If It Is Illegal To Use Prisoners For Propaganda Purposes

Why can't the US government use propaganda to help control the people (gun control, drugs are bad, etc.)?

They do already, it's called Operation Cointel Pro. Along with Mk Ultra, Mk Naomi and ao on. During Obama's last term propaganda was made legal to use on US citizen's. Along with the flicker rate in your televisions which operate in a frequency to put you in a trance state. Then it goes into the open air prison sysytem with all the illegal spying through the smart grid. Believe me they are doing all they can to influence thought. Look how many people are begging to have their rights taken away by the biggest murders in history. The government.

Is it illegal to Goose-step In Germany?

No, goose-stepping is not illegal. What's illegal is showing the signs of organizations opposed to democracy (including and largely limited to the swastika and yes, the Nazi salute), publishing Nazi propaganda, denying the Holocaust and similar. I don't really agree with this law (it goes against my idea of freedom of speech), but I'd like to point out that it's not because no one wants to remember. Quite the opposite in fact - people remember too clearly and as a result they feel threatened by these things.

I assume your teacher was joking about the Nuremberg thing. You can try goose-stepping, of course. It's a lot harder than it looks, though. But please don't use the Nazi salute. Not because it's illegal, because it's *rude*. I've had stupid British tourist kids Nazi-salute me and it felt exactly like being called a ****** must feel to a person of color.

Did John McCain really make 32 propaganda tapes for the Viet Cong when he was a POW?

That number is the one always quoted. I have studied this hard and am writing a book about the broader subject (I've been published once).

There is no doubt that he broadcast propaganda once over Radio Hanoi and more times over the prison camp speakers. I say there is no doubt because he says so in his autobiography, Faith of My Fathers...

He also did a television interview for his captors once and a interview for a newspaper in Havana (He thought it was for a newspaper in Spain though; the Havana reporter confirms that).

Why is the Holocaust the only Historical event illegal to Question or Research?

I think the term 'hoax' causes a lot of people to think i mean it didn't happen at all. Though numbers may be unable to reconcile the fact does remain that the Jews were killed in record numbers and the amount that was killed if not six million is still a significant number and the horror and tragedy of that many people dying for who they are and not what they did is something we need to remember and respect. I AGREE , But who was behind it ?

Prison overcrowding?

Overcrowding prisons can solved by reigning in the corrupt legal system and keeping them honest. Mark Karr was being pushed to accept a deal that would have branded him as a sex offender for life for a crime he didnt commit. The guy may be a nut case but the facts are he hasnt actually done anything to anyones child. But the truly creepy part is the district attorneys office knew they didnt have any evidence to implicate him in child porn, they are the powers that be. When they start behaving as badly as the people they claim to police then who can we trust? The prisons are overcrowded because of budget wars not illegal aliens, not murderers or rapists. Dont be so friggin easy and so manipulate-able, so open to lies and suggestion by a puppet media. Search for facts, not someones version of truth. There are twice as many police as soldiers, what does that tell you? That we are more interested in subduing our own citizens than we are in defending our borders against an enemy. Because we are not genuinely worried about a foreign enemy. Its propaganda, what would you say that there are over 2 million people in this country who are locked up in prisons across america? What would you say if you knew that nearly 1/3rd of those people are factually innocent? What would you say to that? Numbnuts.

What would be the effect of marijuana legalization?

It would increase initially but in a few years probably drop down like it is in Holland where it lost the glamor associated with being illegal. The rate of usage is in Holland is much lower than in the US probably because it is legal.

It was used to harass blacks and Mexicans. It is still used as a club by the recipients of government money to harass "undesirables". It was originally installed by a political hack installed by William Randolph Hearst who started the refer madness propaganda because he didn't want it competing with wood as a source for paper. Now it is supported by cops, judges and people who make money from prisons and all the people that get government money fighting it.

They are both ignorant and hypocritical.