If I Smoke A Pack Of Cigarettes Will I Become Addicted

When do you become addicted to cigarettes?

i usually smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day but im not craving them and my body doesnt feel like i need one constantly. i dont want to become addicted but i dont really want to stop smoking since i like what it does to me. how and when would you actually become addicted to cigarettes?

Can you smoke a pack of cigarettes and not get addicted?

Yes, that's entirely possible.

I've smoked with people at bars and used friends hookahs (for flavored tobacco) and never had any desire to smoke afterwards. The opposite, really.

Not sure at what point a person develops an addiction to nicotine, but my guess is most smokers are addicted to nicotine before they start smoking because they've been around smokers all their life. Seldom have I met someone who's parents don't smoke and who's friends don't smoke suddenly decide to take up smoking. It just doesn't happen like that. Most of the time smoking is a social thing. But notice that smokers use cigarettes to give them something to do so they don't feel awkward while they're hanging around. For most of us in this generation we don't need cigarettes to give us something to do so we don't feel awkward because now we all have cell phones...the cigarettes of the future.

Can you smoke a cigarette without becoming addicted?

Yes you can.Addiction is complex, it’s not merely the drug but the mind and willpower of the person that contributes to addiction.Some people can do drugs once and put them down and say no. I’ve seen people at parties do more addictive drugs such as cocaine only once and then said “nah, I’m done for the night”. Then I’ve seen others who keep going.If you have an addictive personality you have far more of a propensity to get addicted to substances or even things like junk food and sugar.However, the longer you do it, I imagine the risk of addiction could increase. Over time the brain may associate the act of smoking with pleasure and eventually you may crave it more.What’s worse, the act of buying cigarettes or tobacco often leaves you with the feeling like you should smoke all of it/them because otherwise it would be a waste of money - then once you reach the end of the packet you buy another. Again, it takes a good willpower and non-addictive personality to control it.Though, in answer to your question, yes but it’s not certain.

Can you become addicted with just one cigarette?

I smoked for about a month and I quit easily I had no problem, so I didn't get addicted but there is no saying that you wouldn't get addicted straightaway.
Cigarettes don't make you feel good unless you are addicted, if you are addicted they refill your nicotine level making you feel less stressed.
If you are not addicted they taste horrible and if you try to breathe the smoke out through your nose it hurts!!
I smoked because I thought it was cool.
I don't think smoking one cigarette in your entire life would make anydifference to a physical because you will get pollution from the air and second hand smoking anyway.
*Edit* Long term affects are nasty, one thing my mum does every morning without fail is when she gets up, coughs.
It doesn't sound like a lot but what she is doing is trying to get rid of the liquid and the mucus that is in her lungs because she has destroyed her cillia by smoking (the little hairs on the back of your throat that bring up mucus for you to swallow helping you take in less bacteria and not get infections)

Is it normal to become addicted to cigarettes after smoking 11 of them?

I smoked 11 over the period of three days. I think I may have become addicted but I’ve come home from uni and left the rest of the packet there which is good because then I can’t smoke. So really I’m not addicted because I could walk to the shop and buy a new packet but I’m not going to. However when I go back to uni I’m almost certain I’ll smoke again because the packet is there. Am I addicted or not?

How many cigarettes does it take to become addicted?

sory ill stop laughing in a second...
well its gonna take a hell lot more than 1 or 2 or 5 or a packet or even 2 packets
sory im a social smoker i smoke what 5 smokes at a party and the next day i might think about smoking but that dosnt last for to many days and thats not a physical addiction thats just mentaly wanting another one
they say meth is alot more addictive than smoking i tryed meth and i didnt want to try it again so if meth is like instant addiction (as the wired PC people think) and smoking takes 5 cigarets well i suck at maths and dont know what im getting at basicaly nething is that easy to get addicted to.

Could you become addicted to nicotine if you smoked one cigarette per day?

Any amount of nicotine has the potential to be habit forming. I’m told people get addicted after one.I smoked haphazard for my first six months.The pattern would go something like this:3 days after starting a cigar, see it on the counter and finish it. Forget to buy another cigar for 2 weeks. Leave cigar unsmoked for two days. Start smoking cigar. Finish the day after. Forget that I’m a “smoker” for a month. Buy three cigars, smoke them in three days. Not smoke for a week. Bum a smoke off of a friend.Then I bought a humidor and started buying in bulk. I still took four or five years to manage every day smoking for more than a month. It’s a serious financial commitment. Then there are the times I get sick, and stop smoking for weeks.I just came back from a three month purge. Then I started again. I honestly don’t know when I will stop either. I’m not so much addicted to the chemical as I am to not shouting at coworkers. The last month without was so stressful, and now I feel so mellow. It’s far superior to herb because it doesn’t mess up my sleep or destroy my energy level. It’s also completely legal, which is lovely.I do get grief for smoking, mostly from people that don’t know me. I’d rather be part of an outsider group and happy than give up and let them win.Remember, when you stop doing something because of a terror campaign, the terrorists win.MHM

Can smoking one cigarette get you addicted?

My friend mildly smokes, shes not addicted. So she told me today, later on I asked her if I could try one with her. She said later, she didn't have them with her at the moment. I know smoking is bad and can kill you, but I have been like so tempted to try one. Is it possible getting addicted by just TRYING 1?

How many cigarettes does a person smoke before s/he is addicted?

So I had my first cigarette. Big whoop. Was I addicted? I can say with lots of confidence - no.A month later a friend bought a packet and handed me a stick. I smoked that stick all the same. Was I addicted? Still no.The same dude smoked another stick. I didn't. He then gave me the packet.Thereafter, every Tuesday, I took out a cigarette to smoke while walking on this road. If it wasn't Tuesday, I didn't even think of smoking. If I wasn't on that route either, I wouldn't smoke as well. Was I addicted? I daresay, still no.Then, that pack eventually finished, after god knows how long.I bought myself another pack, just for the Tuesdays.Was I addicted?I always tell people that, the addiction to smoking is not about how many cigarettes you smoke, but how willing are you to upkeep the habit of smoking. The fact is, if I did not purchase that packet, I wouldn't have been addicted to smoking. However, because I felt compelled to upkeep the habit, that was the beginning of my addiction.Thereafter, it became a stick every Tuesday on the road, and another when walking back home from that route. Then it became, well, Tuesday and Friday, or something. And then the snowball effect began.Perhaps, the other part to this story is: Don't buy yourself a packet of cigarettes, ever.I'm proud to say I have quit the analogue life now.Hope this helps.