If Americans Are Against

Only americans want war against iran and syria and only they wanted war agaibst saddam an us ally in past?

lanj you smell so bad and jepper he was an us ally that killed the commies and I proved you rthat was helped by reagan he had some soviets arms eacuse bin laden won war against ussr bin laden hated ussr and al qaeda helped saddam during thw war tugh if saddam hated bin laden

If Most U.S Americans are against the Tyrannic wall and pro-Reforms and Social Justice, ...Why this forum not?

Why if Most Latino U.S Citizens are Mexicans or from Mexican descendant U still pick on the Mexican Nation ?

Don't pick on our low social class, or on our Indigenous Communities!!!
.... Mexico is a Nation !!! We are Proud of our nation ( English and Spanish speakers in both sides of the Wall)
and if you support the Republican idea to built a Zionist Nation on Palestine... U better start understanding what a Nation is, and that any Nation is MultiCiltural and Multi-Ethnic.

And also... Nations can't be Anglo-Monolingual.... So learn Spanish!

Como se dice Patria en Ingles?

What if the Native Americans rebelled against the colonists?

I’m guessing that you mean very early on in US history.Well a few notes.#1: They did… Wars where started by both sides. (Mind you I argue the Natives had a pretty good reason in most cases)#2: You mean like the Aztecs?The Spanish defeated the Aztecs a Millions of people strong empire… With about 2000 men in total. (Spanish men mind you) And help from other natives at points along the way.A uprising simply put would not have works. The Superior firepower, technology and numbers.. (Because remember there are a LOT of Europeans in Europe comparatively) Are going to win out.The Population of North America before Columbus was between 2.1 and 8 million.By comparison, That’s about the population of England at the time…All the Colonists would have had to do was Hunker down until they got more men and equipment and then go and fight. Even if it was a war of Attrition they would win no problem.Because also remember the population density of North America was very low. You only have to ever fight against small groups.

How would Americans feel if they were all told that they were to become a weapons free nations (as we are in U.K.)?

Spiritually speaking one day soon the whole world will be free of weapons. Psalm 46:9 prophesies that Jehovah God “is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the wagons he burns in the fire.” This means the destruction of all weapons, including nuclear devices.
Under God’s heavenly government, earth’s inhabitants “will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

Why are Americans against having a FEMALE president?

Come on, men. Get with the times and step up. Enough with your sexist crap. There is NO reason why Hillary Clinton shouldn't have become the president. None. Zilch. If she were a man, she'd be president now and you all know it. You have the audacity to call Muslim nations sexist? Maybe you should try looking in the mirror idk?