If I Weight 179 Pounds Can I Get Skinny In 12 Weeks 3 Months

How can i lose 30 pounds in 4 months?

Wow. You sound a lot like me a couple of months ago. I'm a sophomore too, 5'4, and I weighed 179 pounds in January. I've been losing 10 pounds each month by maintaining and keeping up a vegan diet. Yeah, I know, it sounds pretty extreme, but as for someone who's been overweight their whole life, this is the first thing that's really worked for me. AND I DIDN'T NEED TO EXERCISE! Honestly, if you want to lose weight, you don't have to do special things or go on weird diets. This is just the one I chose. I'm at a plateau right now (I'm trying to get to 120 pounds and I'm stuck on 150) but I'm not lying when I say this works. Then again, I don't know you, or your will power, as I honestly have given up animal products for good. I would suggest seeing a nutritionist or talking to your doctor. Eat less portions more often(like five small meals a day), and honestly, you should exercise, because it's good for your health (that's why I'm starting to now). Remember, it's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy. Good luck.

How do I lose weight from 120 kg to 85 kg in three months?

35kg roughly equal 77 pounds. There are 12 weeks in 3 months, this equates to losing roughly 6 pounds a week or roughly under a pound a day. This type of weight loss is not generally regarded as being healthy. It is recommended to lose roughly 1-3 pounds a week, however if you would like to achieve your goal of losing 35kg these are my tips.Consume 2-3 litres of water a dayConsume little to no sugar/carbsIncrease your protein intake to roughly 1 gram for every pound of weight. Decrease the amount of protein as you're losing weight.Get plenty of sleep, roughly 7-9 hours a night. Sleep is required in order for healthy weight loss.Engage in physical activity. You want to burn more calories than you consume.Decrease your calorie intake per day by 500-1000 calories. Do not go below this. For example if your calorie intake per day is 2500 consume roughly 2000 or 1500. Remember you need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound.Intermittent fasting is seen as a great way to lose weight, this worked for me too! Try 16 hours fasting period and 8 hour eating window. This works as it take 16 hours for your body to digest food and use fat inside your body to burn for energy.

How can i lose 15 pounds in a month?

Drink green tea or water and lemon in the morning. that will fasten your metabolism. and yes jog everyday and eat healthier. Cut down sugars and carbs. Eat veggies and meat. Do not fry anything. Try grilling or in the oven! Good luck

I weigh 179 pounds, i want to be 110 pounds by the summer, how can i lose all that weight with out dieting ?

Avery's got those numbers off by about 33,000! The average person burns about 2,000 calories a day...and that is just by doing the everyday things your body needs to do to function, like breathing. That is why the nutritional facts on food labels are based off of a 2,000 calorie diet. If you want want to lose weight you will need to burn more than you take in, simple as that. Burning a pound of weight is equal to 3,500 calories. So based on how much you are eating and how much you are working out, you can kind of gauge what is a reasonable weight loss goal. And sorry to say, 70 pounds in a matter of months is pretty much impossible without some kind of cosmetic surgery so you need to reevaluate something here.

How long should it take to safely lose 30 pounds? What are some tips for doing so?

Best to provide you with some basics on weight loss first:As I’m sure you already know, if you consume less calories (from your food and drink) than your body needs, your body will burn up fat to try and make up the difference - it requires energy for daily maintenance. Slowly, you’ll lose weight.One pound of body fat is equal to approx 3,500 calories, ok.The recomended safe rate of weight loss is to aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.After doing some quick maths, this means you need to eat at least 500 calories less per day than you do now.What’s the catch?If your dietary nutrition is out of the window, i.e. awful - then either you need to burn off way more than 500 calories per day to kick start your weight loss, or you need to make some serious changes to what you eat!If you head over to any online Calorie Calculator, or use an app, these can usually tell you a couple of important things (based on your current activity levels):Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)Your BMR is the number of calories required by your body to keep functioning at rest.The number of calories you’ll need to burn in order to safely lose 1 or 2 pounds per week.Remember though, these are just estimates which give you a defined goal to work towards.How long will it take?Well, let’s say you work on losing no more than 2 pound per week, it will take you approx 15 weeks (3–4 months) to lose 30 pounds of weight. This is assuming you have a healthy diet and some exercise in place!What are some good tips for losing 30 pounds of weight?Review your dietary nutrition!Add some regular exercise to your weekly regimeIf your current diet (i.e. what you eat & drink) is pants, then first and foremost, take a good look at what you are eating!Swap out 1 unhealthy choice per week with a healthy choice - Repeat!Increase your intake of Fruit & VegHydrate well by drinking plenty of waterIncrease the amount of protein & healthy fats you eat (Helps keep you feeling fuller)Reduce/cut-out all white carbs - such as sweets, cakes etcReduce beige carbs - such as white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etcEat more smaller meals at regular intervals throught the dayAdd some exercise into your weekly regime!Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per dayTake the stairs, walk/cycle to workExercise before, during or after work - as long as you do somethingGo for a speed walk at lunchtimeJoin a sports club - play tennis, go swimmingBuy yourself a fitness watch to keep tabs!Hope this helps :-)

How long will weed stay in my system if I’m 5’7 & weigh 126 lbs? I stopped smoking 5 days ago.

It somewhat depends on how much did you smoke and where in your system. Thc stays in the kidneys for up to a month therefore it can be detected in your pee for up to a month. If we were to exemine your blood we could find evidence of weed consumption in your system for up to 3 months after you stopped, the reason is the anti bodies your body makes to get rid of the thc and similiar compounds found in weed. If we were to exemine your brain liquid we could detect it for up to 1 year after you stopped using, same reason as with the blood but those anti bodies are more concentrated in your brain since weed affects your brain so your body sends more of the anti bodies to your brain. If we were to exemine your scalp (living skin on top of your head) we could find evidence of weed consumption until you completly shave your head with a razor blade. There are some thimgs you can do to speed up the procces. One is consuming large amounts of vitamin C since it bounds thc and look alike substances to it and thus flushing it out of your system faster, kitchen salt can be used the same way but consuming large amount of salt is not good for your body nor does it taste as well as lemonade. Next thing is sweating. As sweat comes out so do all kind of minerals and compounds found in your body thus flushing out your system. And the last thing is, I really do not recommend this one, is bleeding yourself. When you go to give blood you give about 0,5l of it and it takes about 1 day for you to get completly normal so in theory your system can be completly cleansed of amy harmfull substance in 10 days (please dont try this lat one at home since it is only a theory that can have harmful reasults if not done properly and whitout constant monitoring of your vital signs). If you are worried about getting a job or your parents testing you pharmacy bough testers your safest bet is 2–3 liters of lemonade coupled with any kind of naturaly flavored lemon candies.

I smoke 4-6 small hits of weed daily. I am 5′5″ and weigh 150lbs. How long will it last in my system?

Depending on how long you have been smoking weed every day it could be anywhere between 6–12 weeks. On the low end of the scale if you smoke a single joint you won’t pass a drug test in the next month. If you have been blazing every day for a considerable amount of time you won’t pass a standard urine test for up to 3 months. But more detailed tests such as hair strand analysis could still test positive.