If Bush Side Stepped The Constitution Like Obama How Would Liberals React

Why do so many Americans continue to support a president who has been shown to be dishonest and unreliable in every way and at every level?

“Why do so many Americans continue to support a president who has been shown to be dishonest and unreliable in every way and at every level?”Whether you like him or not, President Trump has done more for the United States and the people within in under two years and a half years than President Obama did in an entire eight years (not counting self aggrandizing platitudes).More than enough folks are happy with Mr. Trump and where the country is headed (“folks” being those who live between the west and east coasts, the people CNN and MSNBC or NPR can’t seem to find).Stormy who? I couldn’t care less about her OR events occurring long before Mr. Trump was elected to serve. It looks as if the world has a good shot at finally seeing peace on the Korean peninsula, and another two bit dictator put down, and yet all the media can focus on is some bimbo with a huge rack and an annoying lawyer.This is important? It's amazing to watch the Amercan news media do everything it can to wiggle and spin, twist and dance in an effort to belittle the significance of possibly reuniting the two Koreas. As if this were something Obama just never got around to doing during his eight years. Well, he did manage to promote transgender bathrooms in elementary schools, I guess that's an accomplishment.My advise is to continue slinging mud at the President,as this will definitely ensure another four years.Edit 6/16/18:“It looks as if the world has a good shot at finally seeing peace on the Korean peninsula, and another two bit dictator put down”Recent events occuring in Singapore bring more weight to this statement, even if only a preliminary gesture. And everyone wants denuclearization and subsequent peace, right. (threw that in just to see how many lefties and Obama sycophants mysteriously change their minds and turn against it).Double Edit 6/29/18:“Supreme Court Justice.”Nothing more need be said.Triple Edit 8/9/18:Upvotes keep growing, not for me - for TrumpEdit Edit 2/15/19I am SO glad we have the right man sitting in the Whitehouse today. Just imagine if her highness was coronated instead. Oh open borders is the first thing that comes to mind yet most Democrat politicians..and a few Rino's, have walls and other barriers around where they reside. (Liberals are the biggest hypocrites - “live as we tell you, not as we do).

Why do we find it necessary to go to war?

WE DON'T!  Unfortunately our founding fathers in the constitution have wrongly given the power of using our military to our President, the commander-in-chief.  The constitution also required the president to get the approval of congress to declare war.   However, since the founding of our country, Presidents have side stepped congress whenever they thought they could get away with it.   This has been most of the time.  There have been eleven declaration of wars, but our Presidents have used our armed forces thousands of times without congressional approval.   This is despite the fact that except for three presidents, none of our Presidents had major command experience in war.  Besides the terrible loss of life by both our citizens and the citizens of foreign nations, it has led to unimaginable, terrible unintended consequences. Our first declared war (but not our first presidential use of military action) was against the very country from which we won independence, Great Britain.  People don't realize what a miraculous victory created our country.  It's incredible to me that just a few short decades later, we risked our entire nation again going to war with the most powerful empire on the planet, Great Britain.  We were lucky that we fought it to a draw.  Although they did burn down Washington DC. Everyone is taught how we saved the world twice in the world wars.  I am telling you not only was it unnecessary to have entered either of those wars, both times it led to untold human suffering.  Barrack Obama has murdered people left and right with drones and aircraft without any over site.   Despite the fact he was just a junior senator from Illinois (the most crooked state of the union by the way) with no knowledge of military matters or foreign policy, or foreign culture.  Of course, both Bushes were even worse.  But almost all of our Presidents have blood on their hands.  Its totally outrageous!  I have written much more about this you can look on my Link end site.We should take this power away from these idiots in Washington.  I have described a much more rational system for governing our military in my writings.  Even the death of one human being by this self-serving self-righteous idiots in Washington is a travesty for human kind!

Would it be safe to assume that most of the animosity between liberals and conservatives comes from a false belief in bad intentions of one another, for example, hyperbolic opinion pieces on Fox News or MSNBC?

It has nothing to with bad intentions or Fox News. It is far, far more serious than that.Fox News just helps to define what, in all their glorious ignorance of the term, Trumpets call "liberal", by which they mean left-wing for some reason that escapes the average European.Locked and loaded, this definition just serves to define the Other, Them, the Foe, the Source of all Evil. From there, animosities flow freely in a cycle of action and reaction, until everyone loses sight of how it all began.What is lost is any notion of common ground. The binary nature of US politics is exacerbated to the extent that the very notion of politics of the Centre is abandoned and not even remembered, let alone its passing rued.You have been left with nothing but the politics of extremes.You are at war with each other's vision.I hope there is a god who gives a damn about the USA, because no one else is going to help you. No one else can but yourselves.I note that Trumpet Populism started out as an action against the Liberal Consensus that has dominated Western politics since the horrors of the Second World War convinced intelligent people that compromise is better than conflict, tolerance is better than bigotry, jaw jaw better than war war, democracy better than autocracy, plurality better than the dictatorship of the majority.It seems to me that those lessons have been forgotten.