If By Raising Taxes On The Rich Helped Ca Have The 5th Highest Job Growth Then Why .

Why Should the rich pay more taxes?

The main issue, really, is across Canada and the US, the top 20% of wealthy people control approximately 60% of the wealth, while the bottom 20% control even less than 10%. This means that because there are extremely wealthy people, there are extremely impoverished people.

It is much the same on a global scale. But no, this is not because people do not try hard enough; its because of the capitalistic system we live in. That does not mean that we have to throw away the system; rather, it makes sense to lower the gap, by ideas like progressive tax rates so that the working class is not hit as hard as the capitalist class..

Besides, it's mostly the capitalist class that can afford to run for government, afford to create media.. afford more than the bare necessities, although many people can barely afford that. Believe me, they can afford to pay a higher percentage of taxes so that other people can LIVE.

Not to mention, the rich people in the United States are typically of the richest in the WORLD! Do you think it's a coincidence that we have billionaires here, and yet most of the world goes to bed hungry? I think not.

What are the rationales behind raising taxes (like left-wing politicians in the US tend to do) and lowering taxes (right-wing)? Which works better?

What you ask is which tax policy promotes greater economic growth.Economic growth is a function of the private sector.  The private sector creates wealth.  The public sector: government consumes wealth: (the military) and transfers wealth to government employees for their work. and also transfers wealth to various sectors of society the government determines need assistance.Quite simply government is dependent on the private sector for tax income.  The federal government can also borrow money, creating a liability for tax payers to pay back at a future date.So both government and the private sector are in competition for capital.  Government can raise taxes to increase their income.  When government raises taxes they transfer more wealth from the private sector to the public sector.The private sector works in a free market system.  Most businesses cannot raise prices without losing market share. The private sector uses capital to expand their business and enter new businesses.  So when there is abundant capital; business can grow and pay taxes.  When there is insufficient capital; market opportunities are lost.So, to answer the question, keeping taxes low promotes business and grows the economy.

What is keeping California from financial collapse? Silicon Valley, marijuana, tourism, high taxes or something else?

What is keeping California from financial collapse? Silicon Valley, marijuana, tourism, high taxes or something else?On it’s face, this comment disguised as a question is laughable. California’s GDP surpasses every foreign nation except China, Japan, and Germany making it the fifth largest economy in the world.One of my relatives recently considered moving to a Plains State from California. They cited housing and cost of living as their main reasons. Houses they looked at online cost about 35–40% what a comparable house in a desirable area of California cost.But for the main breadwinner, they discovered THE SAME JOB in the Midwest would pay $41,000 less per year than in California. Then they learned of the sweltering humid summers and bone chilling winters. Then they learned that “Bible Belt” mentality was almost mandatory to become part of the community.Oh, and a day at the ocean would be a major trip rather than a thirty minute drive. In California, you can go from snow skiing in the morning to surfing the waves in the afternoon. We have the majestic Redwood forests in the north and the beautiful Mojave desert in the south.Some people in the Plains States slam California, but I’ve noticed that many of these people either have never been to California or would have little to contribute if they did come here, thus could not afford to be here. That is just life, which is why people like me do not live in Santa Monica or Palo Alto.We have our problems: Lots of them. But in my work, I’ve also noticed that when people in the Plains States are offered a job in California they NEVER turn it down.

Why are the rich getting richer under President Obama?

Because most rich people don't have a regular salary. They make their money from investments, and secure it for generations by owning property, and we have not raised our investment taxes.Obama did not renew the tax cuts for the wealthy, so in effect, the income tax of those making over 250,000$ a year in a salary did go up, but most millionaires and billionaires don't have a salary per se.The ones who do have an income usually just work for fun or because they think it's important, but they don't need to because they have so many investments. There are plenty of surgeons, chemists, and programmers who own three or more houses, tons of stock, and could retire tomorrow if they wanted comfortably.If anything this raise of taxes on upper level income but not wealth happened because poor and lower middle class, and probably most middle middle-class Americans, do not understand wealth at all or have an inaccurate perspective. They think raising the tax on the incomes will help, but I do not think a single person earning more than $10,000,000 makes it through an "income". They make it from returns on investments, and selling or shorting property.Edit: No I don't feel betrayed. I knew a tax hike on incomes would have this completely minute effect and the gap between the billionaires and the rest of us would increase. Obama did what he said he would, raised the income tax. Anyone who feels betrayed in my opinion does not understand the situation, and why raising the income tax did nothing.

Why do scientists think they know more about science than politicians? Gore wouldn't LIE!?

Abrams, Elliot - Penn State University

Apel, John - John Hopkins University

Aubrey, David - Woods Hole Ocean. Inst.

Badura, Leslaw - Univ. Kattositz, Polland

Balling, Robert - Arizona State University

Barrett, Jack - Kingston-upon-Thames, U.K.

Bauer, Ernst-Waldemar - Esslingen, Germany

Berg, Hermann - Sachsisch Akad., Jena, Germany

Berning, Warren - New Mexico State University

Boe, Bruce A. - Atm. Resource Brd. ND

Bottcher, C.J. Frits, The Hague

Bourne, Arthur - University of London

Bruce, Larry

Brown, Norman M.D., University of Ulster

Bye, Matthew - Meterologist, San Francisco

Cain, Joseph - Florida State University

Clube, S.V.M. - University of Oxford

Courtney, Richard - Epsom, U.K.

Csanady, G.T - Old Dominion University

Cunningham, Robert M. - Meterologist, Lincoln, MA

Decker, Fred - Meterologist, Corvalis, OR

de Freitas, Chris, University of Auckland

Del Re, Giuseppe Rom.

Dietze, Peter - Nurnberg, Germany

Dyer, Rosemary - Phillips Lab

Eddington, Lee W., Nav

Is Britain a richer country than USA?

If USA is supposed to be the richest nation in the world, I would be grateful if someone could explain the following points:

*Why unemployment payments stop after six months in US while in Britain they are given for as long as they are needed.

*Why good heath care is provided to everyone in UK regardless of whether you are rich or poor, while in US you only get good health care if you can afford it.

*Why you are left to fend for yourselves if you get your home gets repossessed and you are made homeless, while in Britain you are given top priority for social housing and free rent if you are unemployed.

Maybe I have the wrong end of the stick but this is what ive genuinely heard about the situation in America. If im right then surely USA seems more like a third world country?

Why do Republicans hate illegal immigrants?

First of all you need to define your terms. in your question you stated "hate" and "illegal". In your support, you stated "immigrants". There is a VERY large difference.

Basically that illegals are here ILLEGALLY!

It appears that your statements are based on a vile dislike of the word "Republican". Illegals do not steal the jobs of fat cat Republicans, they steal them from the high school kid next door trying to save for college or buy his first car. they steal from the public because they demand serviuces and goods but are not taxed to support those goods and services. In essence, they arent pulling their own weight. Are you stating that you approve of freeloaders?

As an aside, did you know that if you added up the number of people who you consider fat cats, did you know that 3 of every 4 fat cats are liberal democrats, as stated by the federal General Accounting Office? I use the word "rich" here, and i define it as anyone making over half a million dollars a year.

So i recommend that you define your terms and your position before you go firing volleys based on hate, and make sure your arguments are complete and accurate.