If I Fly In A Private Jet How Hard Is It To Take Guns From The Us To Northern Ireland

What country is better, australia, new zealand, ireland or uk?

New Zealand for its beautiful scenery mountains, beachs, coastline, forests and quaint towns and bustling cities. New Zealand also has really friendly people and has a special feeling about it ..

Just the other day a american tourist off a cruise ship lost his hat the wind at the harbour and in landed in the sea .. a local jogger asked the tourist if they wanted it and dove into the sea to get it ..

Although I have much love for our neighbours Australia great weather but it gets too hot in summer (e.g melbourne tennis grand slam got to over 40 degrees celcius .. also the snakes ect..

Ireland is also magical .. but i guess im biased but I love New Zealand

In the 1800s did most Americans carry guns?

Generally speaking, no.And not because they didn’t feel the need or didn’t want to.There were 3 major reasons:Guns were super expensive: back then, buying a gun was like buying a car. Manufacturing was done by hand and guns took a lot of time to mill and assemble.Guns were too big: easily concealable yet practical pistols just weren’t a thing in the early 19th Century. It wasn’t until the end of the century that we got reliable brass cartridges and self loading pistols shooting .32 and .38 that personal protection carry became feasible for most people. Prices had come down too by then so it was a lot more affordable.Life was perceived to be safer for most people: People lived in much smaller communities back then where everyone really did know everyone else. Violent crime was still at thing, but it was rare anonymous outside the big cities.What wasn’t a hindrance was federal regulation.You have to remember that in those days private citizens weren’t restricted to just guns, or even cannon, they could own actual warships, and with a privateer charter they could use those warships to attack foreign merchant shipping.The President who oversaw this period of federally sanctioned private warship ownership and legalized piracy was none other than Thomas Jefferson himself. So if anyone still has any doubts about whether the 2nd Amendment was limited to muskets, this fact alone should quash them.If we really respected the letter of the Constitution we’d literally allow billionaires to own aircraft carriers and “bring democracy” to faraway sandy places as a private citizen.

Can I buy and carry a pistol in Northern Ireland?

We'd rather you didn't, please.

Where do you land if your flight has a problem over the Atlantic Ocean?

Mr Harrison's answer is quite correct.  Some years ago, the world's aviation authorities had to decide whether flying all the way across an ocean on an aircraft with just two engines was safe.  The answer was two-fold: implausibly high engine reliability has become the standard so engine failures are truly rare, but in the rare instances when one does fail, you need to be within a reasonable distance of someplace to go on the one remaining engine. Small aircraft can fly across the Atlantic Ocean, even on a single engine, but the prudent pilot does so by hopscotching along a "great circle" route that provides dozens of safe havens in case of mechanical or weather trouble.  This route, which includes larger airports at Halifax, Goose Bay and Gander in Canada, Thule in Greenland, and Keflavik, Iceland, has been popular since World War II. It's nice to have somewhere to go when you need it, and planning paid off for an Air Transat crew flying an Airbus A330 that encountered a fuel problem.  On August 24, 2001, as they were headed from Toronto to Lisbon, they observed a problem they first attributed to a simple fuel imbalance, but which actually was the first indication of a fuel leak.  Their attempts to rebalance their tanks resulted in more fuel being lost.  However, their assessment of the fuel remaining told them they should divert to Lajes Air Base in the Azores, which they did.  Good thing, too -- they lost one engine 135 miles out, and the other somewhere between 65 and 85 miles out.  Some first-rate flying resulted in their making a successful gliding landing at Lajes, after almost 20 minutes of power-off descent and maneuvering.

What is the difference between British Conservatism and American Conservatism?

American conservatism is more supportive of leaving things to the free market than their British counterparts. The right in the U.K. supports their nationalized, government controlled health care system (Winston Churchill essentially invented the NHS). Heck, the welfare reform enacted by Bill Clinton and the Democrats in the 1990s would be too right-wing in Britian to get even the support of their conservatives. Americans are also more guarded in their idea of international verses national soverienty. For example, the British conservatives are mostly behind tethering the U.K. to the E.U. while their U.S. counterparts scream bloody murder at the idea of a North American union.

Social issues seem to me to be a wash. Part of this is because a lot (prehaps most?) of American conservatives are Roman Catholics, whereas the U.K. conservatives have a legacy of anti-Catholic policies due to the Northern Ireland issue. The thing that sticks out most of all is guns, since handguns are banned in the U.K and noone wants to mess with that law. Part of that is the U.S.'s frontier, cowboy like culture in the west and south that encouraged more firearm ownership than the shopkeeper, clerica worker-like culture in middle England.

A pirate ship is moored 560 m from a fort defending the harbour entrance of an island.?

This scenario calls for the ballistic range formula:

R = Vo² sin2θ / g

sin2θ = gR/Vo², => θ = ½ arcsin{gR/Vo²} = 0.5(arcsin{9.81*560/82²})

θ = 0.5arcsin{0.817} = 0.5*54.78° = 27.4°

b) The range can also be used here: R = Vox*2tpeak

time of flight: T
T = 2tpeak = R/Vox = R/[Vo(cosθ)] = 560/[82cos27.4] = 7.69 s

c) R' = Vo² sin2θ / g,

The maximum range of the cannon is obtained when θ = 45°.
Hence, R' = Vo² / g = 82² / 9.81 = 685 m
and therefore, the ship should be located at R' > 685 m

Canada Vs. USA, Which is better and why?

Cost difference: gas is more expensive here (Canada)

Housing prices differ greatly from city to city, but seem to be pretty high...on the radio this morning, they said that here in Victoria BC, the average price of a house is approx. $550,000 :-(

Contrary to the first poster, we are "at war" in Afghanistan, however most Canadians do not condone it.

We, for the most part, are a peace loving country. We DO NOT feel the need to carry a gun with us.

Laws: drinking age is 19 (18 in Alberta)
We do not have capital punishment
Marijuana is pretty much legal (unless you're growing and trafficking)
Gay marriages are finally legal.
Abortion is legal everywhere.

Schooling-not sure exactly what the differences are...but it would also depend on the province, and the city that you moved to...University is about $5,000/yr in BC (as far as I can remember)...We have private and public elementary to gr 12 schools, as well as private and public colleges and universities.

We have 5% GST, and each province has their own amount of PST....(sales taxes)

Travelling in Canada is expensive (via trains and planes)...

We have a higher rate of immigration than the usa (we have one of the lowest birth rates in the world)..

We have more than two government parties to vote for.

Alcohol is only sold in liquor stores-not available in grocery stores.

Cell phone plans are expensive, but prices are supposed to go down with new gov't regulations.

A lot of our media/television stations/shows come from the usa. However, Canadian media covers more world news than the usa does.

I'd say that we are much less conservative than the usa.

We use KMs rather than Miles... and Celsius rather than Fahrenheit.

Canucks spell words with a 'u'...such as in favoUr, neighboUr, coloUr ect ect!!

AND, of course the big one is universal health care for everyone in Canada.

I hope that that helps!!

Feel free to email me if you have any more specific questions!

What the he!! is with the four bad reviews??

Z-pot isn't technically legal, but at least here in BC, you can smoke it pretty much anywhere without getting in trouble....