If I Work Ten Hours/day Six Days/week Making Ten Dollars/hour How Much Will I Be Making Every Two

I make $9 and hour. I work 25 hours a week. How much will I have made in 2 weeks after taxes? I'm also 17 and this is my first job.

Depending where you live…$9 x 25 hrs = $225.00…you will gross $ 225.00. Your net will vary only your local taxes, but a rule of thumb is to expect approximately 33% to be withheld in taxes. Again, it does vary on your local taxes and also the number of exemptions that you claim on your W-2.So, based on the average deductions…$225.00 x 33% = $ 74.25. Expect to have $74.25 to be withheld from your paycheck for taxes (Fed, State, FICA, SSI), and net a big huge paycheck of $ 150.75.***************************************************Sure beats my first job….40 hours a week at $2.90/hr., as a lifeguard, in 1979!

How much will I make every two weeks by doing 4 hours, 5 days a week, at $10.50 an hour?

10.5 x 4 hours a day = $42 a day. Times that by five days equates to $210 a week. Double that to a bi weekly pay rate gives you $420 a paycheck GROSS. I always calculate about 25% goes to taxes and medical. So take home should be around $315.Hope this helps.

How much do you make in a week working 10 hours, 7 days a week at $10 an hour?

I would say:5 days * 8 hours/day = 40 hours at $10/hour = $400 (pre-tax)5 days * 2 hours over time (10 hours) + 2 days * 10 hours/day (20 hours) = 30 hours at (whatever rate for OT).Assuming OT pays at 1.25 times the normal rate, it would $12.50 per hour of over time.That brings your total to $400 + $375 = $775 (pre-tax). Of course, this is based on the assumption that it’s legal in your state to work 10 hours a day for 7 days in a row. :)

If you make seven dollars per hour and work 20 hours per week, how much will you gross pay be after two weeks in California?

Your total bi-weekly gross will be $280 = 20X7 = 140 X 2 = $280. Here is your net after taxes.

If I earn $10 an hour, how much money will I make after working for 20 minutes?

Set your working as follows:1 hour = 60 minutes$10 = 60 minutesDivide each side by 10$1 = 6 minutesTherefore meaning:2 minutes = $0,332 minutes * 2 = 4 minutes = $0,666 minutes + 4 minutes = 10 minutesTherefore meaning:$1 + $0,66 = $ 1,6610 minutes * 2 = 20 minutesTherefore meaning$1,66 * 2 = $3,32After 20 minutes you will be earning $3,32.

If I currently make $24,000 a year, working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. How much would making $34,000 ?


Your wage x 2080 will give you an annual salary.
Give or take bad math.

34,000.00 divided by 2080 = 16.34 per hour
24,000.00 divided by 2080 = 11.53 per hour

4.81 more per hour or 192.40 more per week.
384.80 more every two weeks. Nice increase!

Difference of ten grand more per year. $10,004.80 to be exact.

How much do you make in a month by working 4 hours, 7 days a week, at $10 per hour?

4*7*10*4=1120Either you don’t know math or you are too lazy to open your mobile calculator!!!!

If you work between 10-20 hours a week for $10 an hour, is your mean annual income $10,400?

A normal working-year is 2080 hours (40 hours per week). If you work half of that, it is 1040 hours. If you work a quarter of it, it is 520 hours. Just multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours you work in the year. Of course that is just gross - you have to subtract a lot from that for FIC and so forth.