If A Woman Has An Extremely Huge Vag Is It Ok To Put A Mayonnaise Jar In It

Can anyone tell me dirty jokes ?

i have one , but not that good , whats the difference between a woman and a car , you have to open the car to ride it , but you have to ride the woman to open her . do you have any ... plz tell :)

What does it feel like to put a penis inside of a vagina?

Well im a guy and still a virgin :P and i was just curious to find out whats it like i found answers but they were only "It feels like heaven" "Sooo Good" i need it described or any other things close feeling to it
Example it feels like putting it into a hole or something like that
Thanks for the answers!

What is the best treatment for eczema?

I have had severe Eczema for 20 out of my 22 years of existence. I have struggled with bloody sheets, horrible mornings, horribly painful showers and countless sleepless nights. I have been to doctors who have told me that I might have one of the worst cases in the Western US. I've even been turned down by dermatologists because I have tried everything that he knows what to do. Its been so severe that I almost died from it when I was little. Heck this past year, I've been in the ER twice. After going to hundreds of doctors, many told me the same things. Try this ointment, or this topical steroid etc. Then I went to the Mayo Clinic. They did skin patch testing but one thing they told me to try actually kind of helped! I couldn't believe it! Finally! Now, keep in mind that this kind of works for me, but I was just glad that they found something that works, even though it was a little. Here's what they told me: Use 1 tablespoon of vinegar per one quart of water. Soak clothes in it, apply ointment to effected area, and then put wet vinegar clothes on. It will sting at first. This will calm the inflamed skin and help to prevent infections as well. Use socks, underwear, shirts etc. The clothes will get cold so if may be a good idea to put long sleeves or another shirt over the wet clothes. The wet clothes (wet wraps) may cause discomfort so it may be a good idea to watch a movie to get your mind off it. Twice a day is ideal. I hope I helped! Note: A couple years back, I moved to Florida to help my skin and it was a huge improvement! The humidity did wonders! I could sleep a whole night, and the salt water from the ocean helped a great deal as well. Try going to a humid place or different climates to see if that helps. I had to move back to my home state which is very dry, for financial reasons unfortunately. Good luck

30 weeks pregnant and I need safe ways to clean! Help!?

I am 30 weeks pregnant and next Monday my fiancee and I are receiving the keys to our first home! We're wanting to move Wednesday/Thursday but, I'm wanting to go in Monday and Tuesday and fix some little problems (There's a few places where the paint is chipped, etc.) Also, I'm wanting to clean! I plan on vacuuming and steam cleaning the carpets, and mopping the wood floors, which should be no big deal.

But, there are some other stuff I'm wanting to do and I can't really use any chemicals. The appliances stayed so, I'm wanting to scrub the fridge and stove but, I'm going to guess I can't use a heavy duty appliance cleaner. Also, I'm wanting to just wipe down pretty much everything but, I don't think I'm supposed to be using 'Behold' (furniture polish) or any other cleaning supplies such as that. Of course, I cannot use draino and pretty much anything else that gives off fumes. My fiancee already has to fix a few things and works a fulltime job so, does anyone know any alternatives that a pregnant woman could use? Thanks so much!

P.s. Also, I'm 20 years old and know NOTHING about owning/cleaning a house so, if you have any advice DONT BE SHY! I would love to hear your words of wisdom. :) Thanks again!