If I Go To Sleep At 10 00 Pm And Wake Up At 6 00am Is That 8 Hour Of Sleep.

What hours should i sleep for the 7am-3pm shift?

I work 7 AM to 3 PM and I love it, because my husband has the same hours. We get up at 5 AM, eat breakfast later while we're at work on break. We have supper when we get home at about 5 PM. We go to bed about 9 PM usually, sometimes 10.

I always go to sleep at 3 am and wake up at 11 am, is that bad for my health?

Not if you’re doing that every day.If eight hours of sleep is enough for you, you’re getting them. if it’s not enough, sleep more.Different people have different natural circadian rythyms. Some people naturally go to bed 10 PM and wake up early. Some naturally go to bed 3 AM and wake up late. Ignore the “morning people” who tell you you’re sleeping the wrong hours. It’s the length of sleep and quality of sleep that matters.But…regularity matters also. Studies have shown that if you keep changing your sleep times, the stress on your body and mind is considerable. People who regularly change shifts at work are less healthy on the average than those who work the same shift every day.So if that’s when you sleep every day, and 8 hours is enough sleep for you, you’re fine. But if you have a 9–5 job, and only sleep 3–11 on weekends, or if you are constantly dealing with shift changes, you’re definitely hurting yourself. Try to find a compromise that keeps your sleep schedule as regular as possible.Two notes about light:1) Studies have shown that we get better quality sleep in a dark environment. So get some really good light-proof blinds and keep your bedroom as dark as possible while you are snoozing.2) You need sunlight to be healthy. If you are sleeping for part of the day, make sure you get enough sunlight exposure in the other part. Lack of it can lead to depression and health issues. If your lifestyle doesn’t accommodate that, there are sun lamps made for just that purpose.

If we have to wake up at 6 am, what time should we sleep?

We need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night in order for our bodies to go through all the phases of sleep, so if you have to wake up at 6, you should be asleep by about 10.Keep in mind though, that it is not enough to just be in bed by ten, you need to be asleep by ten, so you should start winding down about 2 hours before sleep so you will be totally sleep ready when your head hits the pillow.If you’re aiming to be in bed by ten, you should start doing some relaxing activities at 8. Try listening to relaxing music or a podcast, or reading. Also, try not to spend too much time on electronic devices and screens. If you need to use anything that gives off blue light before bedtime, you should wear blue light blocking glasses.It takes about 8 hours to go through all the phases of sleep that are necessary in order for your body to fully recover, so you need to be asleep by ten, not just in bed.I will send you a link to some cool sleep products you may want to check out.Good luck and enjoy!All Products

What time do you go to sleep and what time do you wake up and why?

I usually stay up to watch Seth Meyers' Closer Look and the go to bed. I get up sometime around 8:30-9:30. It depends on the bladdef or my old cat wanting fed. I'm retired, so getting up is not important.

At what time one should sleep at night to wake up at 5:00am?

every living being on this earth has a sleep cycle.for humans ,it is 7–8 hours of undisturbed sleep.studies say,the best time to sleep is from 10 pm to 4 am.but in order to wake up at 5 am ,which is really good time to wake up is to sleep around 10:30 or 11:00.and don’t use alarm to wake yourself up.want to check your sleep cycle?sleep at 11 and check when do you automatically wake up ,that’s the time of your renewal for the, do this for two to three days and your body clock will automatically adjust.try to sleep at the same time everyday as our brain does not like change ,especially in sleep schedule.enjoy.

Why do I sleep 12 hours a night?

It's strange. Let's say I go to bed around 1:00 A.M. I will then wake up around 1:00 P.M. the next day. Whatever hour I go to sleep, I will wake up 12 hours later. This doesn't always happen because of school, work. Usually I just tough it out or take a nap if I get 8 hours.

It's mostly when I have days off that I sleep 12 hours, or I'm just really exhausted. Does anyone have any idea why? 12 hours is where I feel rejuvenated (I could probably go by 10), but if I get 8 I don't feel as energized. I don't like this because I WANT to feel comfortable with 8 hours so I can be productive and enjoy the mornings, etc.

Does anyone have any idea? I also have depression, and I've been on medication for years (I'm not sure if this helps you guys any)

What time do you sleep and wake up? And how tall are you?

I go to sleep at 11:00 PM and wake up at 5:45 AM

I am 5"4

When should I fall asleep to wake up at 7:00am? I sleep 10 to 11 hours.

Hi,If you are below 20:You need to get a good sleep of 8 hours i.e sleep by 10:00 pm and wake up at 6:00 am.If you are above 20:You need to get a good sleep of 7 hours, i.e sleep by 11:00 pm and wake up at 6:00 am.I know you asked for 7:00 am but good time to wake up is 6:00 am atleast.Hope this info is helpful.Be happy, be healthy.