they are at Woodstock 2001 (i think this was the year it happened). Woodstock, from its original conception in the 60's, was supposed to be a giant rally for peace, love for freedom, sharing of ideas, and awesome rockin party. But what the new breed of "hippie" did was basically burn down the stage, start a riot, price-gouge bottled water, and sexually molest and rape hundreds of women in attendance. I wonder if while all this was going on if anyone stopped to think about if what they were doing represented and supported the ideals that the real hippies were trying to promote? No, noone thought about anything. So screw hippies. Im like Eric Cartman- "The only good hippie is a dead hippie."

Who Agrees a Woman Should Never be President?

I have nothing against have a female president just like I have nothing against a black president.

Except, if I had to play devil's advocate and 'agree' that there shouldn't ever be a female president.... I would say that the principal reason for it is "In-group favoritism".

Women just don't understand that men do not have "in-group gender bias". Women in power will act strongly in the interests of women. Men exhibit no own-group preference. Interestingly, men in power also act more often than not in the interests of women instead.

Again, it is really hard for a woman to imagine that men actually care about the well-being of everyone. Women can't imagine... It is unfathomable to believe that men do not 'think' or 'act' the same way a woman would. It is the flaw of feminism; feminism is headed by women who care only about themselves (or women as a whole).

If it is true that no one can become an American President without God's approval, then is it true that an opposition to him is influenced by Satan?

*Sigh*OK, time for a quick crash course in formal logic.“If p, then q” is called a “conditional statement” or an “implication”, where “p” and “q” represent fact claims.“p” is called the “antecedent”, and “q” is called the “consequent”.A conditional statement is true if and only if every time p is true, q is also true. It is false only if there is some scenario in which p is true and q is false.Now, an interesting consequence of this, which not many people realize, is that a conditional with a false antecedent is always true.*That is, if p is false, then it doesn’t matter if q is true or false - because, remember, we said that the conditional is only false if p is true and q is false.This is sometimes phrased as, “A false statement implies everything.”So, yes, if it is true that no one can become President without God’s approval, then it is true that any opposition to him is influenced by Satan.Oh, I’m not saying there’s any theological truth here - it’s more than possible for someone to take an action that is not aimed at God’s ultimate plans and not to be a sinner, because God doesn’t necessarily let us know His plans ahead of time.What I’m saying is that the statement, “No one can become an American President without God’s approval” is false - and therefore, you can insert anything at all as “q” and it will be true.“If it is true that no one can become an American President without God’s approval, then it is true that Clint Eastwood is an alien cyborg from the planet Bxtyplrg.” Still a true conditional.God doesn’t even hand-pick the Pope, much less the American President.He works all things to His will - but He uses what we give Him, via our use of His great gift of free will.So, is Donald Trump’s presidency “part of God’s plan”? Yes - in the sense that God knew it would happen, and planned accordingly.Did God cause Donald Trump to be elected? Only He knows, but I’m betting on “no”, simply because He usually doesn’t interfere in the results of human free choices.Did God want Trump to be chosen over Clinton? You’ll have to ask Him, because I sure can’t read His mind.*[For the sake of completeness, I should note that this applies only to indicative antecedents, not subjunctive antecedents - that is to say, it is still possible to meaningfully debate hypothetical or counterfactual scenarios.]

What would happen if Sarah Palin became president?

I would purposefully fail my citizenship test to become an illegal immigrant and be deported back to Europe.

I'd rather live in a war torn country than one run by a woman like Sarah Palin.

Who would make a worse President--Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin?

Bachmann wants to turn the US into the Christian equivalent of Iran - a country ruled by a set of radical religious laws where intolerance against other religious beliefs isn't just encouraged - it's required.

Palin, meanwhile, can only parrot bits of what others have told her. If Glenn Beck told her 2+2=5, you can bet she'd be in front of the media attacking liberaldemocrat math teachers for defrauding our kids' education.

So I guess I'd rather have Palin - she's clueless, but overall, fairly harmless. And we'll only have to put up with her for 2 years, if her experience in Alaska is any indicator.

Is it fair to say that the republicans have screwed themselves out of presidency?

Well, it's possible this election may ruin/fracture the party, but that's not a bad thing per se, we owe no specific allegiance to any party, and all parties need to be able to change to reflect the changing times, or disappear.

Sarah Palin debate,did she only recite memorized answers to most questions?

she repeated the word maverick 150 times,and that alone can prove that her purse was loaded with prepared and memorized dodging answers to all expected questions