If Men And Women Are Equal Why Do Most Women Seem Briandead And They Didn

Why do women play video games less than men?

It used to be cultural. Back in the day it used to be even negative for a female to play video games, nowadays you Twitch stream with some cleavage and you’ll barely need to work. Games were largely “boys’ things”.In today’s market, it largely depends on the game. Some games’ communities are outright hostile to female gamers. Dota 2 is one, I’d say League is much more female-friendly.If you’re playing online it is obvious that you will get harassed somehow, it is even a staple of the genre having people curse you to death after making one small stupid mistake—or none at all!.In addition to that there’s an unending list of online losers who almost beg for a modicum of female attention, if you add that the male to female proportion in MOBAs is basically nine to one…you get the idea.Then there’s genre preference by gender, not everyone likes the same types of games. If not, look at this data from a Quantic Foundry’s study.This is hard data on gender based preference for games. It becomes more than clear that males tend to prefer more violent games than females. Again Quantic Foundry had some data on player motivation by gender.This data can be somewhat correlated to Bartle’s taxonomy of player types. It seems that women tend to be more explorers and socializers than killers or achievers.So that’s more or less it. Not every game caters to the same player type, and some player types are have different gender ratios than others.

Are women's brains fundamentally different from men's?

There are several anatomical differences in the brains of men and women, which lead to differences in their behaviours.In terms of neural circuitry, women have more connections between left and right halves of the brain. Meaning: Since left brain is associated with intuition whereas right brain with logic and reasoning, women are more likely to interlink knowledge from different disciplines to deduce things.On the other hand, men have more connections between brain areas of motor and spatial skills. Meaning: They have better hand-eye coordination and spatial intelligence.In women, there is more wiring in region associated with social cognition. Meaning: It makes them more emphatic and comfortable in navigating complex social situations.Women have a bigger hippocampus and more neural density in this region. Meaning: It is the region critical for memory and learning. Women retain stronger and more vivid memories of emotional events than men do.Men not only have fewer verbal centres but also less connections between memory and these word centres, whereas women have more verbal centres. Meaning: Women are more interested and comfortable in using various words to convey their feelings, whereas men are relatively hesitant.Male brains utilise nearly seven times more grey matter while female brains utilise nearly ten times more white matter. Meaning: Men work better in task focused projects whereas women are better multi-taskers.The male brain is typically about ten percent larger than the female brain. Meaning: This does not amount to any significant difference in the behaviour or capabilities of any of them.There are several neurochemical differences as well, for example levels of serotonin, μ-opioids, vasopressin etc. in the two sexes. Meaning: Each chemical results in difference in behavioural traits.Reasons for the differences in the brains of the two sexes:One reason is that in general, brain regions that differ in size between men and women such as the hippocampus and amygdala tend to contain especially high concentrations of receptors for sex hormones.References- Male and Female Brains Different?Brain Differences Between GendersHow men's and women's brains are differentEdit 1: These differences do NOT make any gender’s brain better than the other. It just makes them somewhat different.Also, I personally believe that exceptions exist in substantial numbers.

Why do women in general think they're always right, as opposed to men?

I understand that both men and women do it, but it seems like women do it a lot more. For example, when a man and woman argue with each other, the woman usually think she's right, even when she's proven wrong multiple times. On the other hand, men usually admit when they're proven wrong, more than women. I'm not trying to be sexist, but this is what I've noticed a lot. So what's the reason? Please be truthful.

Are women dumber than men?

The reason I ask this is because women have never invented anything to add value to man kind. No great mathematician has been a women, and no great philosopher either. So, I have to assume yes. Any thoughts?

I know women were oppressed like 100 years ago, but take Einstein - who didn't finish high school, and was stuck in a dead end job - he went on to greatness. There are many more examples of such "oppressed" men.

Why cant a man criticize women without being called sexist or just bitter ?

Usually anyone who starts off clumping an entire gender into one ball, is someone who is bitter about something!

Men, would you give up your seat on a lifeboat for a woman?

Okay so here's some balm for conscience.Now say you're in a sinking ship, and you see very pretty lady next to you, and you decide to be a *ahem* gentleman and offer her the seat. Just as you get up, Mr. Impolite Dude barges in, pushes the Miss Pretty outta the way and knocks you over, and takes your seat. Now he is safe and goes back home, whereas you and Miss Pretty, well, die.Now you see, he goes back home, hugs his red-eyed wife who has tears of joy at his arrival, and he is drawn into a long passionate kiss. One thing leads to another, and they have sex. Months later they have a baby. So you remember that cruel incident where Mr. Dude knocked you over? Yeah, his kid now has a higher chance of being an asshole. So when he is Mr. Dude Jr on a sinking ship, he will very likely knock over another version of you (say Mr. Nice Nottoosmart) to survive. He may regret it later, he might feature in a documentary about the horrors of being in a sinking ship, but yeah, he'll survive.So that's the point, if you are a too nice a guy, you'll probably be run over by an asshole. Being a dick sometimes helps. Sometimes, it helps you survive.So usually, nice guy with a shade of asshole is the best possible moral configuration you can have. With the knowledge that by not being an asshole, the total amount of assholery in the world is not going to differ at all, you could rather well be the asshole that survives.Evolution proves it.

Do men and women think and behave differently?

Women  are much more complicated than men. Men are very simple. And you know  why? It's because their brains are so different. First, I want to start with men. Men's brains are very unique. Most women don't realize that whether we are having sex or watching sports, our brains are made up of little boxes, we've got a box for everything. We've got a box for the car. We've got a box for the money. We've got a box for the job. We've got a box for you. We've got a box for the kids. We've got a box for your mother somewhere in the basement. We've got boxes everywhere. And the rule is: the boxes don't touch. When a man discusses a particular subject, we go to that particular box, we pull that box out, we open the box, and we discuss only what is in THAT BOX. And then we close the box and put it away being very, very careful not to touch other boxes.Now  women's brains are very, very different from men's brains. Women's  brains are made up of a big ball of wire. And everything is connected to  everything. The money is  connected to the car and the car is connected to your job and your kids  are connected to your mother everything is all connected. It's like the  Internet superhighway, and it's all driven by energy that we call  emotion. It's one of the reasons why women tend to  remember...everything.Because if you take an event and you connect it to an emotion and it burns in your memory and you can remember it forever. The same thing happens for men. It just doesn't happen very often, because quite frankly...we don't care. Women tend to care about everything. And she just loves it.Now  men, we have a box in our brain that most women are not aware of. This  particular box has nothing in it. In fact, we call it the "nothing box."  And of all the boxes a man has in his brain, the "nothing box" is our  favorite box. If a man has a chance, he'll go to his nothing box every  time. That's why a man can do something seemingly completely brain dead  for hours on end. You know, like fishing.Now they've actually measured this. The University of Pennsylvania a couple of years ago did a study and discovered that men have the ability to think about absolutely nothing, and still breathe.Women can't do it. Their mind has never stopped. And they don't understand the "nothing box," and it drives them crazy because nothing drives a woman more crazy and makes them feel more irritated than to watch a man doing nothing.