If I Do Dumbbell Fl Yes Abit Wrong.does It Has Any Negative Effect

Is it wrong to be perverted?

I’m only going to talk about “the real thing” and not what some people call a perversion just because they have been indoctrinated against it.It can be bad to be perverted. Some guy who can only experience sexual satisfaction while wearing a dress may have difficulties finding understanding sexual partners. If you believe the many stories about serial killers, a standard plot is that the killer suffers some traumatic event and ever after can only get sexual release after killing somebody. That is the bad result of what may have been an evil act by somebody long out of the picture. It’s a bad result for the killer, who may be unable to stop, and definitely a bad result for the people he kills. But to be wrong, I think he would have had to have made and to have upheld a conscious decision, to let the original perpetrator have his/her way. What if he was then an eleven-year-old kid? As the individual comes into adulthood he would have more responsibility for making it so that he would not hurt other people because of his damaged and weakened status.I don’t know any people with unusual sexual conditioning problems, but I don’t think I would hate anybody for what was done to them. I think I would likely feel anger for someone who just drifted along in some form of behavior that hurt others. I can have a quick temper and am always angry with myself for messing up if I let fly at somebody. We are dealt one hand in the card game of life and we play it as best we can. It’s better to get better rather than just giving up and excusing yourself for the disasters you cause.EDIT: Seeing your comment to another answer I now see that you are worried that somebody will call you a pervert.EDIT: If somebody has the public ear and starts chiding “Pervy Mervy” over and over again, Merve will need enormous self-confidence and maybe a lawyer or two to get through unharmed. If it’s just one ponderous asshole, nothing may come of it. People will know that Mr. Pervert-Expert does that kind of nonsense all the time. Cultivate friendships with good people.EDIT: The idea conveyed by “pervert” is so far disintegrated, so much toxic mush, that I doubt that it is possible to have much of a rational discussion about it, and especially not with jerks. Do good. Be strong.

What happens when a pill you've swallowed goes down the wrong tube?

its unlikely this would actually happen. It may get stuck on the way to your stomach. That you cant feel it says its either in your stomach or actually has gotten into your lungs. Your raised heart rate could be a side effect of it hitting your lungs or it could just be you are stressed by the event.

Either way I think it is best to go to the doctor now and certainly do not go to sleep, its unknown what will happen but going to sleep right now is a big risk for you.

Why do I only ever feel chest exercises in the front of my shoulders?

wow… this brings me back to the days when i started.lets see, there are 3 points you need to make sure you score to counter this problem, so lets begin!ok so first of all is the bring your scalps together thing, i can see from the question that you are doing it but are you? you need to make sure your scalps are touching and bring your shoulder down , i like to think of it as to bring my shoulder as far away from my ears. Here is the thing though, you need to keep your scalps an shoulder at that state for the whole set , my guess is that it breaks after your first rep.second is the way you bring the bar down , i will demonstrate 2 pictures one is wrong and the other is right but before i do that let me explain it in text form. when you bring the bar down make sure the bar touches around the nipple area and NOT the collar bone area. also make sure the angles from your ribs to your elbows is at 45 degrees and NOT AT 90 DEGREES.lastly , your shoulders or triceps might be weaker than your chest therefore they cant handle the weight you are placing, take it slow and make sure you do your shoulder day correctly.try to do this on shoulder day to maximize strength gains until it keeps up with your chest then you may resume with your normal schedule. shoulder barbel press - 3 sets , 5 reps , 85% RPM , 3–4 minutes rest shoulder lateral raises - 3 sets , 8 reps , 60% RPM , 2 minutes rest facepulls - 3 sets , 8 reps , 60% RPM , 2 minutes rest if you have extra energy on that day go with : extra inclined bench press - 2 sets , 6–8 reps , 70–80% RPM , 2–3 minutesone last thing , if your shoulder pain increases then you must STOP! , this is an indication that you shoulder is injured and to be able to fix it you should strengthen your rotator cuffs, this worked wonders for me! just search rotator cuffs exercises on google.ohhh another thing? yeah almost forgot :D this exercise also worked wonders for my shoulder! here you goif you have extra time check my other answers , maybe a follow would be nice :)good luck!Edit : OMG 50k+ views and 100+ up votes THANK YOUHere is picture of zyzz showing his aesthetics

Can you still exercise with walking pneumonia?

Pneumonia, "walking" or not, is an infection in the lungs. The "walking" part of it simply refers to the degree of severity and the proportion of the lungs involved.. Also, even a mild pneumonia can make you really sick if it happens to be a virulent virus or bacteria.
Your body is doing all it can to fight off the infection. If you go exercising now you will divert precious resources from the site of the infection. Antibiotics, hydration and rest are absolutely necessary to recover properly. Otherwise you are running the risk of making it worse.
Saying you have a "slight" case of pneumonia is kinda like saying you are a "little" pregnant.
Do not, and I cannot emphasize this enough, exercise. Of course you can go about your daily activities as tolerated but do not stress your body's immune system by exercising.
Let your doctor be your guide as to when you can go back to your routine.
Please don't mess around with this. Pneumonia, even "walking" is a serious issue.
God bless.

Bad back, need a job, losing disability - now what do I do?

I will lose my disability August 1. I then have to find a job. My back is bad that I cannot walk a lot or stand a lot. I don't even qualify to be a "greeter" at Wal-Mart. I cannot walk far or stand for long periods of time. I was a Sales Rep for Frito Lay and the job destroyed my back.

So, I lose disability and will be forced to take Medicare. How do I pay for Medicare which is around $96 a month with no money. SS does not pay me much because I have worked very little in my life. I never had to work when I was married.

I don't want an easy job, but I have no choice. I live in an area where all the old people fly in for the lower class jobs. Wal-Mart. It use to be a joke when I worked that we said we might end up at Wal-Mart. I don't even qualify for that because of my back.

I am a well educated person and I will need a job to accommodate my back. That is so sick. A home computer job would be great.

How do poor people exist?

I'm Bipolar can I do Shrooms? What will be bad if I do?

Well I only use to have major episodes when i was 1-11 years old, I am now 16 and havent been taking Lithium for a year now and Ive been fine, even on the medicine Im fine, only when I was little and had no self control. When I smoked pot 3 years ago I only had panic attacks when I was on my medication and I smoked alot and 1 time every few 3 weeks. And when I did I thought it wasnt normal, thats why I was freaking out, and Ive been reshearching shrooms for a few days and asking around, so I know.

Can I get sick from drinking coffee in which a fly has laid dead for at least an hour?

Very unlikely. Human beings are actually very resilient when it comes to things we eat. Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid which is there to not only aid in digestion, but to kill micro-organisms. Since the fly will not have started decomposing to any significant degree, your stomach will have no problem digesting him.

Now the second issue, as the first respondent mentioned, is where has the fly been. If the fly had been on a pile of excrement, then you *might* get sick. I emphasize might because, again, your stomach can handle quite a lot. For all of the concern about salmonella and e. coli, the fact is that the majority of healthy people could each these contaminated food with little to no ill effect. So, unless you are immuno-compromised or your dead fly had previously landed in some ricin (a deadly toxin made from castor bean extract), then you really have nothing to worry about.