If Everyone In This Section Were To Be Placed In A Saw-esqe Room

Ever seen a demon or angel ? Serious answers only please?

This is the truth as I know it...
I was in the hospital very very sick and in the middle of the night a woman entered my room and began talking to me- she was there for over a half an hour...i was heavily medicated...her skin was a strange white color...almost like it was peeling off...she said she was a nurse...the next day I asked the day nurse about her and the day nurse said: "no theres no one like you described that works here - in fact theres only two other nurses for this floor..."
I knew that she was an angel - it was very late at night and no one else was around...its the only explanation...
during the same time in the same hospital a guy came into see me - he even said that his name was - Angel and i never found out who this guy was or why he was there...he looked very deep into my eyes and said something to the effect of: "I think your gonna make it - youll be just fine..." and he smiled this smile I will never forget...never...

The Demon...
once walking home on the street of nyc I felt a sudden change or shift in the energy behind me...thats the only way to put it...I felt something descend as if from above...then I turned around and this "Crowe-esque" type of character was suddenly walking behind me...and there is no way other than his "landing" that he could have appeared the way he did - I knew what it was and why he was there....but I ran away...and then he was gone...
that has only happened once...
but many other angels appear to people everyday but you just think they are bag people or just regular humans...
trust me - there are alot of angels here...a lot ..guiding people all the time...

What is your review of Escape Room (2019 movie)?

Unlike the other reviews I thought the concept was great. (Warning spoilers below)I loved it a lot of the plot the survivors of everything the ones who beat the odds. The suspense at the end knowing a second movie is going to take place. Two heroes vs villains surviving til the end then manage to overthrow the gamemaster. I also loved the personal touch like their personal disasters close to home like the ice lake for the dude who nearly died in a storm. The rudolph password for the person who crashed on the same night listening to it. For those complaining of not alot of gore this movie was not made to be that type of movie. It was a movie of challenging the odds. I cannot wait to see part two. However despite all my support of the movie I was disappointed at the end when they showed the next possible challenge. I mean the question for the pilot puzzle a “cloud” kinda ruined it. It's only an average riddle already made not somethinf creative or new. Also the escape rooms not existing after being kidnapped was a disappointment. Having them work with the cops to find the organization responsible would have been a great twist. Another thing I would have liked to see is more of the evil company. Anyway this is just my two cents about the movie.But my question to anyone reading this would be what would your room look like?

What should you never do in an escape room?

#1 - Never ignore your game master’s pregame rules and briefing. (If they tell you not to touch something, they mean it.) They might also give you information that you’ll only realize later was a hint for the game.#2 - Don’t take in outside tools. Everything needed to solve the game is in the room. You may think you’re really cool with your lock pick set or Swiss army knife, but when you circumvent all the puzzles and finish the game in 10 minutes a couple things are likely to happen. First, what won’t happen is your name being added to any leader board. (Cheaters never prosper.) Second, you will probably be asked not to return. Lastly, your team mates may very well be highly annoyed with you given that they likely paid $25–$30 for an hour’s worth of entertainment.. and you just ended the game in ten minutes.#3 - Don’t break stuff. This is something that probably was addressed in those pregame rules you were supposed to listen to. It might be worded in different ways from one escape room to another, but this is a game of brains, not brawn. Use your head. There is not going to be anything that takes any serious amount of strength. If you are pushing or pulling on something so hard that it crosses your mind that it might break… it probably will. Consider whether what you are trying to do is easily reversed in just a few minutes. That’s all the time allotted to reset the game for the next group after yours. I’ve had people rip the leather upholstery on an antique chair. (Ask yourself, how would we have put something there in the first place, and how are we supposed to magically repair it for the next game?) Likewise we’ve had people tear up tongue-and-groove wood flooring. We spent hundreds of dollars on this floor to enhance the immersion of the room. It’s laid on concrete. There is not anything hidden underneath it. While we enjoy jig saw puzzles on our own time, this is not something we want to be doing when the next group of players is eagerly waiting their turn.

There are five people in a room, I came and killed 4. How many remains?

