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My heart stopped beating for 5-7 seconds - what does it mean?

A few nights ago, after dinner, I was sitting at my desk and my heart stopped beating. It didn't start again for 5-7 seconds. I've had minor heart palpitations every once in a while before, but this was very different. I felt blood rush to my head, my heart actually felt like it was being squeezed, and I heard a whooshing sound in my ears. When my heart started again, it felt like it was really struggling to get back to a normal heartbeat. It scared me, but I didn't want to spend a night in the hospital (and a ton of money) to find out I was fine. It hasn't done it again since, but my chest has been feeling uncomfortable since then. Not tight or painful, just uncomfortable. Has anyone had experience with this that can offer advice or opinions? I appreciate it!