If I Were To Tell You That I Am A White Bible Reading Conservative Gun Owning Tea Party Member

As a liberal, what do you think conservatives just need to accept?

Climate change is real, and we are running out of time to combat it. Conservatives should be helping to find conservative solutions to the problem rather than denying its existence.Supporting the troops means actually supporting them- funding the VA and the GI bill, providing mental and physical support for veterans and their families.Coupled with that, the military budget is bloated and no one is accountable. The money largely doesn’t reach the troops and instead is spent on military contractors, some of whom are, to put it bluntly, robbing us blind. Suggesting that this is so should not be met with an assumption that the speaker is unpatriotic or a “Communist”.Between Medicare, the VA, the ACA, private employment-based insurance, and public assistance, we are running multiple different yet overlapping healthcare systems in the country. A single universal system would be significantly more efficient and cost us all less money. How do we know this? That’s not only the result of studies, but we have numerous examples from other countries that have both much lower costs and far better outcomesIn order to believe in supply-side economics, you have to ignore facts, data, logic, individual anecdotes from places like Kansas, and literally all of human history. The Laffer Curve is a thing, but we haven’t been anywhere near the right side of it in my lifetime.Can we stop pretending that the Republican Party actually believes in personal responsibility, fiscal reponsibility, or small government? Don’t believe words, believe actions. And votes.If you want fewer abortions, you have to create policies which result in fewer abortions. In other words, creating a society where fewer women wish to have them-sex education, contraception, and better support for mothers and children both pre-and post-natally. And yes, that means making them available when the pregnant woman wishes. It’s still her body. Banning them does little but drive them underground where they are both more dangerous and more numerous.

Many people label themselves liberal or conservative. What are 10 issues you would use to classify people according to this dichotomy?

In the QA format of other answers:Does a country have a right to pass and enforce laws that define and limit immigration?Is it the Federal government’s role to provide a minimum living wage/level of support regardless of ability to work?Is it the Federal government's role to provide health care for all at the same level as the wealthy can afford?At what point is a fetus entitled to the same legal protections as the born?Are government provided police, fire, military examples of socialist policies even when provided in a capitalist structure ?Is the Constitution a “living document” with interpretations that can change without amendment, or should it be taken literally?What is a “fair share” of income tax on an individual (State plus Federal) ?What segments of the population are deserving of special consideration/ protection at the expense of individual freedoms?Is it the government's role to “pick and choose winners” (individual businesses or entire industries) via regulation legislation, or Presedential fiat?Do States have a right to selectively enforce/assist in the enforcement of Federal legislation?Any subset of 5 of these is probably sufficient since the divide in the US is so great it's doubtful that many answers would be more mixed than 8–2.

How did the partition, the division of Northen Ireland and Southern Ireland?

I appreciate the difference in phrasing, but I believe my response to your previous question serves to answer this one as well. I think that nonpartisan websites will be few, while I did attempt to be impartial.