There are five people in a room, I came and killed 4. How many remains?The answer is four.I can quite confidently say that based on the wording given, the answer is four.First of all, we need to establish some things. I am assuming:All five people were alive before enteringThe four people that were killed are the only people that have diedI can figure this out because of the last word: “remains.”“Remains” can be one of two things: a noun or a verb.As a verb, there are multiple answers to the question. First, if there are five people and four are killed, one person is left alive. However, you are in there as well, so would that be two remaining? Or should we count everyone in the room, which would be six people?Well, none of this matters. This is because the question states “How many remains?” As a verb, “remains” applies to only a few certain subjects: he/she/one (he remains/she remains/one remains). Otherwise it would be I remain/You remain/They remain/We remain.If “remain” was to be used as a verb, it would’ve said “How many remain?” rather than “How many remains?”So we can say that either:There is a grammatical mistake (the question meant to say “How many remain?”“Remains” is meant to be used as a noun.As a noun, “remains” can mean1: stay2: a remaining part or trace —usually used in plural3: remains plural : a dead body[1]In this case, we want to focus on the dead body definition. The word “remains” therefore refers to the dead bodies in the room.The question states that four people were killed. This leaves four dead bodies, or, remains. Therefore, there are four remains. The correct answer is four.However, it is entirely possible that this was just a grammatical mistake. As the question contains another grammatical error (“There are five people in a room, I came and killed 4.” has a comma splice error; the comma should be something like a semicolon or period), the “s” at the end of “remains” could have been entirely unintentional.Despite this, I still believe that the correct answer should be four remains.Here’s a nice video as a reward for reading through my answer :)Also, thanks to everyone who upvoted! This is my second answer on Quora so to me, it really blew up!While you’re here, why not check out my Instagram meme page right here: @rubataga! Thanks.Footnotes[1] Definition of REMAINS

10 points to the person with the longest rant?

It's Obama's fault, not it's George Bush's fault, no its the liberals, not its the conservatives. Currently politics have been frustrating me, and I normally could care less. Is seems that our country is more divided than ever among party, indeed ideological lines. I was not happy with what George Bush did when in office, but I am certainly not happy with Obama either. I think a lot of people were waiting for some massive changes when he entered office, what with a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate. But, as we've seen all to well there hasn't been much of the promised change. Now I'm going to be fair to both sides. I think the Republicans have to lighten up about taxes, stop "coddling" the rich as Warren Buffet said. We aren't going to become some Socialist/Communist country by placing, say the payroll tax on the ultra rich. I think that the main reason there is so much of a "don't tax the rich" mindset from so many people is that one day those people want to be rich. So partly (largely) greed is to blame for that. Another thing, I am disgusted with wall street. I just finished watching a documentary called Enron: the smartest guys in the room, or something like that, and I was disgusted with what I saw. And now, after the 2008 ordeal we realize that Enron-esque practices still abound on Wall Street. That doesn't really surprise me, but I am disappointed in the lack of regulation by the SEC and other agencies on say credit default swaps and other forms of derivatives. Now I'm all for free markets, but when corporations and their heads can't control their hunger for profits and more profits, something has to be done. AIG being nationalized: it recklessly sold credit default swaps to whoever wanted. It's maddening. I'm typically not much of a ranter, and of course the person who does rant would focus on politics/money, so there you have it.

Which part of Oregon is more liberal/hippie-esqe...?

Hi all. I'm 22yrs old. Will be moving out of my parents place for the 1st time. I currently live in northern cali but this place does not suit my personality at all. I plan on moving to Oregon in about 2 months. Was looking at craigslist for rooms earlier and saw a bunch of ads for wanting christian roommates etc. That's definitely not me. I'm an indian girl, agnostic, vegan, and I would describe myself as liberal, open minded, indie, almost hippie-esqe. I also love the outdoors, hiking, camping, nature, greenery. What city/place would be best suited for me?

What are some movies where a group of people are trapped in some room or building or an isolated place, and are killed one by one?

1.DEVIL(2010)-This is exactly the kind of movie where people were killed without knowing who the killer is, while they’re trapped in an elevator.The devil kills those who sinned,one by one!2.THE CONDEMNED(2007)-People are made to kill each other as apart of a Show on an isolated island.Everyone fight for their lives.3.PREDATORS(2010)-Random people get trapped on an alien planet as a part of hunting experiment by PREDATORS.4.Legion-The unborn son of a couple is the only hope for humanity. An angel helps them in a trapped house.5.PANIC ROOM-Mom and Daughter hide in the panic room of their new apartment when theives try to get some thing from their panic room.6.RESERVOIR DOGS-This is Torantino film,so you will see a lot of blood. This is about a failed robbery of jewellery store by some gangsters.Some of them escape from the police and get into a house and kill each other out of mistrust and suspicion.7.CLOVERFIELD LANE-Three people reside in a bunker after alien invasion.8.THE ELEVATOR-People get trapped with a bomb in the elevator.9.CABIN IN THE WOODS-Horrifying things begin to happen when a group of students go to a lonely cabin in the woods.10. Black out(2008)-three people get trapped in an elevator.11.HushPsycho try to kill a will die if they move…13.LifeAlien experiment gone very wrong.14. ESCAPE ROOM (2019)Six people fight for their lives in escape rooms.Please Upvote…:-)

Imagine you are in a room with no doors, windows or anything, how do you get out?

A2AHow do I get out?Simplest answer: Stop imagining.Think slightly and I will say: If there is no door or window, that means there is only frames for these. I will jump out!Simple Simple ! Haha!