If I Only Eat Salad During Ramadan And Excerise For 2 Hours On A Treadmill Will I Lose 30 Pounds In

I am 185 pounds and i really want to get to 140 by summer. is it possible ? how can i do it ?what should i eat?

I really want to lose weight by summer, i am now 180 and i want to get up to 130 or 140. I don't have enough money for a trainer and i don't know what exercise are best for me to do. I'm also not sure on what i should and should not be eating. Also what time is the latest that i should eat? some one please help me. My last question that i posted got deleted and I really need help !!!!!

Will walking for one hour a day help me reduce weight?

It depends on the diet that you consume, the pace with which you walk, your weight etc.Ideally, if you are walking at normal walking speed (4.5 Kmph) for an hour, you'll cover 4.5 kms which means you will burn around 300 calories which is as good as running for 15-20 minutes. at speed of 7+But if your weight is more, say over 100 KG, you will burn more calories whereas if your weight is less, say <60 KGs, you'll burn much lesser calories. I have explained the situation in which your weight is 85 KGs.Also, to lose weight, losing calories isn't enough, you need to make sure you don't consume more than usual diet so that the calories are actually reduced. Suppose you burn 300 calories one day and consume 400 extra calories than your usual diet, you will not lose any weight but its good for maintaining the weight and avoid increasing it. If you stay on balanced diet, avoid fastfood, soda, chocolates etc (calories rich fatty food) you can easily lose weight by 1 hour of walking each day. The impact will be shown on weighing machine in two weeks. (should lose around 1-1.5 KG ideally)

How to lose 40 pounds?

Hey there!
I just wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job of trying to get rid of what you dont want. i feel exactly the same way. what i learned was that when you are bored, dont eat, drink water or v8. water fills you up fast. and v8 has vegetables in it. (v8 is a drink) and you need to excersize! try doing 100 situps every morning and afternoon. also try riding your bike or walking for about 30-45 minutes. that will help alot. and DO NOT EAT WHEN YOU ARE BORED! 3 meals a day! good luckk!

How to loose 20 pounds in 2 weeks ?

It's not really possible, at least not in any healthy or non-extreme way. A better aim is to lose 8 pounds per month. You might lose more than 1-2 lbs per week depending on how much excess body fat you have and how active you are physically.

Keep making changes to your diet and you'll lose weight gradually. Avoid getting loads of added sugar such as from most breakfast cereals or sodas, enjoy them only occasionally. Drink only water when you are thirsty, it has no calories and your body needs it (human body is roughly 75% water). Prefer home-cooked meals whenever possible so you'll know what's in them and how much of it. Have regular mealtimes, at least three meals and one snack each day. Take a walk a few times per week or go jogging, start a new sports hobby if you can and want.

How Can I Lose Weight?? I'm 300 Pounds?

For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.

Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help. Foods such as desserts, sweets, cakes, cookies or biscuits must be eliminated or substantially reduced. Cereals must be restricted to those that contain less than 15% total sugars and junk sugar loaded foods such as pizzas must be avoided. Junk sugar bowls must be abolished.

Junk sugar health hazards are discussed in

The natural sugars in fruit and vegetables are OK as they metabolise to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content so they have a low to medium GI value. Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruit and vegetables are metabolism boosting foods and that helps for weight loss. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are exceptions and can be fattening.

Fattening combinations that you need to avoid include combinations of protein foods (such as eggs, meat, poultry, sea food, cheese and nuts) with starchy carbohydrates (such as bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn).

By walking how many kilometers per day can I lose 25 kg of weight in one month?

The first and important thing to understand about weight loss is,to see that your total calorie output is more than your calorie intake.That is, you eat less and burn more calories to lose weight.This will help the body use its stored fat as energy and you will see the results in the long run.That being said, evaluate what paced lifestyle you have, or at what pace are you walking on a daily basis.If you are someone who is very active and is mostly up and around during the day then it is possible that your BMR is higher and you are constantly burning calorie, which in addition to walking exercise should make it easier to reach your goal sooner.But if your lifestyle pattern is mostly sedentary then it is likely that you may need to be more mindful of the calories you eat and the kind of exercise you do.To make it simpler, how many kilometer you walk or for how much time has very little to do with how much you eventually lose.It is all dependent on:how much you eatat what pace you are walkingwhat are the other lifestyle changes that you have made to achieve weight loss.Even if you walk only for 30-40 minutes daily at a fast pace, for example 3.5 mph, then you will notice a big difference than you would at a lower paced walk. And more importantly, walking is one of the mildest forms of cardio that you can do to lose weight, but it would be a long process.Only walking may also mean that you hit a plateau phase after losing a few kilos. And to avoid this you need to add a change in pattern to the exercise that your body is accustomed to.So throw in a few planks, push-ups, weight bearing exercises along with walking for 5-6 days week and you should see the difference.Eat a low calorie, nutrition dense diet and if you must take the help of a protein shake to build muscle mass and burn fat.I would recommend you go for a high protein meal replacement shake like the Nutritional meal shake by OZiva which will give you more protein also and help cut down the calories as well!

How do I lose 20 pounds in one month?

Not sure why the tight deadline, but let’s see if I can help.First though, let’s get something straight…Can it be done? Yeah, unfortunately.You’re like, “Wait! Why is that unfortunate??!!”Well, because it’s possible, but you won’t keep that weight off. I can pretty much guarantee it.So then what’s the point, right?I am constantly trying to get people to understand that rapid weight loss is rarely a good thing.Unless you’re a prize fighter or fitness model, then it makes sense as you approach your fight or photo shoot date.But if you’re just a regular person (meaning someone that doesn’t earn their living from the performance of their body) then goals like this end in more frustration than anything else.However, I hate when people don’t answer questions regardless of personal opinion.Here’s what to do:Eat 3 times per day, with 4–5 hours in between meals and a 12 hour fast between your last meal and breakfast.Meals consist of protein and green veggies only. Protein shakes are perfect here, otherwise it’s chicken, lean beef, or white fish. Protein per meal is 40–50g (guys) or 20–30g (girls). Veggies are anything green and 1–2 cups per meal.Train intensely with weights, “metabolic circuit” fashion, for 30 minutes every other day. Full-body routines, focusing on squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, and carrying.Walk an hour every day. Easy, leisurely walking. Not jogging, or running.Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, a 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water. That’s about 12 cups.Sleep at least 7 hours a night. This. Is. A. MUST.Those 6 tips above are essential to get the belly fat burned off, not just in a timely manner, but with a long-term focus on keeping it off, as well.-BradP.S. - If you’re weight loss has stalled, you can check out this guide on what is going wrong and how you can fix it.It’s an infographic set that can be downloaded and printed off, to put anywhere! (And bonus - there’s no charge!)