If All The Planets Come In A Line Then Will It Effect Tje Daily Routine

How does scarcity affect my daily life?

Just an idea for you to work with - but depending where you live certain fruits and vegetables may be scare enough that the price would rise because what is there has to be imported. IE., tomatos are least expensive in the summer and expensive in the winter and also don't taste as good as homegrown.

Here's another - during hurricane season the price of plywood rises because it is scarce (depends on where you live) The trickle down ecoonomy of this in the case of an active hurricaine season means that all lumber products become scarce and more expensive - even that wooden 24" shelf at Home Depot will cost you more $.

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF Physics In our Daily Life??

PLZ !!!!!!!!!!


I promise........the one who gives me the best detailed answer wins. Ill give him/her 10 points as the best answer to help me get good marks in my homework assignment!

Your opinion on raising kids without cell phones, internet, or video games?

As with any adult responsibilities these things should be introduced gradually when the child is old enough to use them wisely.

The recommendation is still that no screen time at all should be allowed to children under the age of two as it damages their development so severely and that between two and five they should see no more than about half an hour of TV OR a computer per day. Unfortunately some parents start their children far too young on DVDs and computer games - but until they're four or five it's very easy to raise them without any access other than occasional educational or fun shows or computer games.

Mobile phones should never be allowed for children under the age of about 12, as it's now known that the radio waves can damage a growing child's brain, particularly if used often. An emergency phone for a child going somewhere on their own at 10 or 11 may be acceptable, but it must only be used for emergencies. At 12 or so a teen is usually old enough for a phone, and it's useful if they're going anywhere without their parents and may need to call for a ride - but they don't need anything other than phone calls and texts.

The Internet is a useful research tool, introduced in schools around age eight or nine, and home educators tend to use it more still... but it's important to limit its use to about an hour a day, as there are so many more important things to do - like running around, reading books, playing board games. It's already been observed that children who spend half their lives in front of screens grow up with terrible posture and all kinds of health conditions - no caring parent would encourage this kind of early addiction to screens. It's bad enough for adults!

The families I know best allow simple call/text mobile phones for their teens from about age 12 (but they buy them themselves, and pay for their own credit), and up to a couple of hours Internet time in the evenings from age 13. I don't think any of them have played video games, other than the simple ones that can be found on Facebook. They're all well-balanced teenagers who have a wide range of other interests.

Astrology and real life relationships- Where do you draw the line, Astrologers?

Great question, gotta think of how to word my answer.

From my experience with synastry and composite charts, there seems to be indicators of magnetism, if it exists or not. A couple who seems to just be drawn to one another will show things in the synastry. A "drawn together" symbol, usually a strong pluto statement or possibly neptune-venus aspect.

By chemistry I'm sure you mean natural attraction. Usually a positive mars/venus aspect shows natural attraction, and since pluto is sex, often it can show up as well. Alot can come into play. I do see your point on men and women and yes, they seem to naturally just be different. Sometimes, when i see two charts and I compare them for synastry, I can just see the positives and negatives. So it's like, you can already know the problems. I suppose it's like it all compliments each other. If there is chemistry there will be astrologitic influences backing it up......and vice versa.

Aubergine: Funny you should mention, I do the same thing. Before ever doing synastry and/or composite charts, I always look at the charts involved separately and see what kind of person they are. Mercury is big, I also look at the moon (if one is emotionally sensitive and the other isn't well then that seems to not be good but then, what if the moons are sextiling, say one in scorpio one in capricorn). I think this process is quite for me and seems to work for you. Odd coincedence?

How does gravity affect our everyday life?

I'm 49 years old, don't ask.